Sunday, January 22, 2023

Time marches onward and progress on the Siderfin book

 Yesterday was devoted heavily to working on the Siderfin Book. I have more or less completed the third generation with a few loose ends I am still working on. It had a major stumbling block as James Sanders had Robert Siderfin (son of William Sidervin and Wilmot Foster) dying in 1612 but there is a will in 1627 for a Robert Siderfin naming his children and sister's child. There isn't a will in 1612 for a Robert Siderfin. His age in 1627 would be estimated at 87 which was a very long lived life at that time. The estimated 1540 year of birth was based on his parent's likely marriage in 1534-5 given the indenture that was created as the marriage portion for Wilmot (Foster) Siderfin by her father John Foster and Robert appears on the Muster Roll of 1569 although he could have been as young as 16 perhaps so that year of birth could be 1540 to 1544 which would then give him an estimated age at death of 83. The baptisms of his children begin in the 1580s which has him as rather older when his children were born and has been a challenge in my thoughts but there isn't an inkling of the maiden surname of his wife Christian or their date of marriage. The will of 1627 names his children and grandchildren as well as the child of his sister (except for a Mary/Marie mentioned in the will as a daughter but one child Elizabeth is missing from the will and she married James Nurcombe 30 Sep 1616 at Luxborough and has a death date of 1668 on Sander's Pedigree Chart. He does mention his granddaughter Johanne Couch (daughter Christian married William Couch 3 Jun 1616 at Luxborough). The records are definitely thin on the ground in this time period and the parish registers for Luxborough in the 1500s have been "eaten" making them rather difficult to read but the name Siderfin does rather stand out where it exists fortunately. 

Today I continue with the Third Generation and hopefully moving onto the Fourth Generation. The size of Robert's family makes this a rapidly expanding family and I will do the Fourth Generation as four separate charts - namely one for each of the three sons leaving a large family - namely William, Robert and Thomas - and one for the overall family including the daughters of Robert. I have not done the task of working the table down for the daughters as being a one-namer the second that one changes their surname I may or may not record the first generation although generally I do not but in this case I will attempt to bring the line down a couple of generations if that is possible (in this case there is the Couch family, the Nurcombe family and perhaps one other as I have not discovered if the youngest daughter Jane married - she is mentioned in the will regarding her marriage portion). Mary remains a bit of an enigma since there is a Mary in the will but not an Elizabeth! Mary Elizabeth would have been a common name as the female children were often given the name Mary along with another forename and the boys were often given Joseph along with another surname but not perhaps as often as the forename Mary is given. We are now into the times of Queen Elizabeth when the Anglican Church was becoming more prominent in England with Elizabeth as Supreme Governor (Queen Mary returned the Church of England to its former position as part of the Church of Rome and the Pope as Head of the Church). 

I will do some shifting of text so that all of the text dealing with the Second Generation is part of that section. There is still more text to go through in the Third Generation portion. When I first read "The Siderfin Family of West Somerset" book by James Sanders I was quite pleased with all the material but I can see where my changes will make it more readable and less of an historical tome of events in the Siderfin Family brought together with subtitles of the most eventful happenings in the Family over a period of three hundred years. 

Reading the news today and once again are the Nazis Putin and his enablers going to be able to hold the world ransom so that it can steal Ukraine? The threat of nuclear war has forever been bandied about over the seventy seven years of  my life. We will probably need nuclear weapons in our future if only to move asteroids out of the way of the planet but threatening us constantly with global annihilation is just a childish two year old way of saying I want it and if I can not have it then I will destroy everything. Russia, as a country, has a unique and beautiful history over the thousands of years of its existence. Too bad that the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers have a goal that is untenable in the modern world. We can not let brutes run our world; we all lose because today it is Ukraine but what is it tomorrow? Give Ukraine the equipment that it needs to push the Russians back to the borders established at the end of the Soviet Union. No one asked the Soviet Union to wage wars that caused its bankruptcy and the break up of the Soviet Union. Millions of people were freed from enslavement behind an Iron Curtain when the Soviet Union collapsed; this war will come if Russia does not get out of Ukraine - they can not unilaterally hold an illegal referendum without the United Nations being part of it to declare it a free election and then claim that land as part of Russia. Armageddon looms again and the way to God is through Jesus and the path is through the New Commandments not some wishy washy statements made by a corrupt Rasputin like Patriarch Kirill. If he cared about the Russian Orthodox Church and the millions of adherents in Russia he would support Ukraine's right to be free. But it is all about power and money and his own glory and so he treats the Russians like serfs and tells them lies to get them to go to war against their blood; their cousins and neighbours. We must not lose the beauty of the words that Christ brought to us. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. The second is like onto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; There is none other commandment greater than these. One of the great mysteries of the Russian Orthodox Church is their belief that one faithful person with one icon can rebuild the sacred Russian Orthodox Church which has its roots deep in the Christianity created by Christ Himself. There can be wicked people Russia - remember Rasputin - support Ukraine not the Nazis Putin and his enablers who have taken over your government. Russia belongs to the Russian people not the Nazis Putin and his enablers.

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