Sunday, July 3, 2022

Blake Newsletter Volume 11, Issue 3, 2022

 I did complete this several weeks ago but forgot to put it up online before going away for Canada Day - went just a little earlier than expected and a number of items were forgotten including my reading glasses!. I just had a look at the blog I produced on my phone and it is full of errors. I will get that corrected soon. There is always so much to do when you get home. I only sent one email and I am nervous to look at it now that I have seen my blog. It is probably also full of errors. I should have gotten someone to read it before sending but I actually did read it several times and didn't spot anything but I will admit that reading without my reading glasses is a challenge. I saw this one particular email and felt I should be speedy in my response. However, I did have to send another but waited until I got home as it was going to be longer. I shall soon have my bifocals back in January. It has been nice though not to wear them as it is blurry looking down. It is okay in the house on stairs as I hold on but more difficult when there isn't anything to hang on to. 

The newsletter is on the FT DNA website but will paste it in here. It will be a couple of days before I add the images to the blog I expect as I am trying to work on the Kipp Newsletter to get it completed so that I can get to the Research Room and look up the Subsidies for Somerset. 

       Blake Newsletter

Table of Contents

1.   Who was Humphrey Blake whose will was probated 4 Feb 1626 ?

2.   Blake yDNA Surname Study - Summary

3.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers – baptisms

4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers - marriages


1.   Who was Humphrey Blake whose will was probated 4 Feb 1626 (buried 19 Nov 1625 Bridgwater St Mary, Somerset, England) ?

Humphrey Blake did not date his will but it was probated 4 Feb 1625/1626 (he was buried 19 Nov 1625 at Bridgwater St Mary). For probate date I am using the date which appears on the National Archives website and it is new style. I found it was quite easy to think in Old Style up to the end of December 1752 and then switch to New Style with January of 1753. I didn't want to put a slash second double digit year ending on every record affected. I have made copious notes on this in my own work so hopefully it will be noted if someone else picks up my work one day but I have used the double dating for this note.

Humphrey Blake of Bridgwater whose will was probated 4 Feb 1625/1626 was the son of Robert Blake and Margaret Symonds and hence traces back to the known progenitor of this Blake line Humphrey Blake whose will was probated 11 May 1559 at Over Stowey. Robert was buried 15 Oct 1592 at Bridgewater and Margaret left her will which was probated 7 Nov 1600 and a transcription appears in an earlier blog ( and reproduced here below. Humphrey had one brother William and one sister Anstice who lived to adulthood. He was also the father of Lord High Admiral Robert Blake who, although he served under the Commonwealth (Oliver Cromwell), is still considered to be one of England's greatest Admirals. At the time of the Restoration of King Charles II he was not to receive such high consideration but he has returned to his place of honour amongst the great heroes of England.

Source:  The National Archives (images by me of #624)

Name of testator: Margarett Blake

Place: Bridgewater, Somerset, England

Type of Record: Will

Dated: 20 Apr 1599, probated 7 Nov 1600

[In margin] T: Margarete

[In margin] Blake

1   In the name of god Amen the Twentithe daye of Aprill in the yere

2   of our Lorde god One Thousande fyve hundred ninety and nyne, And in the

3   One and Fouretithe yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the

4   grace of god Queene of Englande Frannce and Irelande defendor of the fayth Etc

5   I Margarett Blake of Bridgewater in the Countie of Somersett, widowe, late wief

6   of Roberte Blake deceassed beinge of perfecte healthe and good memorye (thankes be

7   to god) knowinge the instabillitie of this mortall life, That deathe is sure to every man

8   and nothinge more uncertaine then the tyme thereof do make my last will and testam[en]t

9   in manner and forme followinge, Firste I bequeathe my soule to Almightie God, And my

10 bodie to the grave, beseachinge him of his infinite mercye by the death and merites of my

11 Lorde and Saviour Christ; To receive my spirite into his kingdome when it shall please his

12 devine Maiestie  to dissolve the same from this Earthlie bodie, Item I give and bequeathe

13 to the Maior Aldermen and Burgesses of the Boroughe of Bridgwater the somme of tenne

14 pounds, to be levyed gathered and paide in unto them by and out of the interest and increase

15 of suche money as I nowe have, or at the time of my deathe shall have forthe at interests,

16 whiche money my will is shall be let forthe for use, until such tyme as the said tenne

17 poundes and other my Lecacies herein conteyned shall be fullie satisfied and paide, And I doe

18 devise and appoynte that the saide Tenne poundes shall yerelie for ever be lett forthe to

19 use, for the benefitt and beheese of the poore people of the Boroughe of Bridgewater afore-

20 saide, To be employed and bestowed yerelie at Alhollowtide in Six Smockes for Six poore

21 women, or for more, or lesse, as the saide use will stretch unto for the tyme beinge. To

22 be given them yerelie, duringe the lyves of my sonnes William and Humfrye, To such

23 poore people as they or the survivor of them shall appoynte within the Boroughe afore-

24 saide, And after their deathes the same allwayes to be distributed as aforesaide in Smockes

25 for the poore of the same Boroughe at the tyme aforesaide by the discretion and appoyntm[en]t

26 of the Maior and councell of the saide Boroughe for the tyme beinge, Item I give to the

27 Almes house of Bridgwater standinge withoute the westgate a Coverlett of downye

28 and A paire of newe canvas sheetes To this and That when anie of them be sicke and shall

29 neede the same to use the saide coverlett and sheetes, And when anie of them doe dye to

30 use the Coverlett to laye over the corps in carryenge to their buryall, More I give

31 the saide Almes house at the houre of my deathe foure shillinges in money, More I give

32 to the poore of Bridgewater (exceptinge the Almes houses) as to be distributed at my

33 buryall by the discretion of my Executors in trust, Twentie shillinges in money, Item,

34 I give to the Almes house of Storguisey fyve shillinges, And fyve shillinges more to oth[e]r

35 of the poore of that parishe by the discretion of the churchwardens there for the time

36 beinge, and my cosen Bartholmewe More of weeke, if he then shall be lyvinge, Item I

37 give to the poore of Spaxton Tenne shillinges to be distributed by the discretion of the

38 churchwardens there, and the Tenemente of Tuxwell for the tyme beinge, Item I give to

39 my sonne William Blake a coverlett of Tapistrye, and one silver spoone, Item I give to

40 my sonne Humfreys childe Robert Blake A Spur Royall of gould, Item I give to my

41 daughter Anstis Buckinge my best cloake, my best hatt and my blewe mantell, Item

42 I give to Emanuell Buckinge Tenne shillinges in gould, Item I give to Anne white Tenne

43 shillinges in goulde Item I give to Richard and Roberte Stradlinges sonnes of Richard

44 Stradlinge, To eache of them Tenne shillinges, to be bestowed for them in some needfull

45 garmentes or bookes as my Executors in trust shall thinke good, Item I give to my Sister

46 Elizabethe Symons Tenne shillinges in gould, Item I give to my Sister Dorothie Sinder-

47 combe Tenne shillinges in gould, Item I give to my cosen Richard Blake of Overstowey

48 one silver spoone and Tenne shillinges in gould, Item I give to master Nicholas Strete

49 the elder one silver spoone, And a spur Royall of gould, Item I give to mistresse Marye

50 Streete his wife my martin Skynnes and velvet waste, Item I give to master John

51 Michell one silver spoone, Item I give to mistres Dorothie Michell his wife my gould

52 Ringe withe deathes head, Item I give to Marye Stradlinge the wife of Richarde

53 Stradlinge my furred gowne, Item I give to Sara Popham my god daughter my gould

54 Ringe withe Turkeys stone, Item I give to a preacher for a Sermon at my Buryall

55 Tenne shillinges, Item I give to Jane Stradlinge daughter of Richard Stradlinge,

56 Fouretie poundes in money, my Sea Chist withoute feete beinge empty, And a litle

57 spruce chist with theis thinges in it viz [a vi]t a silver sault double guilt with a cover,

58 weyenge Sixtene ounces and haulf, A vallaunce for a Bed of needle worke conteyninge three

59 panes. A paire of fine hollande sheetes, and a bearinge flannynge of stamell clothe, More

60 I give her my best gowne, best petticoate, and greatest panne nexte to my sonne Humfreys

61 panne, Item I give to Grace Stradlinge Sister of the saide Jane fourtie poundes in

62 money, my newe chist of two bushells, being emptie, my lesser spruce chist also

63 emptie, my gowne of London browne, my seconde greatest panne, And two needle worke

64 Cusshions, Item I give all my wearinge lynnen to the saide Jane and Grace equally

65 betwene them to be devided, And the lynnen in the litle blacke chist or Coffer I give

66 to the saide Jane and Grace, as it is there already devided in the saide Chist viz [a vi]t that

67 parte or bundell wherein the Curtynes are, to be for Jane, The other parte or bundell

68 for Grace withe also the chist, Also my will is That if the saide Jane or Grace

69 Stradlinge or either of them shall happen to dye before the tyme in the which they

70 are to Receive their Legacyes accordinge to this my will hereafter specified: That then

71 such Legacies of her that shall so dye shall whollie Remaine unto the Survivor of the

72 saide Jane and Grace, And if they bothe shall happen to dye before the saide tyme:

73 That then is shall whollie Remaine unto Richard and Roberte Stradlinges brothers

74 of the saide Jane and Grace equallie to be devided, or to the survivor of them, To be

75 paide to them when they bothe, or the survivor of them shall accomplishe the age hereafter

76 specified, And whereas Robert Blake my late husbande deceassed did leave att the

77 tyme of his deathe the somme of twelvescore poundes of currante Englishe moneye

78 in the handes of Richard Hodges deceassed and one Leonarde Crosse: To the end that

