Monday, May 16, 2022

Day 3 of cleaning

Into Day 3 of cleaning and we had a hydro failure first thing this morning. However, restored by a little after 9:00 so good news on that front. It is amazing how used to hydro one gets so that the loss of it does leave one a bit at loose ends although did accomplish a few tasks including a 45 minute walk. 

Nothing done on my one name studies the last few days. The Siderfin book waits for me as well. I should get back to doing some of that by the end of this week. It is going to be a very busy week. 

The hot weather has brought on the dandelions and having embraced them years ago I will now let them grow and cut around them. The bees need all the help that they can get. A lot of garden work to do and I will be working on that tomorrow on until garbage day as I want to have a few bags of garden waste out there. I have a huge bundle already of branches that came down from the trees all winter. Gardening is a never ending task and one that isn't top of my list but of necessity it sometimes literally has to be top of the list even if my mind can think of lots of other things to do. 

Prayers that Russia pulls back out of Ukraine and leaves them alone. Lets them get back to rebuilding and certainly Russia should provide money for that as part of the penalty for attacking Ukraine in an illegal war. There should be a list of items that can become standard for aggressor countries to inflict on them a reminder that war is off limits to our modern world.  

Keep supplying Ukraine with weaponry to fight back the Russian Nazis because that is what they are - greedy land grabbing murdering Nazis. The Russian people can prove that a lie by getting rid of Putin and his thugs but I do realize that it is not going to be easy. 

I hope to soon see our new fighter jets in the sky and our new ships in the oceans. The liberals need to stay the course on this as they too are at fault for not maintaining our military with good equipment. We need it just for our normal lives and not just for wartime. 


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