Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Donation of Edward's genealogical material to the OGS/BIFHSGO Library

 Probably I am thinking as I read through an article (soon to be published) written to express thanks and outline the various tools that were donated from Edward's genealogical collection one should probably thank Gordon Riddle for persuading Edward to go with him to his first Ontario Ancestors Ottawa Branch then Ontario Genealogical Society Ottawa Branch meeting way back in the early 1980s or it might have been 1980 actually - I have forgotten exactly when they first went. When they returned, Edward already had a vast amount of material on their mutual home areas which he had set out for them to look at - both were born in Burford Township, Brant County, Ontario and both on a farm. 

Although Edward would probably still have purchased everything that he did, he was well on his way bookwise after fourteen years of marriage and genealogical endeavours on his own and consulting with Ed Phelps at Western University (a well known librarian there) on the various finds that were purchased in our travels around farm auctions in Edward's home area some of which he did give to Ed Phelps for the early colonial history section of the library. 

We actually moved here with over 100 boxes of books (I had two boxes) way back in 1975 and partly my fault because he always asked for books for his birthday, anniversary, Christmas and any other time.  However, we were both quite involved in the Royal Astronomical Society that met at the University in those earlier days and genealogy was something he did on his own (although he did persuade me to go through reels of microfilms and pull out names in those early days before children). We came with our one year old so Edward took on Amateur Ham Radio when we first arrived which he really enjoyed and was something fun to do and be with people (Edward was a people person).

Edward quickly found that he really enjoyed Ottawa Branch and so his free time was taken up with choir practice, Sunday Service and treasurer at Orleans United Church and the genealogy society along with French classes one night a week and still part of Amateur Ham Radio. The girls did find that he was always going out but we put in our time putting on plays that our oldest was studying at school or reading books aloud one at a time or doing some exciting math puzzles. When he was here though he was 100% with the girls and they adored him; he was their center for sure and greatly missed still by them. Funny how all of that comes back when you read through an article about your husband; he is being remembered for just one part of his life although it did become a great part when he retired. He put in a full day and more on his genealogical endeavours and it paid off for him - he discovered a forgotten ancestry on his mother's side with all sorts of exciting people and he gave a talk at a genealogical meeting to share that with everyone. He loved to help people with their genealogies. It is moving towards two years since he passed away but he is missed greatly.

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