Thursday, August 10, 2023

Headline today - Moscow announces "appropriate response" to West's "indirect war"

Russia is not living in the real world; their lines of communication are so blocked that they do not see that they are the problem. They need to stop attacking Ukraine; get their armies out of Ukraine and the world can go back to doing what needs to be done which is mainly and primarily cleaning up the environment. Russia (the Nazis Putin and his enablers) lives in some sort of a dark age where reason no longer predominates in their culture but just greed - greed for land, greed for products and hatred of the west. Russia does need to start seeing the real world where people just want peace and a better environment. By the bombing that Russia does they threaten both world peace and the environment.  Considering the amount of material that was poured into Russia during the Second World War to help them fight the Nazis it is absolutely ridiculous that they would attack Ukraine for the same ugly reasons that the Nazis started the Second World War. The waiting game is still on; we will be ready when Russia tries to break out and start a Third World War. A Russian rocket has struck Zaporizhzhia; that is lunacy. 

Continuing with the redistribution of Edward's research and all of the Link material has now been transferred. The next set of data is for Schultz and Kipp-Schultz as well as some items to Edward's niece and the Princeton Museum. Wonderful cousins of Edwards are going to pick that material up from us and take it back to where it needs to go. Much appreciated as I am not doing that drive although I have offered to mail it. But some objects are very fragile and would be better in a car for sure. All that I am left with now is a box for the United Empire Loyalists and need to determine where to send all that material so will contact the two groups that Edward belonged to and see if they can decide. There is also a box of manuals and other items for the Amateur Radio group that Edward belonged to and I have someone picking that up as well. That would complete this summer's redistribution projects and next summer we will work on the original images of the Allen-Parlee-Folkins families and the Kipp families of BC to see if the repositories in New Brunswick and British Columbia would accept those two sets of data. 

I have a large box of scanning to do which I will work at this winter in between writing. The other boxes are the story of our family so to speak and we will need to manage that for ourselves and it occupies 40 plus large binders in terms of printed images. Two boxes of film and slides and other photographic discs through the years. It is a relief on my mind to have handled all this material in a fashion that does see it go to other interested people. Genealogy is definitely something you have to be interested in doing; I never really did get that interest. My one-name studies (although sort of like genealogy) are more of a deep search into the past rather than a modern look at how the family has evolved. My younger sister does that and has a great tree built of the family to which I do refer actually for anything recent. 

The Bible Readings this week have been about Joseph and his sibling rivalry which led to his being sold by some of his brothers and taken to Egypt. The exciting story of all of that is to come; a time when God walked and talked with mankind. But his guidance has been given and we must learn to follow the words that Jesus brought to us in order to achieve that peace that we so desire. 

Russia has shown us that that we must be prepared to fight back and fight back with all our might if they ever do break out into Europe. There can be no peace in our world unless Russia is corralled within their own borders as established at the end of the Soviet Union. Putin it appears is incapable of rising above his stupidity and getting out of Ukraine. Greed is a dreadful thing and a sin.

Breakfast soon. 

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