79 Twentie poundes of the yerelie gaine and increase thereof should be paide unto me

80 Yerelie for my mainetenaunce duringe my life, And did further will and appointe

81 That the said somme of Twelvescore poundes should be paide unto, and for ever

82 remaine and be in the handes and keepinge of the Maior Aldermen and Burgesses

83 of the Borough of Bridgwater, to this end and purpose That the saide Maior Aldermen

84 and Burgesses and their successors for ever should let forthe or otherwise employ the saide

85 somme of Twelve score poundes and therewith to make a yerelie gaine of Twentie pounds

86 And the same Twentie poundes yerelie after my death to distribute and give in this manner

87 followinge viz [a vi]t, Sixtene poundes thereof to be given and devided yerely amongest the poore

88 people of the Boroughe of Bridgwater aforesaide accordinge to the discretion of the Maior

89 Aldermen and councell of the saide Boroughe And the other fouer poundes residue of the

90 saide Twentie poundes for Reparation and amendmente of the cawsies and highe-

91 wayes neare to the saide Borough of Bridgewater by the like order and discretion as

92 is aforesaide, And especially willed me to have care and to procure the same to be

93 Performed, my will and spetiate desire and Request therefore is, That if the saide twelve

94 score poundes shall nott in my lyfe tyme be paide, in or otherwise be assured to be paide

95 unto the Maior Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough aforesaide accordinge to my saide

96 husbandes will and appointements, That then my Executors and Overseers doe withall

97 conveniente speede procure the same to be don[e], And that my sonne Humfrey to whom the somme

98 is nowe assured doe (as he will answere before god when the secreates of all mens hartes

99 shall be knowne) deliver in the saide assurance and cause the somme to be made to the

100        saide Maior Aldermen and Burgesses accordinge to the will and desire of his said Father

101        afore mentioned, as my self would have don[e], if the same had come to my handes or bin asked

102        unto me, as it ought to have bin by the will of his saide Father , And I doe by theis pre-

103        sents ordaine and make the saide Jane and Grace Stradlinge to be Executors of this my

104        last will and Testament, when they bothe or the survivor of them shall accomplishe the

105        age of Twentye and fyve yeres, or otherwise, when they bothe, or either of them shall

106        marrye, with the consent and good likinge of my beloved frendes master Nicholas Streete

107        Gentleman, William Blake my sonne and my cosen Richard Blake of Overstowey or

108        to the survivor or survivors of them: That from thenceforth it shall and maye be

109        lawfull for the saide Jane and Grace, Or to such as shall soe marrye as aforesaide

110        And not otherwise to take the charge and execu[t]ion of Executorshippe of this my saide

111        Testamente for such por[t]ion as shall be founde due or meant to them or either of them

112        by this my saide Testamente, But if either of the saide Jane or Grace shall rashly

113        and wilfully marrye before they shall accomplishe the age of Twentie and fyve yeres

114        as aforesaid withoute the consente and good likings of the above named Nicholas

115        Streete William Blake and Richard Blake, or the survivor or survivors of them

116        That then my will is That suche of them the saide Jane or Grace shall enioy no benefit

117        of this my Testamente, either by legacye or Executorship, but shall whollie Reverte

118        unto the other of the Two Sisters above named whiche shall be founde to observe

119        the Condi[t]ions above written at the tyme before specified: But if bothe of them

120        shall wilfullie marrie before the age aforesaide without the consent of the parties

121        above written: That then bothe of them shall be utterlie voide of anie benefit of this

122        my saide will and Testamente, And from thenceforthe my will is that whole benefitt

123        shall come to the above named Richard and Robert Stradlinges brothers of the saide

124        Jane and Grace equallie to be devided, or to the survivor of them, when they bothe

125        or the survivor of them shall likewise accomplishe the age of Twentye and fyve yeares

126        And in the meane tyme I doe make appointe and request the within named

127        Nicholas Streete, William Blake, and Richard Blake to be the Executors of this

128        my saide will and Testamente (viz [ a vi]t) untill the saide Jane and Grace Stradlinges

129        shall bothe of them or the survivor of them accomplishe the age of Twentie and fyve

130        yeres as aforesaide, or otherwise shall marrye withoute the consent of suche as is

131        before specified, And if the saide Legacies shall happen to fall to the above named

132        Richard and Robert Stradlinges, either by the deathe of their saide Sisters or by

133        their defaulte, in marryenge withoute consente as aforesaide, Then my will is that the

134        saide Richard and Robert Stradlinges or the survivor of them shall likewise be the

135        Executors or Executor of this my saide will and Testamente, when they bothe or the

136        survivor of them shall likewise accomplishe the age of Twentie and fyve yeres, and nott

137        before, until whiche type I doe reques[t]e and appointe the saide Nicholas Streete

138        William Blake and Richarde Blake to be the executors of this my saide will, uppon

139        Truste and confidence to the use of such to whom it shall apperteine as is aforesaide

140        And from thenceforthe the Executorshippe of the saide Nicholas Streete, William

141        Blake and Richard Blake to cease and be utterlye voyde, And that they shall be from

142        thenceforthe overseers of this my saide Testamente, And I doe by theis presents

143        Revoke and make voyde All my former willes and Testamentes, And ordeine and

144        appointe this to be my last will and Testamente, In witnes whereof I have to

145        theis presents set my Seale and subscribed my signe geven the day and yere

146        aforesaide

147        Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram

148        venerabili viro M[agist]ro Johes Gibson legum doctore Curiae p[re]rogative Cantuar[iensi]s

149        M[agist]ro Custode siue Commissario Leg[it]ime constituto septimo die mensis Novembris Anno

150        Domini Millessimo Sexcentessimo juramento m[agist]ri Richi Stubbes Notarij publici

151        Procures Nichi Streete William Blake et Richi Blake Executoru[s]  in huiusmodi

152        Test[ament]o nominato, Quibus comissa fuit Administratio bonoru[m] Juriu[m] et creditoru[m] dei defuncti

153        Inxta tenorum et effectum euisdem Testi, ac doner quedam Jane et Saria Stradlings

154        Executrices etiam in hu[ius]modi Test[ament]o nominato _oru plena__ etates viz [a vi]t vignati _____

155        Amors de bene et fidele administrand[o] eadem etc Ad s[an]cta dei Evangelia Jurata

The will, quite long, is an interesting one and I will follow it up with the will of her husband Robert. As the parents of Humphrey they are most interesting and Robert was the son of a Humphrey Blake. The will of this Humphrey (father of Robert) mentions Robert’s daughter Anstice as one of Roberts’ daughters but other than Anstice they have been lost to time it would appear. That Anstice was alive in 1558 would make her 42 or more years of age in 1599 when this will by her mother is written. Margaret also mentions Robert, son of her son Humphrey and he was known to be about one year of age at the time the will was written and the eldest of Humphrey’s children. One is left to think that Anstice was much older than her brothers or they have married quite late. For the most part this will is about the relations of Margaret although some mention of Blake. But it is in the establishment of a time line that this will has aided us.

Robert, husband of Margaret, left a non-cupative so one is left to surmise that his death was sudden. His will was written on the 11th October 1592 about seven years before the death of his wife and his sons are adults at least Humphrey as he probated the will. His daughter was not mentioned in his will.

Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/80, Image Reference 302/269 (images by me)

Name of testator: Robert Blake, Merchant

Place: Bridgewater, Somerset, England

Type of Record: Will

Dated: 11 Oct 1592, probated 26 Oct 1592

[In margin] T  Roberti

[In margin] Blake

1   In the name of god amen The will nuncupative of Robert Blake of

2   Bridgewater in the countie of Somersett merchant  made the eleventhe daie

3   of October in the yeere of our lorde god one thousande five hundred ninetie and twoe

4   beinge sicke of bodie But of perfecte memorie as followethe viz [a vit] Beinge demanded

5   of Richarde Hodges in what manner he would dispose his landes and goodes he

6   answered in manner and forme followinge viz [a vit] Willi[a]m Blake my sonn shall

7   have my lands at Tuxwell in Radlett: Humphrie my sonn shall have my land

8   at Puriton and Crandon and Humphrey my sonn is and shal[l ]be my Executor

9   Witnesses Richarde Hodges, Leonarde Crosse and others

10 Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London

11 Coram venerabili viro Mag[ist]ro Willimo Levin legum doctore curie Prerogatiue

12 Cantuariensis Magistro Custode siue Commissario legittimo constituto vicesimo

13 sexto viz die mensis Octobris anno domini Millesimo Cl nniyen estimo nona-

14 gesimo secundo in perfoma Thome Redman notarij publici procuratoris Hum-

15 phirdi Blake filij naturalis dicti defuncti et Executoris in huiusmodi suo supra-

16 scripto testament nominate cui commissa fuit administracio omnium et singulorum

17 Bonorum iurium et creditorum eiusdem defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando

18 eodem omnia et singula iuxta iuris in hac parte exigenciam et tonovem dicti testamente

19 Ad sancta dei evangelia in debita iuris forma iurato

Humphrey (son of Robert above)’s wife was Sara Williams (widow, first husband was (unknown) Smithers) and they lived at Bridgwater. Their home is now preserved as a Museum to the great Admiral Blake. They had nine children living at the time the will was written: Robert, Humphrey, William, George, Nicholas, Samuel, Benjamin, Bridgett and Alexander. George is not mentioned in the will which is surprising perhaps. George was in the Navy already and living in Plymouth (Devon) so perhaps had already received his inheritance. However his brothers do remember George’s children in their wills. Humphrey and Sarah had twelve children in total (1st George and 1st Benjamin died as infants, Edward died before his father's will) but eight of the nine children are mentioned as adults in the will of Humphrey Blake below.

