Sunday, May 22, 2022

Hydro power lost during the storm and now back on 22 hours later

I missed Church today but it is on YouTube so will watch it tomorrow. I did consider going but they were asking people not to travel and I had no idea on what a trip in along the highway would be like as there were wires down so decided to stay home. About half of a million people without hydro, 200 hydro poles down and many trees. The house across the road has siding ripped off all along one side. They appeared to be the only people with damage. 

 A nice sized match with a known third cousin which is always great. I could tell right away that she was related to my maternal grandmother. but does not share my grandmother's mtDNA. 

The day proved to be pretty busy even without hydro and it was a cool night so the air conditioner wasn't needed anyway. It was a very heavy storm though and we will hear if there were actual touchdowns of tornados. Tornados have become commoner in this area the last few years.  The rain was so heavy that it covered the street running away to the sewer catchment basins. 

I got through some paperwork that I have meant to look at so good use of the time.

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