Thursday, May 4, 2023

Another rainy May day but rain is still needed

One thing is certain I rather believe on this 4th of May day, all living breathing Ukrainians or the souls of the murdered Ukrainians wish to see the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers brought into the International Criminal Court to face the charges against him/them for the vicious and illegal acts that have been performed against the Ukrainian people over the past year plus. That also includes many other peoples of the world especially the NATO countries helping to arm Ukraine to assist them to cast out the psychopathic Nazi murderers that have entered their sovereign land illegally. Prayers for Ukraine and the Sudan. May we see peace and soon in both. Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord God.

Today I continue to work on the files that were sent to me for the Pencombe family of Devon. I suspect I might be able to do at least one per day and time will tell. I can be rather dedicated to picking out as much information as I am able. Generally every piece of the information has its own story to tell. 

The primrose is blooming, thus far four of the five different colours have emerged from their winter sleep. They are far from the green fields of England where they flourish in abundance even as early as February in London. My grandmother always had a large patch of primrose. I have been on those streets in London where the Coronation activities will take place so many times now that I can close my eyes and see those streets in my mind. I am very happy to be watching on the television there is no desire on my part to be there. I wish all the best for King Charles III and his family. May he long be King of Canada as well. The methods of acquiring a new Head of State are absolutely abhorrent to me and are soaked in politics. Having a Head of State that is non-political is uppermost in my mind and that is best attained by the present method. We could not have a better person in terms of his belief in the greening of the world; that has been his mantra from his teenage years. Life has seen great changes for Charles from the crippling structure of the Royal Family with regard to whom he could marry to the present day marriages for love. He has led that torch of freedom for his relatives controlled by the fishbowl of royal life. He will be the third King/Queen in my memory. Life has changed very much since King George VI. 

Breakfast awaits and then the files to work on. Today I shall fill the recycling bin once again with twigs from pruning the fruit bushes - it is time. They are all about to burst into leaf.

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