Source:  The National Archives PROB11-148-224

Name of testator: Humphrey Blake

Place: Bridgwater, Somerset, England

Type of Record: Will

Dated: undated, probated 4 Feb 1626

[In margin] T[estator]  Humphrey

[In margin] Blake


1   In the name of God Amen I Humffery Blake

2   of Bridgwater within the dioces of Bathe and Welles beinge at the writinge hereof in

3   good health and perfecte memorie I praise god for it doe make and ordaine this my last

4   will and testament written with myne owne hande as followeth Revokinge all former wills

5   by me at anie tyme heretofore made And first I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie god

6   confidentlie beleevinge that through his aboundant mercyes and the merritts of Christ Jesus

7   my Redeemer and Saviour all my sinns to be freelie pardoned and washed awaie in his most precious

8   Bloudsheddinge, and to be covered with his most perfect Robe of righteoussnes in the great daie of his

9   appearance, when and ever I trust through his unspeakable mercyes to have my por[t]ion of full blisse

10 with his Ellect ones in the Celestiall Jerusalem My bodie I bequeath to the Earth whence it came

11 Item I give to the Cathedrall Church of Wells Five shillinges Item I give to the Church of Bridgwater

12 Fortie shillinges and to the Church of Pawlett twentie shillings Item I give to the poore of Bridgwater

13 Five poundes to be destributed unto them by the discre[t]ion of my Overseers hereafter named and Executors Item

14 I give and grannte unto my sonne Robert and his heires All that my mannor and Lordshipp of Puryton and

15 Crandon with all the landes Tenements Messuages Arrable meadow and Pasture thereonto  belonginge with

16 the appurtenances in the Countie of Som[m]ersett Also one double guilt silver Salt, two silver beere Bowles, two

17 silver Wyne Bowles and one dozen of silver spoones with Lions heads Item I give unto my sonne Humffrey

18 One hundreth poundes to be paide unto him within one yeare next after my decease Item I give unto my sonne

19 William one Chattell Lease of Fouer and twentie Acres or thereaboute ofe Land Meadowe and pasture w[hi]ch

20 I hould of the landes of Mr Lottisham in Puriton aforesaide and hun[n]spill togeather with all my estate terme

21 of yeares and interrest I have therin towardes his Educa[ti]on and defrayinge his charges in Oxenford, The

22 Lease thereof fourthwith to be delivered unto him, And Fortie poundes within one yeare next after my decease

23 Item I give unto my sonne Nicholas one hundreth poundes to be bestowed on him for his better Educa[t]ion

24 within twoe yeares next after my decease Item I give unto my sonne Samuell twentie poundes to bestowe in

25 cattell or Sheepe Item I give unto my sonne Beniamyne One hundreth poundes to be imployed for him

26 within three yeares next after my decease And alsoe those twentie and one yeares which I have in Rever[c]ion ofe

27 Symon Venicom in Nyne Acres of Meadowe and pasture within the Mannor ofe Hampe neere Bridgwater

28 aforesaide Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Bridgett two hundreth poundes, one silver partt guilt

29 Beaker halfe a dozen ofe silver spoones and one double guilt Wine bowle Item I give unto my sonne Hummfrey

30 my silver Tankerd double guilt and to my sonne William one Silver Wyne Bowle and fouer silver spoones

31 Item I give and gran[n]te unto my sonnes Robert and Humffrey and to theire heires for ever my dwellinge house

32 and the Garden thereonto belonginge with the appurtenances Neverthelesse my Will is that Sara my

33 Wiefe shall have her dwellinge and aboade in parte of the saide house and use of parte of the saide Garden

34 duringe onelie her widdowho[o]d and noe longer Item I give and bequeath unto my son Alexander One hundreth

35 poundes to be imployed for his best benefitt within two Yeares next after my decease Item I give unto Mr George

36 Wotton Clarke twentie shillinges. The residue of all my goodes and Chattells not herein before given and

37 bequeathed my debts funeralls and legacyes discharged I give and bequeath unto Sara my wief and Humfrey

38 my sonne whom I make my Executors of this my last Will and Testament Humffrey Blake [signed] Sealed and

39 declared in the presence of George Wotton Clarke, George Graye.

40 Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro duo

41 Henrico Marton milito legum d[oc]tore Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis Mag[ist]ro Custode siue Com[mi]ssario

42 ltime constituto Quarto die Februarij Anno d[om]ini iuxta cursum et computacom eccl[es]ie Anglicane millesimo

43 sexcentesimo vicesimo quinto Jurament Sara Relict et Hyumfridi Blake filij et Executor in huiusmodi

44 testamento nominat. Cui com[m]issa fuit administracio bonorum Jurium et creditorium dict defuncti de

45 bene et fideliter administrando eadem Ad sancta dei Evangelia vigore Com[m]issionis Coram Mag[ist]ris Johne

46 Devenishe et Georgis Wotton Clerico Jurati

First step is to look at the parents of this Humphrey Blake named above as Robert Blake and Margaret Symonds. Humphry Blake was baptized 26 May 1563 at Bridgwater, Somerset but the parents were not listed. The marriage of Robert Blake and Margaret Symonds was not in the Bridgwater St Marys Parish Register. I did check the Over Stowey Parish Register and the marriage of the youngest brother of Robert was on one of the first pages in this register. In support of Robert Blake and Margaret Symonds as his parents was their life at Bridgwater where Humphrey Blake was baptized (and the wills which they left above). The Blake Museum is a 16th century house so could have been in existence when Humphrey was baptized at Bridgwater in 1563. The Protestation Returns for 1641 at Bridgwater lists Hum: Blake, Robert Blake, Beniamin Blake, Ric Blake, C Blak. Humphrey is likely the second son of Humphrey Blake and Sarah Swithers (formerly Williams) with Benjamin being their 11th son. Who then were Richard Blake, Francis Blak and C. Blake found on the Protestation Returns in 1641 at Bridgwater? In total there are 39 Blakes on the extant Somerset Protestation Returns including two at Carhampton, one at Cutcombe, seven at Dunster, one at Luxborough, five at Bridgwater, one at Bradford, one at Kingston St Mary, three at Pitminster – Blagdon Tithing, one at Pitminster – Fulford Tithing, one at Ruishton, one at Taunton, one at Batcombe, one at North Wootton, one at Halse, one at Old Cleeve, one at Sampford Brett, three at Stogumber, two at Nether Stowey, three at Over Stowey and one at Watchet, St Decumans. In reality there are a lot of Blake males over eighteen years of age in 1641/42 in this Somerset area.

Robert is the linchpin in all of this as he can be traced back to a Humphrey Blake who died at Over Stowey and married to Anne (according to this abstract of his will below) and the grandfather of Humphrey Blake who left his will at Bridgwater which was probated in 1626. This Humphrey (will probated in 1626) is a very well known historical figure as the father of Robert Blake (Lord High Admiral of the Fleet). His parentage is often quoted as Robert Blake and Margaret Symonds of Bridgwater with Robert said to be the son of a Humphrey and Anne/Agnis Blake who were buried at Over Stowey (and the wills above do make this connection well). This Humphrey father of Robert Blake also left his will but only an abstract remains:

Humfrey Blake, of Overstowey, Somerset, Gent. Will dated 19 Nov 1 Eliz: proved 11 May 1559. To be buried in the parish church of Overstowey, with such orisons [and etc] prayers to be said [and etc] done for me at my Buriall, months mind [and etc] in the daye of my annyversarie as shall be thought most mete by my Executors, [and etc]. To the Parson of Aissheholt to pray for me, 10 s. To Anstice Blake, one of the daughters of Robert Blake, for her advancement in marriage, £6. 6. 8. To Jone Slocombe, daughter of George Slocumbe, 20 s. To Agnes Mannynge, my daughter, £4. To Catherine Cabull, 6 s 8 d. To Alice Cabull, my sister, 6 s 8 d. To John Blake the elder, my son, £100. To Robert Blake my son, £100. To Thomas Blake, my son, £20. To Eleanor Langham, my daughter, 10 s. To Alice Slocombe, my daughter, 6 s 8 d. Manor of Tuxwell, Somerset, to my son Robert Blake [and etc], his heirs, [and etc], then to Thomas, my son, then to John Blake the younger, my son. To John Blake the elder, my son, [and etc] his heirs, lands, [and etc], in Bishops Lydiard. My friend, Humphrey Coles, esq., £5, to see my will performed, [and etc]. Residue to Anne my wife, [and etc] my son John Blake the younger, Executors. Overseers, John Blake the elder, Robert Blake, William Luker.

A family lore in the Somerset Blake family (and encouraged by a comment on the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office) has the Blake family of Somerset as descendant of the Blake family of Calne. Indeed they used the coat of arms which can be seen as a watermark on this newsletter which is generally attributed to the Blake family of Calne. The next issue of this newsletter will look at Humphrey Blake and his parentage if that can actually be determined.  Humfrey who died in 1558 does appear to be one of the older members of this Blake family in Somerset looking at earlier subsidies but I am hoping to get to the Family History Library before October to look at subsidies from the late 1400s and all of the 1500s. The next logical step in looking at Humphrey is the extant tax records (subsidies) for Somerset. There is a Lay Subsidy from 1585 for Lidierd (perhaps Bishops Lydeard) and there isn’t a Blake family listed there (Humphrey who died in 1558 was said to be born there). There is a Walter de Blakedon at Codecombe (Hundred of Carhampton, page 247). Codecombe looks to be an earlier name for present day Cutcombe. The distance from Cutcombe to Bishop’s Lydeard is 18.3 miles or 29.5 kilometres. This is the general area in which the Blake families lived though in the 1600s.

It would be most interesting to draw out this subsidy information if it actually exists and to me seems like the logical step to looking at the parentage of Humphrey Blake said to be born at Bishops Lydeard circa 1499-1500 and buried at Over Stowey 28 December 1558. The distance from Bishop’s Lydeard to Over Stowey is 8.7 miles or 14 kilometres.

