Saturday, March 12, 2022

The 21st century of the world

In this 21st century of our world one would not expect to find a highly industrialized country attacking another highly industrialized country. Russia knows what it has to lose; they lost greatly during two world wars. By going for the whole of Ukraine are they trying to guarantee that they will get part as a peace settlement. Why risk their international reputation by doing that; it will be a while before anyone will trust them again. Plus they could change the entire way that people do business (Europe will go green and buy the gas and oil they need somewhere else). Did they not realize that western and central Europe were trying to work with them by buying their oil and gas? It was a leap of faith on the part of the EU to accept Russia as an equal trading partner. Does Vladimir Putin view them as weak because they permitted him to get away with his small steals; I saw it as a trial period to see if Russia could be trusted or would she abuse the trust of the countries that wanted her to be part of the trading world? 

The clue is there that Vladimir Putin should take note of where Ukraine is concerned. These people do not want to be part of Russia/ not part of a Russian empire/ they want to be Ukraine - a free and democratic state. Probably they would have been happy being a stand alone democracy but Vladimir Putin forced them to militarize because of the tactics that Russia uses when they want something. Instead you have created a hatred that will last generations. 

This is a small world now where you can travel around it in a very short time interval. Why choose this path when the world economies are recovering from COVID-19? Be a man and back off. Withdraw your troops and military hardware. It is childish to squabble. Talk to Ukraine and respect them; they are after all some of your closest kin as you set about killing them. World Health Organization reports more than 12 hospitals bombed by Russia including a maternity hospital (really the lowest of the low).

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