Friday, April 22, 2022

And continuing with the cleaning and the Kip-Kipp Newsletter

Today I will finish the cleaning and also work on the Kip-Kipp Newsletter. Likely I will finish it up on the weekend or early next week. I have an idea on what is going into the rest of it and just have to find the material. I thought there was a picture of Edward in front of the now building where Hendrick Hendricksen Kip lived (his shop/ home is gone) but could not find it yesterday or the day before. I can not find the index for my pictures so will look for that as I may have taken it on my camera. 

 I did find my Camera Indexes but I did not have a picture that I was trying to find. I will have to have another look at his Indexes but they are very extensive. I was surprised to see that I haven't looked at my Camera Indexes in five years but it is that long since Edward was starting to need more help from me and I spent less time on my own research although still did my newsletters. I find now that I am remembering all of our fun times together. I needed to find that time again and let it dominate my mind instead of the last couple of years when he was not well at all and then I was recovering from his loss. I had a feeling that after one year one might come out of this confused state. I will remember our 54.5 years together of marriage and the time before we married when we dated and it fills my mind with good memories. The memories of his slowly deteriorating health will always be there as well but they do not dominate my mind any longer. 

We had a very very busy life much busier than I would have ever imaged when we married but that was because we did not have access to car until nearly a year after we married. Having a car turned us into a different kind of people. Before that we both read a lot of books and just spent a lot of time together in our apartment except when we were working - Ed on his PhD and me for Canada Agriculture. Then we bought the car (and we both had to get driver's licenses as neither of us had one) and we suddenly had an entire new world opened up to us and Edward certainly lunged into that and I just followed along for the ride. 

Now I am content to be with my children all the time and work away on my one name studies and getting Edward's work published on his blog and in Newsletters. As I work my way through all of his material I should be able to get quite a bit of it away to his various cousins that he visited through the years. 

Probably I will travel a little when my daughters have time for that but for the most part I am just content to work away on my newsletters. I do do a little new research on DNA but genealogy I leave to one of my sisters. It is fun to come from a big family although I haven't seen any of them for four years but I have all those memories of my twenty years at home with them before I married. Moving to Ottawa just nine years after we married I did have time with them after marriage as well. Then some time with them when we went back to my parents or they came to see us. 

I very much want to do the North West Passage by boat one of these days. I also want to travel the two railways in BC. I want to see the Badlands in Alberta and Fort Churchill in Manitoba. Going outside of Canada to the British Isles or Europe is probably not going to happen unless I go with one of my daughters. But I have seen a lot of the British Isles and Europe and I am content with that. 

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