2.   Blake yDNA Study at FT DNA

Having given a lot of thought to the display of the yDNA study at FT DNA for the Blake family, I have concluded that the best way to display the information is based on the hierarchical display beginning with the furtherest back in common mutation found in any particular group. This will take some time to work through and I will enter in as much as I have completed thus far. Anyone else wanting to work with me on this design is most welcomed. At 76 I am finding that I have so much work still to do that my time spent on this will not really be adequate other than to point out that studies these days are looking at the path back and where different lines diverged.

There are three members of the study in ungrouped.

Looking at the third member listed he gives his ancestral origin as England and a John Blake living circa 1590 to 1650. He belongs to the R haplogroup and his furtherest down mutation is YP5320. The long form for this particular line R1a1a1a1c1. The R1a group in this study believes they are descended from the East Anglia Blake family which centered at Swaffham Market, Norfolk. His alleles place him into this group but I am curious who the John Blake was that he is referring to in his ancestry. I will place him in the East Anglia group. None of the other members of this group have tested their haplogroup beyond M173/M198/M512. It will be interesting to see if any other members now do test their haplogroup. I will review the total member’s pages. I am going to place these two ungrouped members into D3-M269 as having British Ancestry although nothing is given in their record to indicate such ancestry.

The other two members in Ungrouped belong to R-M269. There are five distinct groups identified reaching back to R-M269. There is no other pertinent information that would assist with placing these two members other than their alleles. The first member has not tested to as many markers as the second member but they are virtually a match to that position.

I did not do any work on the group labeled as X-Blake ancestry not in direct line. Definitely that would be a group that members of this group would have to inform me if they wished to pursue being part of any of the other groups.

3.   Andover, Hampshire, England, Parish Registers - Baptisms

Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.


Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.


Number Surname   Forename status        Fathers surname         Fathers forename       Mothers surname        Mothers forename      Year Month        Day     Year Month        Day   Details

4801      Deane        Frances     daughter   Deane        Dockter                    1671 February   27                                 

4802      Kill    Abbigall     daughter   Kill    Richard                         1671 March     14                                 

4803      Sculerd      Elizabeth   daughter   Sculerd      Zakery                     1671 March        18                                  senior

4804      Butler         Ann   daughter   Butler         James                           1671     March        24                                 

4805      Orum Mary daughter   Orum William                          1672 April  2                              

4806      Way  Martha       daughter   Way  William                          1672 April  7                                 

4807      Tomes       William       son   Tomes       William                          1672     April  9                                   

4808      Whetland   Elizabeth   daughter   Whetland   Nicholas                  1672 April  10                                 

4809      Blainshard                    Blainshard John                    1672 April  11                            

4810      Crouch       Elizabeth   daughter   Crouch       Mathew                    1672 May  19                                 

4811      Head Joane        daughter   Head Anthony                        1672 May  21                                 

4812      Bath Beniamin   son   Bath Josephe                       1672 June 4                              

4813      Longe        Mary daughter   Longe        Symon                          1672     June 9                                    of Woodhouse

4814      Deane        Robert       son   Deane        John                    1672 June 9                                 

4815      Palin Edward      son   Palin John                    1672 June 18                             Esquire

4816      Seagrove  Elizabeth   daughter   Seagrove  John                    1672     June 19                                 

4817      Gooddall    Mary daughter   Gooddall    Henery                          1672     June 30                                 

4818      Churcher   Abbigall     daughter   Churcher   Robert                      1672 June 30                                 

4819      Whale        Richard      son   Whale        Mr. Richard                       1672 July  5                                   

4820      Weaight     Sarah         daughter   Weaight     Richard                    1672 July  4                                   

4821      Rylance     John son   Rylance     John                    1672 July  12                            

4822      Rowle        Petter        son   Rowle        Petter                           1672     July  14                                 

4823      Butcher     John son   Butcher     John                    1672 July  17                            

4824      Dowling     Larrance   son   Dowling     Mr. William                        1672 July  18                                 

4825      Meales       Gorge         son   Meales       Thomas                        1672     July  21                                 

4826      Blackman  Hester       daughter   Blackman  William                     1672 July  25                                  of Charlton

4827      Knight                           Knight        Thomas                        1672 July  25                                 

4828      Colince      Richard      son   Colince      William                          1672     July  28                                  of Woodhouse

4829      Nape William       son   Nape William                          1672 July  28                            

4830                                                                         1672 August                                       

4831      Lunton       John son   Lunton       John                    1672 August       4                                 

4832      Martin        Jane daughter   Martin        Richard                         1672     August       4                                   

4833      Lanman     Jeane        daughter   Lanman     William                     1672 August       19                                 

4834      Flod  Mary daughter   Flod  Thomas                        1672 August       26                                 

4835      Gill    Mary daughter   Gill    John                    1672 August       26                            

4836      Paulet        Frances     daughter   Paulet        Charles      1672 August     27     of Woodhouse, baptized at Wodhouse

4837      Steaeres   Dorathy     daughter   Steares     Anthony                   1672 September 1                                   

4838      Cortny        Jane daughter   Cortny        John                    1672     September 2                                   

4839      Cooke        Mary daughter   Cooke        Richard                         1672     September 2                                    junior

4840      Keate         Dorothy     daughter   Keate         John                    1672     September 17                                 

4841      Meller        Jeane        daughter   Meller        John                    1672     September 10                                 

4842      Walker       Nathenell  son   Walker       Anthony                        1672     September 12                                 

4843      Gray William       son   Gray Thomas                        1672 September                                  

4844      Sheperd    Joane        daughter   Sheperd    John                    1672     October     9                                   

4845      Nu     John son   Nu     Robert                           1672 October     17                            

4846      Pearce       William       son   Pearce       Francis                         1672     October     20                                 

4847      Saith John son   Saith William                          1672 October     20                            

4848      Moring       Elizabeth   daughter   Moring       Robert                      1672 October     30                                 

4849      Knowles    Elizabeth   daughter   Knowles    William                     1672 November 4                                   

4850      Rusell        Elizabeth   daughter   Rusell        Robert                      1672 November 8                                   

4851      Eatin Mary daughter   Eatin Thomas                        1672 November 16                                 

4852      Longe        Elizabeth   daughter   Longe        Richard                    1672 December 5                                   

4853      Hunt Angell        daughter   Hunt Solloman                      1672     December 16                                 

4854      Hayward    John son   Hayward    Thomas                        1672     December 25                                 

4855      Pope Allexsander        son   Pope Roger                            1672 January     11                                 

4856      Webb         Hester       daughter   Webb         Nathanell                 1672 January     14                                 

4857      Mansfeld   Elizabeth   daughter   Mansfeld   George                     1672 January     16                                 

4858      Smith         Mary daughter   Smith         James                           1672     January     17                                 

4859      Froud         Patience   daughter   Froud         Thomas                    1672 January     26                                 

4860      Denet         Ann   daughter   Denet         Robert                           1672     February   13                                 

4861      Bleake       Mary daughter   Bleake       Richard                         1672     February   14                                 

4862      Hide  Mary daughter   Hide  John                    1672 February   16                            

4863      Cowlie       Liddea       daughter   Cowlie       John                    1672     February   17                                 

4864      Hayword    Martin        son   Hayword    William                          1672     February   18                                 

4865      Meller        John son   Meller        John                    1672 March        2                                 

4866      Kent Gorge         son   Kent Gorge                            1672 March        3                                 

4867      Springe      Mary daughter   Springe      Richard                         1672     March        3                                   

4868      Makarell    Thomas     son   Makarell    Thomas                        1672     March        5                                   

4869      Hiat  Frances     daughter   Hiat  Bartholmew                           1672     March        10                                 

4870      Grove         William       son   Grove         James                           1672     March        11                                 

4871      Hill    Richard      son   Hill    Richard                         1672 March        12                                 

4872      Eamot        Thomas     son   Eamot        Barnard                        1673     April  10                                 

4873      Mansfeld   John son   Mansfeld   Robert                           1673 April  11                                  junior

4874      Route         Ann   daughter   Route         Jone                    1673 April  11                                  A Foster at Charlton

4875      Deane        Thomas     son   Deane        William                          1673     April  12                                 

4876      Purver        Frances     daughter   Purver        Gorge                       1673 April  15                                  of Henkly

4877      Salter         Mary daughter   Salter         Petter                           1673     April  22                                 

4878      Thornbrough      William       son   Thornbrough      Mr. William                        1673 April  24                                 

4879      Liddear      Tomsin      daughter   Liddear      Phillip                       1673 April  26                                 

4880      Hamsher   Barbarah   daughter   Hamsher   Lanslat                     1673 June 4                                   

4881      Cooper       Katharin    daughter   Cooper       Edward                    1673 June 5                                   

4882      Butcher     Christabel daughter   Butcher     Edward                    1673 June 6                                   

4883      Whitchar   Elizabeth   daughter   Whitcher   John                    1673     June 5                                   

4884      Tarelton    Richard      son   Tarelton    John                    1673 July  7                                 

4885      Leatch       Joseph      son   Leatch       Thomas                        1673     July  14                                 

4886      Trulove      Henery       son   Trulove      Henery                          1673     July  17                                  of Foxcote

4887      Longe        John son   Longe        William                          1673 August     3                                   

4888      Longe        Robert       son   Longe        John                    1673 August     4                                   

4889      Orwood      Elizabeth   daughter   Orwood      John                    1673     August       5                                   

4890      Bomay       Phebe        daughter   Bomay       John                    1673     August       10                                 

4891      Coe   Thomas     son   Coe   Mr. Thomas                           1673 August     14                                 

4892      Knightly     An     daughter   Knightly     Thomas                        1673     August       18                                 

4893      Penton       Joane        daughter   Penton       William                     1673 August       31                                  of Charlton

