Sunday, March 20, 2022

At the cottage

Lovely quiet weekend at the cottage and home again. The days just pass so quickly and merge together these days. Spring is coming though you can feel it in the air although no sign of it in the trees yet. The ground is still frozen and likely to be for a while yet. But the snow is definitely going down slowly but surely. Green grass one of these days at least it will be green once the sun has a go at it. 

Ukraine still under the Russian gun and no sign of it stopping. Putin is starting to be a rather boring individual with his copying of Hitler. It is unrealistic in this 21st century to think that you can just roll your tanks into another country and have them collapse around you. Putin will start a Third World War if he doesn't soon halt and retreat. The Ukrainians do not want to be part of his empire. They are willing to be neutral; he should just accept his losses and go home and then he can tell his people objective obtained - Ukraine is not going to join NATO. I am sure that the Russians will scarcely notice him at all. It is disgusting that he has ordered all this murdering of Ukrainian civilians. This is the 21st century not the 1930s. He is a war criminal.

No one is going to bow down to you; conquering emperors are a misfit of the past. They never survived.


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