Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ukraine is a lure to bring China in on Putin's side

Is Putin's Ukraine War the beginning of his retribution time? Definitely he blames the West for anything that goes wrong in Russia. He also needs to bring China in militarily on his side in order to change the world order. Our failure to do more in a military way; i.e. boots on the ground in Ukraine is frustrating him. That is why his invasion force was small at the beginning. He is trying to start a World War and he wants China on his side. Now he has enlarged the force moving towards Kyiv because he plans to take the entire country. He is trying to frighten the entire country by his merciless bombing of Kharkiv to force the people into submission. Not sure that that will actually work. The Ukrainians continue to fight. 

Perhaps he thinks that a few nuclear bombs here and there will not be a problem but he misjudges in that regard. If he can look Armageddon in the face so can we and we will do it rationally.

But I would be nervous if I was Germany. I would rearm and quickly. I have a feeling that Putin has a long memory and he intends to find retribution for the Nazi attacks on his country all those years ago. We as a world people have moved beyond that but he has not apparently. The oligarchs in Russia must see that; who can stop Putin time will tell. Nostradamus does predict the death of a dictator in 2022. Thus far we humans have been able to put down crazed world conquerors. They may look like they are winning but as in all things heroes emerge who do amazing things at great risk to themselves and those crazy lunatics go down.

I actually do not think that the leader of China is interested in that type of win perhaps for him it is all about politics; he is communist after all. He wants China to be the most progressive/wealthiest nation on the planet. It is an ambitious plan as China has brought the bulk of their population out of poverty and into the middle class in two generations. Putin has not done the same for Russia. He has helped the oligarchs (perhaps including himself) to become rich on the backs of hard working Russians. 

But in the long run what does communism offer? China's flair of communism is very different from Russia. They have been very successful but as an economic political world order it creates too many protesters. Far more than in a democracy; our biggest protest was about COVID Restrictions - some people are basically stupid when it comes to health care protections. They are needed so that plagues do not take hold; pandemics have to be controlled until a reasonable solution is found or they become endemic and less harmful and even what seems simple like measles/mumps/diptheria etc needs to be controlled. People with anti-vax sympathies should all live on an island somewhere in the middle of a large ocean so they do not contaminate the air of everyone else.

It has been so nice to have the truckers gone from my city. The school curriculum  really should make sure that everyone educated in a Canadian school has learned and passed basic government practice and health care rules. Should be taught from Grade two on. People who emigrate here as adults should have to attend a course in Canadian history and basic laws that exist for health care protection.

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