4894      Erle   Abbigail     daughter   Erle   John                    1673 September 12                                 

4895      Hunniwell  William       son   Hunniwell  Martaine                       1673     September 12                                 

4896      Pitman       Mary daughter   Pitman       Thomas                        1673     September 22                                 

4897      Butcher     William       son   Butcher     John                    1673     September 24                                 

4898      Hulut William       son   Hulut John                    1673 October     3                              

4899      Gill    An     daughter   Gill    John                    1673 October     4                              

4900      Harfeld      Nicholas    son   Harfeld      Nicholas                       1673     October     5                                   

4901      arber Isaacke     son   Barber       Petter                           1673 October     7                                   

4902      Holdwaie   Mary daughter   Holdwaie   William                          1673     October     19                                 

4903      Foster        William       son   Foster        John                    1673 October     25                                  of Charlton

4904      Oseman     Mary daughter   Oseman     Thomas                        1673     October     26                                  of Woodhouse

4905      Wescome  Margarit    daughter   Wescome  Mr. Thomas                       1673 October     27                                 

4906      James       John son   James       Hugh                    1673 November 3                                 

4907      Weston      William       son   Weston      Josphe                         1673     November 10                                 

4908      Dakence    Mary daughter   Dakence    Robert                           1673     November 11                                 

4909      Hernaman Richard      son   Hernaman Thomas                        1673     November 11                                 

4910      Chevers     Robert       son   Chevers     Jonthen                        1673     November 14                                 

4911      Tredgold   Christopher        son   Tredgold   John                    1673     November 16                                  of Woodhouse

4912      Weston      Sarah         daughter   Weston      Robert                      1673 November 17                                 

4913      Bankes      Josphe      son   Bankes      Allezsander                       1673 November 20                                 

4914      Giat  Mary daughter   Giat  William                          1673 November 23                                  of Woodhouse

4915      Giat  William       daughter   Giat  William                          1673     November 23                                 

4916      Fromton    Jeane        daughter   Fromton    Petter                       1673 November 24                                 

4917      Leagot       Elizabeth   daughter   Leagot       John                    1673     November 25                                  of Charlton

4918      Silance      Edmon       son   Silance      Edmon                          1673     November 30                                 

4919      Springe      William       son   Springe      William                          1673     November 30                                 

4920      Houlse       Beniamin   son   Houlse       Thomas                        1673     November 30                                 

4921      Nores         Mary daughter   Nores         James                           1673     November 30                                 

4922      Helyer        Elizabeth   daughter   Helyer        William                     1673 December 2                                    of Hatherden

4923      Lavender   Elizabeth   daughter   Lavender   Thomas                    1673 December 7                                   

4924      Evance      Mary daughter   Evance      Thomas                        1673     December 8                                   

4925      Flod  Richard      son   Flod  Thomas                        1673 December 17                                 

4926      Wats Giles son   Wats Giles                    1673 December 21                            

4927      Butler         Ann   daughter   Butler         James                           1673     December 21                                 

4928      Beckly       Mary daughter   Beckly       John                    1673     December 21                                 

4929      Hasell        Mary daughter   Hasell        John                    1673     December 23                                  of London

4930      Sheperd    John son   Sheperd    John                    1673 December 26                                 

4931      Bray  Jane daughter   Bray  John                    1673 December 26                            

4932      Elton William       son   Elton William                          1673 December 26                                 

4933      Golding      Frances              Golding      Richard                         1673     December 26                                  of Woodhouse

4934      Munday     Mary daughter   Munday     Richard                         1673     December 30                                 

4935      Meales       Andrewe    son   Meales       Andrew                         1673     January     1                                   

4936      Mackerell  An     daughter   Mackerell  John                    1673 January     3                                    of Charlton

4937      Noyes        John son   Noyes        John                    1673 January     6                                 

4938      Douling      Joane        daughter   Douling      John                    1673     January     6                                    junior, of Charlton

4939      Brice John son   Brice Nathaniell                    1673 January     23                            

4940      Godden      Richard      son   Godden      Richard                         1673     January     19                                 

4941      Robeson    Walter        son   Robeson    Walter                           1673     February   3                                   

4942      Knight        John son   Knight        Thomas                        1673 February     10                                 

4943      Treg Elizabeth   daughter   Treg Nathenell                     1673 February     22                                 

4944      Thornborough    Martha       daughter   Thornborough    Mr. William                        1673 February   22                                 

4945      Noyes        Rebecka    daughter   Noyes        Richard                    1673 February   22                                  of Foxcote

4946      Walker       Anthony     son   Walker       Anthony                        1673     February   23                                 

4947      Daby John son   Daby John                    1673 March        18                            

4948      Mansfeld   John son   Mansfeld   Robert                           1673 March     11                                 

4949      Gooddall    Judeth       daughter   Gooddall    Francis                     1674 March        25                                 

4950      Ratty Margerit    daughter   Ratty Zidracke                       1674 March     29                                 

4951      Froud         Gorge         son   Froud         Thomas                        1674     April  3                                   

4952      Bleake       Joane        daughter   Bleake       Richard                    1674 April  10                                 

4953      Tameg       Robert       son   Tameg       Edward                         1674     April  14                                 

4954      Meales       Joane        daughter   Meales       Gorge                       1674 April  24                                 

4955      Grove         James       son   Grove         James                           1674     April  29                                 

4956      Hardin        William       son   Hardin        Selathye                       1674 May     9                                    of Woodhouse

4957      Bevice       Dennis       daughter   Bevice       Thomas                    1674 May  16                                  of Woodhouse

4958      Head Hester       daughter   Head Anthony                        1674 May  16                                 

4959      Sprudborogh      Jemina      daughter   Sprudborogh      Thomas                   1674 May  24                                 

4960      Cooke        Mary daughter   Cooke        William                          1674 May     24                                 

4961      Holdwaie   Thomas     son   Holdwaie   Edmon                          1674 May     25                                 

4962      Deane        Frances     daughter   Deane        Mr. John                  1674 May  28                                 

4963      Deane        John son   Deane        Mr. John                       1674 May  28                                 

4964      Douty         Dorothy     daughter   Douty         Robert                      1674 May  29                                 

4965      Goldinge    William       son   Goldinge    William                          1674 May     30                                 

4966      Gooddall    Dorothy     daughter   Gooddall    Richard                    1674 June 6                                   

4967      Goldney     Liddia        daughter   Goldney     Edward                    1674 June 6                                   

4968      Purdy         Mary daughter   Purdy         John                    1674 June 7                                 

4969      Wetland                        Wetland     Richard                         1674 June 8                                 

4970      Williames  John son   Williames  John                    1674 June 9                              

4971      Hunt John son   Hunt Thomas                        1674 June 28                            

4972      Goddin       Robert       son   Goddin       George                          1674     July  3                                   

4973      Seagrove  Henry         son   Seagrove  John                    1674 July  9                                 

4974      Harfell        Frances     daughter   Harfell        John                    1674     July  12                                 

4975      Perce         Grechion   daughter   Perce         William                     1674 July  13                                 

4976      Et__   Martin        son   Et__   Martin                           1674 July  26                            

4977      Emot Barnard     son   Emot Barnard                        1674 August       4                                 

4978      Dowly         Elizabeth   daughter   Dowly         Mr. William                        1674 August       5                                   

4979      Knight        Edward      son   Knight        Petter                           1674     August       23                                 

4980      Toftwood  Joane        daughter   Toftwood  George                     1674 August       23                                 

4981      Pearce       An     daughter   Pearce       Thomas                        1674     August       24                                 

4982      Yerbery     John son   Yerbery     Mr. John                       1674 August     27                                 

4983      Landman   Elizabeth   daughter   Landman   William                     1674 September 11                                 

4984      Andrwes    Sarah         daughter   Andrwes    Thomas                    1674 September 17                                 

4985      Douse        John son   Douse        John                    1674 September 20                                  of Woodhouse

4986      Hacker      Thomas     son   Hacker      John                    1674 October     22                                 

4987      Chard         John son   Chard         Edward                         1674 October     25                                 

4988      Humphreys         Katherin    daughter   Humphreys         Robert                     1674 October     27                                 

4989      Gooddall    Elizabeth   daughter   Gooddall    Henery                     1674 October     29                                 

4990      Geale         William       son   Geale         William                          1674     November 8                                    of Wildherne

4991      Brice Joane        daughter   Brice Sidrek                           1674     November 1                                    of Charlton

4992      Suttin         Jasper       son   Suttin         Josias                           1674     November 29                                 

4993      Meller        Joane        daughter   Meller        Robert                      1674 December 15                                 

4994      Flower       Sarah         daughter   Flower       Nickolas                  1674 December 17                                 

4995      Pearcey     Elizabeth   daughter   Pearcey     Richard                    1674 December 17                                 

4996      Waight       John son   Waight       Richard                         1674 January     6                                   

4997      Saith Mary daughter   Saith William                          1674 January     10                                 

4998      Wight         Charels      son   Wight         John                    1674 January     10                                  of Woodhouse

4999      Moring       John son   Moring       John                    1674 January     17                                 

5000      Purdy         Steven       son   Purdy         Gorg                    1674 January     19                                 

5001      Cooke        Hanna        daughter   Cooke        Richard                    1674 January     25                                 

5002      Wellmet     Abigall       daughter   Wellmet     Jesper                      1674 January     30                                 

5003      Crouch       Mathu        son   Crouch       Mathu                           1674     January     31                                  of Charlton

5004      Noyes        Denes        daughter   Noyes        Thomas                    1674 January     31                                 

5005      Pamer        Richard      son   Pamer        John                    1674 February     5                                   

5006      Meller        Mary daughter   Meller        John                    1674 February     7                                   

5007      Munday     John son   Munday     John                    1674 February   14                                  of Kings Enhame

5008      Miles Edward      son   Miles John                    1674 February   14                             of Woodhouse

