Thursday, August 4, 2022

Rain beautiful rain

Finally had some rain and the trees are out there soaking it up but hopefully some for the grass as well! Cloudy and overcast all day predicted and hopefully more rain. It has been very dry this July as always and August often gives us some good showers to make up for that. 

Russia is playing with fire once again as it assists Iran in their endeavours whatever they are. One cannot tell with Iran really; they shot down a civilian aircraft headed to Canada killing all on board. They are a very evil state also threatening other Islamic member states around them. They hate the United States and us because we helped the Americans from the US Embassy to escape years ago. That hatred lives on though for sure. Why does Russia hate Canada; because we help Ukraine. Really Russia should be kind to the so-called West; after all we helped them during World War II with military supplies, food and medicines.  

Prayers for Ukraine as always; that they will be successful in their endeavours to protect their people and their state. Thanks to Turkey for their help in this crisis. They are doing a great job of managing the food crisis which Russia created as a manipulative tool. No one wants to actually bring Russia to their knees we would just like them to retreat to the pre-2014 borders of Ukraine and get back to managing Russia. Borders have become sacrosanct in this century. Imperialism is dead. Go to the United Nations with your complaints do not invade other countries. 

I completed the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter and will now move on to the Blake Newsletter. The Somerset Subsidies will be my first item to check out. 

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