Friday, March 10, 2023

The equinox is coming

Perhaps the greatest thing about March in my part of the world is the coming of the Spring Equinox generally around March 20-21 and this year it will be March 20. We are now almost one third of the way through March and ten days from the Equinox. I too have a strong interest in astronomy which Edward and I very much shared in our University days as members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. We spent hours looking through the telescope but we both were driven by our own style of interest. Mine tended towards seeing God in the Universe and I believe by the end of his life Edward rather shared that view. The comfort of having God in our lives outweighs all the dictators in the world; they can kill us but in the end they too will die horrible deaths if they inflict pain on the earth and its peoples. Power isn't about owning it is about being a good administrator and fitting into the scheme of the world. That being said I move on to the days work. Prayer for Ukraine as always. Glory to Ukraine. Wishing death on the Russian invaders isn't really part of my nature; rather I await God's retribution for their enormous sins against mankind. COVID taught us that the earth is very small now in terms of moving from one place to another and it is ever the more imperative that we respect the boundaries that we, the people of the earth in the United Nations, established at the end of the Second World War and the fall of the Soviet Union. 

Yesterday I decided to tackle FMP's 2,424 entries for the Siderfin family. I had thought to work on the 1939 Register but decided to simply go for what has been collected by their very excellent search engines. I completed the first three pages and on to the next page. Along the way I am slowly discovering the Siderfin entries that do not fit into the family lines I have created with the marrying of the census and the BMBs from the time before the census. It does appear to be the best approach. Plus I am updating my Legacy Tree which has been created when I was still doing the one-name study with additions as they occurred mainly the matches of autosomal DNA when there was also a tree. Ancestry and My Heritage have been particularly good for that as there are many matches with myself and my four siblings that are most obviously Siderfin. 

The snowy landscape continues around us but one of these days the Sun will heat up the land and it will all disappear and we will be left with mud for a while and the warming winds of April (but still snow perhaps) will gradually dry out the land and the planting of May begins. It is how Canada flows and time has changed it very little except we too suffer from global warming because we are an Arctic nation. The land becomes more workable as the global warming occurs. Time will tell. But the centuries that have preceded us when Homo sapiens has walked the face of the earth we have had a polar arctic. Perhaps one day we might discover that the Neanderthals (my family shares 1.9% with Neanderthals) actually did have writings and we will learn about their times on the earth. This is a discovery period for us as the earth gives forth its secrets and there is also the Denisovan (my family shares 3.5% of our DNA with Denisovan) to discover. My ancient ancestors continue to intrigue me as more and more discoveries come to light. There is also Homo erectus which dates back almost two million years first in Africa and then into Asia and they were the first known and our eldest in the species Homo and they were first to cook their food. Still to discover how much of our DNA has come from Homo erectus. There are great things to learn in this world. Fighting wars is a waste of time. If people want to be part of something then they will join; waiting and being welcoming works much better for the human race. 

I like the Liberal proposal of a rapporteur in this flare-up over interference by other nations in our elections as I do not think that a Public Inquiry is worth the money that it will cost but will see if the individual selected agrees with that thought. It is interesting to see the Liberal party being more careful with our money than the Conservatives at the moment (that has always been a cherished Conservative principle in my past). The Liberals are doing what I want to see done. They are supplying our military with the necessary equipment to help take care of our land and our troops deployed elsewhere. Throwing money around though is the one item that keeps me from actually being a Liberal - they do tend to throw money at things but the current Minister of Finance is a much more measured person. I find this attacking of the Prime Minister for absolutely everything that other parties have decided they do not like to be a waste of time. Turning everything into a bi-partisan issue is incredibly boring. Lets move together as a unit and make Canada the best country it can be. The elections are still a long way off - plenty of time to deal with interference. Besides, I find it rather insulting that individuals are arguing that a Public Inquiry is needed before being reviewed by a non-partisan individual. I believe Canadians, once they are made aware of interference, are quite capable of reading with an eye to truth. Mind you I do not read social media on line very often as a lot of it is just trash and I believe Canadians, given the details, are quite capable of separating the trash from the good stuff. The Prime Minister has also said he is open to consulting with the opposition parties on the choice of the person for the role. Time will tell.

Time for jumping jacks, breakfast and then back to work. May God bless our world.

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