5009      Meales       Katherin    daughter   Meales       Thomas                    1674 February   21                                 

5010      Deane        Margerit    daughter   Deane        John                    1674     February   22                                 

5011      Haywood   Susanna    daughter   Haywood   William                     1674 February   25                                 

5012      Luinton      Anne daughter   Luinton      Thomas                        1674     February   25                                 

5013      Mansfeld   Dorothy     daughter   Mansfeld   William                     1674 March        9                                   

5014      Churcher   Mary daughter   Churcher   Robert                           1674     March        14                                 

5015      Abatt          Jamiman   daughter   Abatt          John                    1674     March        14                                 

5016      Toms         Margerit    daughter   Toms         William                     1674 March        18                                 

5017      Hide  Anne daughter   Hide  John                    1674 March        21                            

5018      Kent Abraham   son   Kent Abraham                       1674 March        23                                 

5019      Holdwaie   Michell       son   Holdwaie   Michell                          1675     March        28                                 

5020      Hiat  Katherin    daughter   Hiat  Barthelmu                    1675 March     29                                 

5021      Weeb         Mary daughter   Weeb         Nathenill                       1675     March        31                                 

5022      Hobs Thomas     son   Hobs Onesiphorus                          1675 April  5                                 

5023      Whale        Peter son   Whale        Mr. Richard                            1675     April  6                                   

5024      Cannons    Sarra daughter   Cannons    John                    1675 April  20                                  of Charlton

5025      Elkin William       son   Elkin William                          1675 April  26                            

5026      Burch         John son   Burch         Thomas                        1675 May  15                                 

5027      Knowles    Josphe      son   Knowles    Beniamin                      1675 May     17                                 

5028      Weaight     Ketherine  daughter   Weaight     Josephe                   1675 May  27                                 

5029      Jeferyes    Mergery     daughter   Jeferyes    George                     1675 May  29                                 

5030      Cooke        Elias                                                 1675 May  29                             of Wildhearne

5031      Ratty John son   Ratty Thomas                        1675 June 3                               of Charlton

5032      Brice Ellen daughter   Brice Nathaniell                    1675 June 13                            

5033      Fromton    Hester       daughter   Fromton    Petter                       1675 June 13                                 

5034      Wight         Elizabeth   daughter   Wight         William                     1675 June 16                                  of Charlton

5035      Screvin      Martha       daughter   Screvin      Nicholas                  1675 June 18                                 

5036      Beckly       John son   Beckly       John                    1675 June 21                            

5037      Coe   Nicholas    son   Coe   Thomas     1675 June 22                    borne the 15th of this instant and baptized the 22

5038      Due   Gorge         son   Due   John                    1675 June 22                            

5039      Couly         Robert       son   Couly         John                    1675 June 27                                 

5040      Chanell      Richard      son   Chanell      Richard                         1675     June 29                                 

5041      Cooper       John son   Cooper       Edward                         1675 June 30                                 

5042      Noyes        Thomas     son   Noyes        Edward                         1675     July  1                                    of Foxcote

5043      Belchamber        Anne daughter   Belchamber        Edward                    1675 July  13                                 

5044      Cooper       Mary daughter   Cooper       William                          1675     July  20                                 

5045      Lavender   Thomas     son   Lavender   Thomas                        1675     July  25                                 

5046      Jeliff Beniamin   son   Jeliff Beniamin                      1675 July  30                            

5047      Wilkince    Thomas     son   Wilkince    Thomas                        1675     August       5                                   

5048      Torner       Mary daughter   Torner       Anthony                        1675     August       5                                   

5049      Kent Ruth daughter   Kent Gorge                            1675 August       10                                 

5050      Hamsher   Hester       daughter   Hamsher   Lanslat                     1675 August       15                                 

5051      Nue   Henery       son   Nue   Robert                           1675 September 7                                 

5052      Rusell        Thomas     son   Rusell        Robert                           1675     September 9                                   

5053      Mundaie    George      son   Mundaie    William                          1675     September 13                                 

5054      Jeferes      Peter son   Jeferes      Crespher                      1675     September 15                                 

5055      Colins        Abigall       daughter   Colins        William                     1675 September 19                                  at Woodhouse

5056      Rusell        Elizabeth   daughter   Rusell        John                    1675     September 19                                 

5057      Grove         Joanna      daughter   Grove         Mr. Francis                        1675 September 23                                 

5058      Druly Edward      son   Druly John                    1675 October     3                               senior

5059      Eatin William       son   Eatin Thomas                        1675 October     10                                 

5060      Cooke        John son   Cooke        Edmon                          1675 October     17                                 

5061      Brambell    Jane daughter   Brambell    Rubin                            1675     October     26                                 

5062      Lues Mary daughter   Lues John                    1675 October     28                            

5063      Walton       Elizabeth   daughter   Walton       Gilbard                     1675 October     30                                  of London

5064      Longe        Elizabeth   daughter   Longe        Richard                    1675 November 12                                 

5065      Juliene      Elizabeth   daughter   Juliene      William                     1675 November 14                                 

5066      Bath Sarah         daughter   Bath Jathro                           1675     November 14                                 

5067      Pipper        James       son   Pipper        Josephe                       1675     November 21                                 

5068      Stacy         William       son   Stacy         Jonathan                      1675     November 23                                 

5069               Anna daughter                                          1675 November                                  

5070      Meller        Mary daughter   Meller        Thomas                        1675     December 1                                   

5071      Ball   Elizabeth   daughter   Ball   Roger                            1675     December 5                                   

5072      Scolerd      William       son   Scolerd      Zakery                          1675     December 12                                 

5073      Burger       Mary daughter   Burger       Henery                          1675     December 12                                 

5074      Barbar       Margerit    daughter   Barbar       Petter                       1675 December 14                                 

5075      Deane        John son   Deane        William                          1675     December 19                                 

5076      Piper Robert       son   Piper Robert                           1675 December 21                                  junior

5077      Gooddall    Ann   daughter   Gooddall    Elias                    1675     December 26                                 

5078      Flod  Thomas     son   Flod  Thomas                        1675 December 27                                 

5079      Blainchet  Margerit    daughter   Blainchet  Lawrence                1675 December 26                                 

5080      Fellow        Sarhe         daughter   Fellow        Thomas                    1675 December 25                                 

5081      Dowlin       William       son   Dowlin       William                          1675     January     2                                   

5082      Nosie         Thomas     son   Noise         John                    1675 January     6                                   

5083      Leach        Richerd      son   Leach        Thomas                        1675     January     10                                 

5084      Gooddall    Margery     daughter   Gooddall    Richard                    1675 January     24                                 

5085      Veare         John son   Veare         John                    1675 January     25                                 

5086      Sheperd    Jeanne      daughter   Sheperd    John                    1675     January     26                                 

5087      Halsey       Nicholas    son   Halsey       Nicholas                       1675     January     30                                 

5088      Hachat      Jeane        daughter   Hachat      James                      1675 February   1                                   

5089      Hinxman    Thomas     son   Hinxman    John                    1675 February     2                                   

5090      Luinton      William       son   Luinton      John                    1675 February     8                                   

5091      Hulat Mary daughter   Hulat John                    1675 February   10                            

5092      Holdwaie   Katherine  daughter   Holdwaie   Edman                      1675 February   10                                 

5093      Percy         Alce  daughter   Percy         Richard                         1675     February   10                                 

5094      Butler         James       son   Butler         James                           1675     March        5                                   

5095      Gill    John son   Gill    John                    1675 March        8                              

5096      Hust Nicholas    son   Hust Nicholas                       1676 March        28                                 

5097      Longe        Petter        son   Longe        John                    1676 March     30                                 

5098      Meales       Sarha         daughter   Meales       Andrew                    1676 March        30                                 

5099      Keate         John son   Keate         John                    1676 April  6                                                                                        

4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers - marriages
I will publish the marriages for Blake in the Parish Registers of St Marys Andover. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for marriages begin in 1587 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.


Marriage Registers commenced in 1587


Number Groom Surname Groom Forename        Parish        Brides Surname     Brides Forename        Parish        Grooms Father   Brides Father     Year     Month        Day   Details

1351 Burch         thomas                Card Mary                              1690 August       31         

1352 Stone         Thomas               Bezant       Mary                              1690          September 9      

1353 Glover        Richard      Longparish         Rogers       Jone Longparish                            1690 September 14    

1354 Plumton     Samuel      Houghton  Weeble      Joanna      Longstock                    1690 September 20    

1355 Bunny        Timothy              Horn Dorthy                                    1690          September 30     married at Foxcott

1356 Prince        Richard               Worm         Mary                              1690          September 30    

1357 Cooke        John          Eider Mary St Mary Bourn                       1690 October          14    

1358 Head John          Figgus       Ruth                              1690 October     19    

1359 Hedges      John South Tidworth  Sutton       Elinor                                      1690 October     19    

1360 Barber       Edward               Wheatly     Elizabeth                                1690          November 6       by license at Winchester by Mr. Isaac Jones Rector of St Maurice

1361 Smith         Robert       Lockford   Sutton       Rebecca    Fullerton                       1690 December 19    

1362 Hurst          Richard               Luington    Frances                                  1690          December 26    

1363 Jackman   John          Crouch       Christian                                1690 January          4      

1364 Bunch        John Tangly       Willis Anne Tangly                          1690 January          10    

1365 Morein       John          Long Anne                             1690 January     11    

1366 Watts         Edward      Tick____     Atkison      Mary Husford                         1690 February   10    

1367 Watters alias Miller     William                Merryman  Sarah                                      1690 February   22    

1368 Sutton       William                Smith         Elizabeth                                1690          February   22    

