Friday, July 15, 2022

Earlier Charts of Pincombe/Pinkham

 I do have sixteen earlier Charts of the Pincombe/|Pinkham families of Devon and some emigrant lines to the Royal Colonies now the New England States of the United States of America. All of this information has been very interesting. It was collected after the 1960s but there were individuals who gave information to the two researchers Galen Pinkham and Dr Richard Pinkham who being adults in that time frame were likely born before World War II or close to it thus having a knowledge of their Pincombe families in their areas. This is always valuable research and I shall always treasure these charts. 

The two researchers also put in time in the repositories collecting information where possible and all of that is also greatly appreciated and was a great inheritance for the Pincombe/Pinkham project. 

I spent the morning extracting using specific spellings that I have noted over the past couple of weeks but having done that I also noted a new spelling when I was going through one of the registers and have now added in that spelling because it is obviously (because of the record) another spelling that was used by this family not so much that they wrote it down that way but rather the priest has recorded this spelling in his registers. Although my Pincombe family does appear to read and write back into the at least 1600s not everyone would have been able to correct any spelling of their name. I do know that was a bit of a touchy point in my line as they spelled their family name quite specifically and attempted to correct any mis-spellings including the census here in Canada but that doesn't always come to fruition; spelling is what it is and once written down it is difficult to change although now we are pretty much set in stone here in our century that wasn't the case in the 1800s or even into the 1900s. 

Now that I have extracted all this information from Find My Past I am toying with the idea of reading the registers for Pilton, Barnstaple, Tawstock, Ilfracombe, Bideford and Kings Nympton (and continuing to read South Molton and Chittlehampton as I have been doing this week). I have transcribed Bishops Nympton, North Molton, Lankey and parts of Rose Ash. Although my own line seems secure as I take it back into Bishops Nympton I am always on the alert for any record that might add to or change what I do know. In that they did leave PCC wills which still exist that has been helpful as well as the wills in the Inland Revenue Books. I also found transcripts of the wills held by the Society of Genealogists made prior to World War II which was an exciting discovery back in 2013. That let me sort out the death date for my 4x great grandfather John Pincombe. 

