Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Denisovan - new find in a cave in Laos

I find the Denisovan species to be quite fascinating as we (one of my brothers and myself) show a higher percentage of Denisovan (3.5%) than Neanderthal (2%) when tested in the National Genographic Project. Since I am confident that this is on my mother's line going back as it is my H11 mtDNA that wintered during the Last Glacial Maximum at Ukraina Ice Refuge. Of course that is just the female line going back through my maternal grandmother and then her mother etc etc. But it does tend to quite fascinate me and I avidly read all articles that pertain to this Denisovan species. The Denisovan species is said to have lived around 130,000 years ago and initially any fossils have been found in the Denisova cave in Siberia's Altai Mountains in Russia. However, genetic evidence mentioned in this latest article on MSN places this species much further south in the area of the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Australia. The article expresses the thought that the Denisovan species may have met with modern humans (Homo sapiens) in southeastern Asia and in this case the Cave known as Cobra Cave about 260 kilometres north of the capital of Laos namely Vientiane. The study is being conducted at CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research and the University of Bordeaux. The study was published in Nature Communications. 

MSN: A tooth found in a cave in Laos is revealing more about the mysterious Denisovans -

I shall share this with the H11 group once this illegal war against Ukraine started by Russia is over. It was interesting  reading through the article. I shall try to get the original to read. It is interesting understanding our very ancient roots actually. If I am right and it is my maternal mtDNA that demonstrates the Denisovan genetic traits, it will be an interesting trip back in time for anyone also sharing a percentage of Denisovan genetics. That we, as a family, have both Neanderthal and Denisovan is probably common for particular areas but it would appear to be people who wintered at Ukraina during the Last Glacial Maximum and spread out from there into Russia and down towards India and then across Doggerland into the Scandinavian Peninsula, Europe proper and the British Isles. Perhaps a PhD project one day. I had thought about doing my PhD but I never went back after all and not likely to do that now. Life is really much too busy for me to stop and take courses and write a thesis!

Mariupol defenders have laid down their arms and are in Russian custody. I pray that they will be properly treated as they were fighting for their country and have willingly laid down arms and given Russia the victory in this one city that they have craved from the beginning of their illegal war. The people of Mariupol have fought the good fight and I know that if God did take sides he would be on their side. The Russian Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church has called this a war against the right of people to express themselves as gay, lesbian or other but we do not get to decide that as a people. People have a right to their personality and it is so much safer for the world if they are allowed to do so. Having to hide personalities makes it much more likely that people will be injured in one way or another. That is why I was attacked with a knife because two women needed to protect the fact that they had a lesbian relationship. I was helping a person my age to move out of their apartment as she was staying just for the summer when I was attacked with a knife by one of them along with a barrage of threats. It was a frightening experience for an 18 year old for sure and took me a while to move forward in my life but I did eventually. That shouldn't have been necessary though; people should be permitted to express their personality so long as no one is injured in any way. 

Another day and it will be a busy one. The sun is shinning boldly and brightly. Lawns to be trimmed and garden plants to buy to get ready for the season.

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