1369 Eeles         Thomas     Rauerster  Piper Elizabeth                                1691          April  13    

1370 Lively         John          Dewyee     Mary                              1691 April  13    

1371 Hide  James                 Willmott     Anne                             1691 April  19    

1372 Broad         Thomas               Blanchard Katherine                               1691          April  26    

1373 Way  William                Merryweather    Elizabeth                                1691 May          31    

1374 Cooke        Charles               Knightling Dorothy                                  1691          June 1      

1375 Westbridge         George      Collingbourn Kingston, Wiltshire Pinfield          Katherine  Collingborne Kingston, Wiltshire                    1691 June 8      

1376 Whittaker  Samuel                Golding      Lydia                             1691 June 22         

1377 Bear John          Gentle        Mary                              1691 June 29    

1378 White         Ambros      Rempen     Barrett       Elizabeth   Thrapson                      1691 July  1      

1379 Dean John          Talmadge  Joanna                                   1691 July  5      

1380 Renolds     William                Butler         Anne                             1691 July  5         

1381 Fisher        Robert       Husborn Upper   Sutten       Christian   Husborn Upper                             1691 July  6      

1382 Annats       John Monks Anne       Colly Anne Huerly                           1691          July  7      

1383 Saith William                Jeffery       Mary                              1691 July  19    

1384 Ward William       Huersley, WIL     Winter        Jane Huersley, WIL                        1691 July  30    

1385 Narman     William       Karsingstock     Hapgood   Mary                              1691 August       27     married at Foxcott

1386 Hide  Benjamin   Upper clatford   Sharp         Jane Isle of Wight                          1691 August       30    

1387 Burroughs John Chute         Fellton       Elizabeth   Chute                            1691 August       31    

1388 Drewly       William                Hooper      Susana                                   1691          August       31    

1389 Colly Edward      Chute         Tibbell       Elizabeth   Chute                            1691 September 5      

1390 Foster        John          Paysant     Amy                               1691 September 30          married at Foxcott

1391 Brown        Francis      Martyr Worthy    White         Eglar Martyr Worthy                       1691 September 30    

1392 Wright        Thomas     Newbury, BRK    Burch         Sarah         Newbury, BRK                             1691 September 30    

1393 Eyre  Mr. Robert          Nuttly         Mrs. Alicia                              1691 October          8      

1394 Meaton      Thomas               Par    Mary                              1691 October     12         

1395 Iremonger Thomas               Cooper       Katherin                                 1691          November 26    

1396 Figgus       Adam                   Knight        Rachell                                   1691          November 26    

1397 Payn William       Chute         Piper Margery     Chute                            1691          December 7       married at Foxcott

1398 Posly Richard      Collingborn Ducis        Ransom     Milliard      Collingborn Ducis                             1691 December 14    

1399 Rideout      Nicholas             Luke Margaret                                1691          December 18    

1400 Daniel        Alexander           Bray  Dorothy                                  1691          December 27    

1401 Knappe      Robert                 Grace         Ellen                              1691 January          4      

1402 Croom        Robert       Malborough        Rumboll     Jone Appleshir                      1691 January     12    

1403 Long John Sh___feild  Colborn      Magdalen  Broughton                    1691          January     27    

1404 Knight        Thomas               Hunt Angell                                     1691 February          9      

1405 Talmadge  Thomas               Musspratt Jone                              1692 March          27    

1406 Gostling     Richard               Seagrove  Joanne                                   1692          March        29    

1407 Sheppard  John          Knight        Mary                              1692 April  3      

1408 Ratty Edward               Muspratt   Elinor                                      1692 April  5         

1409 Web  Robert                 Dean Sarah                                      1692 April  24    

1410 Hodder      Mr. Thomas                  Kingsmill   Mrs. Elinnor                                     1692 April  25    

1411 Bendell      Robert                 Knight        Mary                              1692 May  2         

1412 Cole  Richard                                                               1692 May  17    

1413 Commins   Edward               Barnatt      Bridgett     Husborn Prior                        1692 May  20    

1414 Chivers      Jonathan            Hayward    Margaret                                1692 May          22    

1415 Tarlton      Edward               Lavington  Dorothy                                  1692          June 15    

1416 Cornelius   Henry Irish                    Meales       Katherin                                 1692 July  3       junior

1417 Nigh  Selathiel             Tomson     Elizabeth                                1692 July  5         

1418 Evans        Nicholas             Dean Amy                               1692 July  10    

1419 Millett        John Whitchurch         Batchelor  Elizabeth   Whitchurch                            1692 July  13    

1420 Forster      John          Lively         Mary                              1692 August       30         

1421 Figgus       John          Head Jone                              1692 September 19    

1422 Merrick      John          Hooper      Frances                                  1692          September 19    

1423 Barlow       Gilbert       Winchester         Neman       Mary Winchester                            1692 September 20    

1424 Steevens   John Millbrooke Sheppard  Mary Millbrooke                    1692          September 30    

1425          Benjamin                      Margaret                                1692 October     2         

1426 Lacy Abraham             Quoyl                                                1692 October     3         

1427 Washbord  Thomas               Fay   Susanna                                 1692 October          9      

1428 House        William                Miels Margaret                                1692 October          25    

1429 Day   Edward               Bevis          Prudence                               1692          December 1      

1430 Strong       Joseph      Broughton Hayter       Anne Broughton                    1692 December 20    

1431 Dalby         Richard      Winton       Boyes        Elizabeth   Houselbury                            1692 January     5      

1432 Fuller         George                Dalby         Mary                              1692 January          7      

1433 Neale         William                Brown        Mary                              1692 January          19    

1434 Peace        Nicholas             Jeliffe        Ellen                              1692 January          22    

1435 Moyl John          Drew Anne                             1692 January     29    

1436 Dowling     John          Ratty Elizabeth                                1692 February   5          junior

1437 Scullard     Zacharias           Keat Katherin                                 1692 February          7      

1438 Lines Edward               Crouch       Elizabeth                                1692 February          20    

1439 Giles William       Bushy Down       Jackman   Sarah                                      1692 February   21    

1440 Coombes   George                Barwick     Dorothy                                  1692          February   26    

1441 Moth John          Overton     Ruth                              1692 March        7      

1442 Bealle        Thomas     Nu Sen       Golding      Sarah         Woodhouse                           1692 March        9      

1443 Monck       John Barton Stasye    Walker       Mary                              1693          April  17     widow

1444 Cooke        Charles               _strue        Grace                                     1693          April  23    

1445 Talmadge  Richard      Whitchurch         Cox   Mary Whitchurch                            1693 May  24    

1446 Clark Thomas     Fifield        Benham     Mary ____ate                          1693 May          29     widow

1447 Peace        James       _ubery        Cooper       Mary                    Cooper, Mr. William       1693 June 7      

1448 Munday     Nathaniall           Jackman   Elizabeth                                1693          June 15     married at Upper Husborne

1449 Bonham     John Whichurch Barter        Anne Down Husbourn                     1693 July  6      

1450 Gouter       Mathew               Putkun       Jane Wilscom, Somerset                        1693 July  21    

1451 Lymes        Thomas               Forster      Mary                              1693 July  23         

1452 Goldstone Jams Monkton    Ashrige      E______       Wenson                         1693 August       6      

1453 Marshell    Richard      Bruton, Somerset        Limpus      Anne Canfeild, Weyhill                          1693 October     5      

1454 Rumsy       Richard      Aplesheer Hunt Phillice      Aplesheer                     1693 October     8       in the parish of Armporte

1455 Rattue       John Charlton    Hobgood   Mary Hatherden                    1693          October     8      

1456 Bell   Mr. Robert          Seagrove  Margrat                                  1693 October          22     minister of _____ler

1457 Gye   David         Geling        Lywood     Hanna        Lower Wallope                      1693 November 4      

1458 Scullard     William                Whatly       Ursly                             1693          November 5       widow

1459 Hill    Thomas               Gee   Rebeska    London                         1693          December 5      

1460 Piding        Daniell                 Cooper       Dorothy                                  1693          December 24    

1461 Scullard     Zacarias             Slade         Anne                             1693 January          21    

1462 Tayler        William       Inkpen       Noyes        Sarah         Fostcot                         1693 March        11    

1463 Legg Joseph      Nether R__ien     Hawkince  Jane Shodsden                     1693 March        12     in the parish of Kimpton

1464 Brine Nathaniel            Bradborn   Mary                              1693 March        14         

1465 Knight        Peter          Webb         Presedence                                    1694          March        29    

1466 Cooke        Richard      Wherwell   Cooke        Anne Wherwell                       1694 April  1      

1467 Tonuge      John          Sayter        Mary                              1694 April  5      

1468 Payne        Robert                 Keate         Elener                                     1694          April  8      

1469 Woodman  Richard               Collence    Mary                              1694 April  15         

1470 May  John Nubery       Kempton   Jane Collingborn Duces                          1694 April  19    

1471 Goodall      William                Durnford    Mary                              1694 May  2         

1472 Morrant     John Longparish         Wigg Patience   Churchon                      1694 May  3      

1473 Butcher     Edward               Whetlon     Elizabeth                                1694 May          6      

1474 Plimpton    John Goodworth Clatford    Peeke        Anne Goodworth Clatford                             1694 May  15    

1475 Allen John Woodhouse        Dickman    Anne Woodhouse                            1694 May  20    

1476 Small         Robert       Hatherden Knight        Jane Hatherden                    1694 June 24    

1477 Wilkins       John Southington       Kinchen     Elizabeth   Southington                          1694 June 26    

1478 Buny Jacob                  Giles Sarah                                      1694 July  8          widdow

1479 Blake         Robert                 Russell      Elizabeth                                1694          July  15    

1480 Bunce        Robert                 Goodall      Elizabeth                                1694          July  18    

1481 Joyes         John          Munday     Catherine                               1694 July  22          widdow

1482 Meales       George                Smith         Susan                                     1694          July  30    

1483 Purdy         George                Peacy        Miriam                                    1694          September 9      