Find My Past

Pincombe 16 Hits (12 unique)                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    Tawstock    Edith    Devon Wills Index    1572    Edith is a widow at Tawstock (T)
2    Chittlehampton    Helen    Baptism 28 Mar    1577    Helen daughter of Richarde Pincombe
3    Bideford    Johane    Baptism 5 Oct    1566    Joane daughter of William Pincombe
4    Ilfracombe    Jone    Baptism 27 Feb    1570    Jone daughter of William Pincombe (T)
5    North Molton    Margret    Marriage  15 Nov    1539    Margret married Phillip Kyngdon
6    Roborough    Thomas?    Baptism     1588    Son of John Pincombe
7    Bishop's Nympton    Anne    Burial 4 May    1600    Anne daughter of Richarde Pincombe
8    Roborough    George    Baptism Mar    1588    George son of John Pincombe (T)
9    South Molton    John    Devon Wills Index    1593    Will transcription completed (T)
10    Bishop's Nympton    John    Marriages 27 Nov    1598    John of Southmolton married Margarett Stephan
11    Bideford    Richard    Devon Wills Index    1592    Will from Barnstaple Diocese (T)
12    Bishop's Nympton    William    Baptism 23 Mar     1599    William son of Richarde and Anne
Pincomb 2 hits                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    Bideford    Phillip    Boyd's Marriage Index    1583    Phillip married Wilmote Bear (T)
2    Bideford    Walter    Boyd's Marriage Index    1587    Walter married Johan Pine (T)
Pinkcombe 1 hit                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    Roborough    John    Burial 17 Feb    1596    John the elder
Pinkcomb 2 Hits    (1 unique)               
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    Molland        Baptism 26 May    1600    Unknown son of John Pinkcomb
Pinkome 6 Hits (5 unique)                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    Roborough    Alexander    Baptism 20 Mar    1593    No details on Alexander's parents
2    Roborough    Henrie    Baptism 25 Mar    1597    Henrie son of John Pinkome
3    Roborough    Henrie    Burial 4 Apr     1597    No information
4    Roborough    Marie    Burial 10 Aug     1599    Marie daughter of John Pinkome
5    Roborough    William    Burial 09 Aug    1595    No details
Pencomb 4 Hits (3 unique)                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    Roborough    Thomas    Devon Wills Index    1578    Additional Information 7 pounds 4 shillings 8 pence (T)
2    South Molton    Christopher    Devon Wills Index    1585    Additional information 152 pounds 15 shillings 8 pence (T)
3    North Molton    Eme    Devon Wills Index    1585    No further information (T)
Pencombe 9 Hits (6 unique)                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    East Buckland    Johanne    Devon Wills Index    1563    Will transcription completed (T)
2    North Molton    John    Devon Wills Index    1576    Additional information 46 pounds 19 shillings 4 pence (T)
3    Tawstock    Philip    Devon Wills Index    1564    No further information (T)
4    North Molton    William    Devon Wills Index    1564    No further information (T)
5    Chittlehampton    Richard    Devon Wills Index    1588    No further information (T)
6    Kings Nympton    William    Marriages 23 Jan    1597    William married Temperance Pollarde
Pyncombe 57 Hits (37 unique)                   
Item    Place    Forename    Record    Year    Note
1    North Molton    Agnes    Baptism 6 Jun    1543    Agnes daughter of William Pyncombe
2    North Molton    Ales    Marriage 29 November    1561    Ales married William Locke
3    Pilton    Anthonye    Marriage 22 July    1578    Anthonye married Alse Roche
4    North Molton    Elizabeth    Burial 18 Feb    1563    Elizabeth wife of William Pyncombe
5    North Molton    Johane    Baptism 5 Apr    1561    Johane daughter of John Pyncombe
6    North Molton    John    Marriage 1 Jul    1560    John married Emet Hodge (widow)
7    North Molton    Margerett    Marriage 26 May    1567    Margerett married William Squire
8    North Molton    Mary    Baptism 08 Dec    1547    Mary daughter of William Pyncombe (T)
9    Pilton    Maryan    Marriage 29 Sep    1577    Maryan married Roger Jule
10    North Molton    Marye    Baptism 8 Jul    1555    Marye daughter of John Pyncombe
11    North Molton    Marye    Burial 4 Feb    1563    Marye daughter of John Pyncombe
12    North Molton    Marye    Baptism 18 Jan    1563    Marye daughter of John Pyncombe
13    North Molton    Marye    Marriage 20 July    1567    Marye married George Squire
14    North Molton    Peternell    Baptism 29 Jun    1574    Peternell daughter of John Pyncombe of Pilton
15    North Molton    William    Marriage 26 Nov    1564    William married Margret Gregorye
16    North Molton    William    Burial 13 Sep    1564    No other details
17    North Molton    William    Devon Wills Index    1567    No other details (T)
18    North Molton    William    Burial 25 Mar    1565    No other details
19    Pilton    child    Burial 6 Mar    1582    Child of Anthony Pyncombe
20    Pilton    Elizabeth    Baptism 15 Oct    1583    Elizabeth daughter of Anthony Pyncombe
21    Bideford    Phillippe    Marriage 10 Feb    1583    Phillippe married Wilmote Beare
22    Bideford    Richard    Baptism 27 Mar    1585    Richard son of Phillippe Pyncombe
23    Bideford    Richard    Burial 7 Jun    1592    No other details
24    Bideford    Walter    Marriage 31 Jan    1587    Walter married Johane Pyne
25    Bideford    Agnes    Baptism 30 Sep    1590    Agnes daughter of Phillippe Pyncombe
26    Bideford    Anthony    Baptism 30 May    1596    Anthony son of Phillipps Pyncombe
27    Warkleigh    Anthony    Devon Wills Index    1596    No other details (T)
28    Tawstock    Edward    Devon Wills Index    1594    No other details (T)
29    North Molton    Emott    Baptism 9 Dec    1594    Emott daughter of George and Dorothie Pyncombe
30    Bideford    Johane    Baptism 18 Mar    1592    Johan daughter of Phillippe Pyncombe
31    North Molton    Johane    Baptism 9 Nov    1599    Johane daughter of George and Dorothie Pyncombe
32    Barnstaple    John    Devon, Port Books    1595    John Pyncombe Merchant 10 Jan 1595 sailing to La Rochelle, France (T)
33    North Molton    Peternell    Devon Wills Index    1591    No other details (T)
34    North Molton    Phillippe    Baptism 28 May    1592    Phillippe son of George Pyncombe
35    Bideford    Richard    Burial 7 June    1592    No other details
36    North Molton    William    Baptism 15 Apr    1597    William son of George and Dorothie Pyncombe
37    Bideford    William    Baptism 24 Dec    1599    William son of Richard Pyncombe

(T) The item was from a transcript; the original document was not seen by me.

I shall spend time today matching up this information with the charts produced by the earlier researchers. Solving the mystery of the Pincombe family in the 1500s would definitely be a step forward and delving into the South Molton branch has proven to be a good starting point because the families that were first there either daughtered out or moved on (Poughill being one of the locations that they moved to). My own branch at Bishops Nympton appeared to be there from the end of the 1500s into the 1900s although my own direct line emigrated to Canada in 1850/1851. 

Finding that John  Pincombe perhaps of Barnstaple was into selling at LaRochelle France in the late 1500s was quite fascinating. I had not seen that record before. Have I captured all the spellings though? I think reading some of these early registers will let me see that. Access at Find My Past to the scans of the early registers has been quite fantastic and easier to read than on my fiche reader.

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