Wednesday, August 30, 2023

And the rain came down

A very heavy thunder and lightning storm in the night with lots of rain and once again we did need the rain. But the lightning we could do without for sure as lightning is one of the causes of forest fires. We are doing okay in Ontario though so far. Winter is coming and for me the best time of the year for sure - lots of research time. Plus lots of movie watching time as I continue to binge-watch on Netflix all of the interesting shows they have created over the past dozen years. Edward loved to watch the cooking shows and music so we generally did do that but I do like shows about space - the child in me that thought being an astronaut was a wondrous notion when I was in my first decade has returned to thinking going into outer space is a fascinating idea. 

I woke up thinking about one of my favourite hymns today. It was a perfect way to awake and I do so love religious music - Gregorian Chants have always fascinated me. I did sing in the Choir when I was a child until I was about fourteen I think; would have stayed longer but I started to teach Sunday School. My mother kept me busy with Guides and Dancing Lessons but they conflicted sometime in my teen years perhaps around 14 or 15 and she decided that dancing was probably more important for me because I really did dislike camping - wall to wall people in a bell tent without a floor was dreadfully unappealing. I could have wall to wall people at home so the attraction was absolutely nill. Plus there always seemed to be long grass where ever those  tents were pitched so one was faced with soaking wet legs or the grass cutting bare legs if one wore shorts. My memories of Guide Camp are not good and when my daughters wanted to go camping with Brownies and Guides I did not go with the oldest but the youngest had some food allergies and so I went as cook and bottle washer so to speak with my tent that had a floor! But she did decide that she could manage the food allergies after that and I was persuaded by her to let her go without me. I did get rather exhausted to be honest hauling food back to the campsite in some sort of a cart - the memory is somewhat blurry now. Never was I so glad to have something completed to be honest. I was not meant to be a Guide/Brownie leader and only did it whilst my own children were involved although did do one year ahead of my eldest just to remind me of Brownies. Mostly it reminded me that I did not ever really like Brownies and Guides - I really think it is for only children or children without a lot of siblings. I was Brown Owl though for my children and all the children had a great time as I recall. I think the comradeship is good for children but my other leaders were probably not that happy with me as I tend to run things in a rather rigorous and scheduled way seldom deviating from that planned time. But the children were content with the fixed pattern. 

No work done on research still clearing up for winter although still a lot to do but I want to be able to put the car in the garage and that time is fast approaching as August moves into September. Just four more days and the anniversary of Edward and I marrying (it would be 57 years had he lived to now). Part of my clinging to the past is Edward would have liked to live to be 90 and we wanted that for him but health and fate intervened and he was almost 78 when he passed following nearly ten years of less than optimum health although I would have said it was a hernia that he acquired that was the most restricting for him. He just couldn't walk for miles as we had done before that hernia. His operation was scheduled but time caught up to him during COVID which I also tend to blame as he was a people person and loved his various groups and things he went to. It was a moment in time when the hernia was acquired. We had just returned from our month in the British Isles and I came back with a nasty cold and decided not to go to the book sorting group that day. I generally went primarily to make sure he didn't over do it picking up boxes and the like because he was slowly losing his great strength. No one's fault of course but he picked up one to many boxes and the hernia resulted. It still saddens me that I stayed home that day but one can not feel guilty one's entire life and we all make choices. So I have decided to move on from that thought in my mind and put it into the past. It was just something I could do nothing about and had to watch as his strength ebbed away because he found COVID so restrictive and I could never persuade him that walking around the house up and down the two flights of stairs could be fun but I am an exercise fanatic and we did not share that tendency. Exercise is the most important item for seniors really I think. One can eat a pretty basic diet and still get good nutrition but exercise is vital. 

The Siderfin book continues top of mind and my fifth cousin is working on the Thomas Line which is much appreciated and will mention her in the acknowledgements. It is the more difficult line because Thomas moved away from the family so more difficult to follow and understand. 

The Pencombe book though is starting to sneak into my thoughts these days and I am looking forward to starting that book as soon as I am able if the cataract surgery comes first. If not then I will begin the Pencombe book in December which is rather exciting. 

A reminiscent morning for sure and must get on with the day. Tea all drank and now on to breakfast but first one more set of jumping jacks. Then weight lifting later in the morning and a good 40 minute run before lunch. Then calisthenics in the latter part of the afternoon, dinner and TV watching for a bit. Usually I do not do research in the evenings as my mind gets too busy with all the thoughts and complicates my sleep! 

On to the day.

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