1484 Gaskine     Joseph      Upper clatford   Cooper       Mary                              1694 September 18    

1485 Mills  John Bulinton     Heling        Newton                                  1694          September 18    

1486 Whetly       Robert                 Branum      Elizabeth                                1694          September 29    

1487 Gruncell    William       Wherwell   Marsh        Jane Lestford                        1694 October     4      

1488 Henbery    William       Wherewell Noyes        Susanah    Foxcot                          1694 October     11    

1489 Poole         John Winterborn Stoke        Holdway    Elizabeth                                1694 October     30    

1490 Munday     Samuell     Redman, Fifeld   Barns         Mary Redman, Fifeld                      1694 November 1      

1491 Annats       John          Self   Elizabeth                                1694 November 14         

1492 Cox   Richard      Westjohn, Wherwell    Hering        Jane Westjohn, Wherwell                             1694 November 6      

1493 Harhart      John Chierly, Berkshire       Cooke        Elizabeth   Quarly                           1694 November 12    

1494 Dowling     William       Charlton    Tappas      Mary                              1694          November 14    

1495 Deane        Robert                 Moront       Jone                              1694          November 17    

1496 Cowly         John          Meales       Sarah                                      1694          November 26    

1497 Helyer        Mr. George         Ginagar     Robinson   Mrs. Elenor                                     1694 December 5      

1498 Vince         William       Whitchurch         Pinnick      Jone Husborne Upper                    1694 December 11    

1499 Hampheer Lanzalat              Marton       Katherine                               1694          December 25     widow

1500 Tredgall     Roger         Woodhouse        Parr  Alice                              1694          December 27    

1501 Payne        William                Chivers      Sarah                                      1694          January     27     widow

1502 Brown        Peter          Whetlon     Sarah                                      1694 February          3      

1503 Pricto         John          Squibe       Elizabeth                                1694 February          4      

1504 Miller          William                Hobgood   Anne                             1694 February          5      

1505 Haytor       John North Bradley,Wiltshire       Rall   Elizabeth   Stockeridge                             1694 February   12    

1506 Mansell      Robert                 Coombe     Elizabeth   Sarum                           1694 February   27    

1507 Gooddall    Richard               Frampton  Hester                                    1694          February   27    

1508 Hustkine   Edward      Whitchurch         Peacey      Ellenor       Whitchurch                             1694 February   28    

1509 Helyer        John Enham       Withers      Joannah    Upton                            1695 April  5      

1510 Withers      Hazard       Upton         Helyer        Anne Enham                           1695 April  11    

1511 Fay   Timothy              Brown        Hester       Collingbourn                          1695 April  18    

1512 Wigg Edward      Longstock Naylle        Mary Longstock                    1695          April  25    

1513 Gennaway John Ibsror         Hellier        Elizabeth   Fackham                      1695 May  6      

1514 Manfeild    Samuell               Knowlls     Elizabeth                                1695 May          12    

1515 Green         Robert                 Hide  Mary                              1695 May  12    

1516 Gray Thomas               Mountaine Anne                             1695 May  17    

1517 Crouch       Michaell              Miller          Mary                              1695 June 3         

1518 White         William                Giatt Mary                              1695 June 4      

1519 Eatton       William                Goldney     Lidea                                      1695          June 9      

1520 Cooke        Anthony              Cooper       Mary                              1695 June 9         

1521 Manfield    John          Katle Mary                              1695 June 11    

1522 Watkince   Jeames               Moudy        Mary                              1695 July  1         

1523 Noyes        Robert       Shodsden  Febine       Margery     East Choldertoune                             1695 July  8      

1524 Hayce        Edward      Tangly       Hellier        Mary Fackham                      1695 July  18    

1525 Hatchett    Richard               Bath Katherin                                 1695 July  28         

1526 Issern        Phillip        Longparish         Coventry   Sarah                                      1695 August       1      

1527 Butcher     Robert                 Dounton    Bridgett                                  1695          August       14    

1528 Juie  Robert                 Toftwood  Bridgett                                  1695 October          7      

1529 Barnybie    John          Jonson      Mary                              1695 October     8         

1530 Bavis          John          Millett        Mary                              1695 October     10         

1531 Davis          Thomas               Pearcy       Sarah                                      1695          October     15    

1532 Galle Thomas               Spencer    Elizabeth                                1695 October          15    

1533 Elkton        John          Mason        Allice                                      1695          November 9      

1534 Dawbye     Thomas               Blanchett  Jone                              1695          November 24    

1535 Millett        William                Peeke        Margery     Collingbourn Kingson                    1695 December 7      

1536 White         William       Wildhern    Geffry         Margery     Wildhern                       1695 December 16    

1537 House        Thomas               Blanchett  Mary                              1695          December 23    

1538 Neall John          Galle Mary                              1695 December 23    

1539 Frances     William                Talmedg    Anne                             1695          December 30    

1540 Massye      John Broughton Kent Mary Lower Wallope                      1695          January     6      

1541 Galle Mathew     Barton Stacye    Hayword    Anne St Mary Bourn                        1695 January     6      

1542 Baker         Richard               Waight       Dorothy                                  1695          January     13    

1543 Juie  Robert                 Goulding    Frances                                  1695 February          2      

1544 Farr  Peeter                 Blackman  Mary                              1695 February   3         

1545 Watkince   Jonathan            Webb         Margarett                               1695          February   11    

1546 Spring        Richard               Haitter       Elizabeth                                1695          February   24    

1547 Brunnim     William                Pickernell Elizabeth   Upper Wallop                         1696 April  13    

1548 Head Anthony     Collingbourn Kingston, Wiltshire Rutter        Sarah                                      1696 April  20    

1549 Gea   William       Amport      Spratt        Mary Abots Ann                    1696          April  26    

1550 Noyse        James                 Baker         Susanah                                 1696 May          3      

1551 Harden      William       Remsbery, WIL   Popyony    Mary Remsbery, WIL                      1696 May  11    

1552 Murden      Mr. Jeremiah      London      Brice Eloner                                     1696 May  14    

1553 Taylor        Thomas     Whitchurch         Nealle        Anne                              1696 May  19    

1554 New  Henry                  Cousince   Margarett                               1696 May  20         

1555 Miller          John          Harfeild     Frances                                  1696 May  24         

1556 Hulditter    John          Garrett       Martha                                    1696 June 1         

1557 Arnon         Mr. John    London      Flower       Jane                              1696          June 16    

1558 House        William                Walden      Jane                              1696 June 28         

1559 Giatt William                Wilkence   Frances                                  1696 July  6         

1560 Way  William                Manfeild    Joannah                                 1696 July  14         

1561 Weller        Thomas     Buttermear         Brounson  Mary Coomb                           1696 July  17    

1562 Perry Joseph      Husbourn Prior   Sutton       Amea         Husborne Prior                      1696 August       9      

1563 Banks        Alexander           Penton       Anne                             1696 August          16    

1564 Harfot        Thomas               Morwood   Mary                              1696 August          25    

1565 Shipton      John          Muspratt   Mary                              1696 August       23          married at Lower Clatford

1566 Webb         William       Brummim, WIL   Harden      Mary                              1696 September 20    

1567 Barnett      John          Drouch       Dorothy                                  1696          September 27    

1568 Feilder       Richard               Blunden     Sarah                                      1696          September 30    

1569 Hall   John          Bull   Mary                              1696 October     1      

1570 Haice         John South Stoneham         Bolter         Elizabeth   South Stoneham                    1696 October     4      

1571 Strong       John          Hunt Elizabeth                                1696 October     5         

1572 Lively         Thomas               Crouch       Judith                                     1696          October     5      

1573 Duds Daniell                 Worwood   Mary                              1696 October     7         

1574 Higgince    Thomas               Lewise       Mary                              1696 October          8      

1575 Parker       William                Grosesmith         Abigaill                                   1696 October     20    

1576 Norice        Isaach                 Painter      Mary                              1696 October          22    

1577 Tarcy         Arthur        Cayton Buzard   Mundye     Mary                              1696 November 8      

1578 Cooper       Robert                 Meales       Joane                                     1696          November 17    

1579 James       George      Tidworth   Dobs Mary Lurgisalle                     1696          November 24    

1580 Pitman       John          Baker         Mary                              1696 December 2         

1581 Steell         William                Watters     Joane                                     1696          December 7      

1582 Spring        William                Hurst          Allice                                      1696          December 8      

1583 Rudman     Allexander          Foorder     Rebecah                                1696          December 31    

1584 Flower       John          Farr  Mary                              1696 January     5      

1585 Brite William       St Mary Bourn    Barnibye    Eloner                                     1696 January     10    

1586 Chivers      Roger                  Fowles       Martha                                    1696          January     10    

1587 Rusell        Robert                 Brunsden  Margarett                               1696          January     17    

1588 Webb         William                Lewise       Elizabeth                                1696          January     23    

1589 Croucher   John Bishops Waltham        Medhurst   Anne                              1696 January     24    

1590 Peek Daniell                 Read Martha                                    1696 February   16         

1591 Gray Nicholas             Thomas     Mary                              1697 April  4      

1592 Norice        Richard               Veare         Mary                              1697 April  4         

1593 Bramble     Rewbine              Flood         Jane                              1697 April  9         

1594 Fidler         Stephen    Longparish         Hacker      Anne                              1697 May  10     widow

1595 Cutman      William                Cobden      Margarett  Snidhurst, Sussex                          1697 May  18    

1596 Diaper        William                Baverstock         Sarah                                      1697 May  23    

1597 Webb         John Reading     Tomes       Margarett                               1697 May          26    

1598 Watts         John          Godfry        Mary                              1697 May  26    

1599 Hopgood   John          Knowles    Anne                             1697 June 1      

1600 Hatchett    William                Knight        Mary                              1697 June 13                   


Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp for the 1st July 2022 issue by the middle of June 2022.


Elizabeth Kipp,

Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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