Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Russophobia - none here

No Russophobia here; I would actually like to see the Russian people prosper and not be forced by their leaders to die on a foreign battle field (I actually met a number of older teenage Russian students many years ago when we held a good-bye party for them at my husband's United Church when they were returning to Russia after a visit to Canada). I think it would be great to see them once again at the forefront in research (they did after all put the first person into space) - all of that has been denied to them since the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers took over Russia.  I think that they should compete in the worldwide athletic events but Russian athletes and those that support Russia should realize it is heart wrenching for Ukrainians to acknowledge you knowing that your country or the country that your country is supporting murders their children/their parents/their brothers/their sisters/their people with senseless bombing. It would be so easy for Russia to simply get out of Ukraine (pack up and go). The mess the Russians have created there will take a generation to clean up for sure. The Russians have behaved like two years olds stealing from the Ukrainians (why are the wealthy of Russia not sharing their money with the Russian people so they do not have to steal to have these items). The mining with explosives of the land by Russia is disgraceful; that land is used to grow food for the hungry of the world (it will take a long time to de-mine it). Foremost it is actually indecent and disrespectful of God who asks only that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbour as ourself. One wonders if Russians are actually Christian anymore; they are not following the rules of God.  When Russia gets out of Ukraine and stays out of Ukraine then the world can go back to working on Climate Change and eliminating poverty. The damage that Russia has done and is still doing in Ukraine is pure ignorance; the chance of the Nuclear plant destabilizing continues daily and that is all Russia's fault (why is Russia trying to destroy the Eastern Hemisphere with nuclear fallout). So Russophobia by me no (I live in the Western Hemisphere by the way) - hatred of what is being done in Ukraine absolutely yes. But definitely Russia will have to work hard to regain trust in the Eastern Hemisphere and the world for sure. Russia's neighbours will ever be watchful as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine first through Belarus. 

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