Monday, September 11, 2023

Putting God wishes first

Our world would be Utopia if we but put God's wishes first. Our environment would be clean; the species of the world would be still abundant as well as the flora. But greed predominates and jealousy instead of brotherhood and caring. When will we learn? The Russians live in this barbaric world where they allow their greed and jealousy to predominate as they continue to carry on this war they started against Ukraine. Why do they do that? Greed and jealousy and ignorance. Glory to Ukraine.

I did enjoy the YouTube service for Church yesterday; it is nice to have the organ to sing along with as I really enjoy singing the hymns and the choices today were perfect. The new staff member did not give the sermon today but maybe next week or sometime in the future. He will be very interesting as he is an academic and adds that lovely research dimension to a sermon I expect. I do love a really deep thought out academic sermon. There are so many topics to pick in every Church season and I rather think this will be a fascinating time; my Sunday mornings will be quite interesting. However, yesterday's sermon was thought provoking.

Worked on the Fifth Generation but was forgetting that my information on Robert Siderfin at Timberscombe who left his will in 1688 is in the Sixth generation although I will allude to him in the fifth. Spent some time organizing some of James Sanders material. The big bonus with the 1653 document was being able to overlook Thomasin Siderfin's will of 1709 because I can not find where James Sanders located that abstract as it isn't mentioned in the Fonds at the North West Devon Office; nor is it in the Reverend Frederick Brown's Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills. I do have another CD and will have a look there. But Robert Siderfin (and Ursula) in their reply mention all of their children especially John and Robert mentions he lives at Old Knowle. These two aspects link together these two pieces of the family without having to have Thomasin Siderfin's will. James Sanders did not link Thomasin and he chose Robert as her husband but did not attach him back to any particular line although placed on a level with Robert and Walter (cousins not brothers). There is a gap though back to the joining line but now that document permits the linkage and it was one of the items I wanted to prove when I first found his book. 

There are now seven Appendices and I suspect there will be at least three more before I have put all of the interesting documents and stories that James Sanders had in his book into this revision and update. They do not really add much to the generational charts but do make for interesting reading. 

My Latin lessons on Duolingo are progressing nicely although Latin declines absolutely everything. But I have quite a few documents on the Pincombe family that are in Latin and that will be my work next year. So on with the Latin and I am managing to be in the Pearl Level having moved up from the lower levels. Good for the brain I expect doing Latin! Good for the listening as well since this is a language I have never heard spoken except in the Chants at Church and perhaps occasionally in a sermon. 

Cleaning day today and I am back to my switch around process. This week starting with the top floor and working down to the basement over the next two days and then the reverse. It works very well for me. No dragging a vacuum up two flights of stairs. 

Up early today and breakfast soon but first jumping jacks and tea.

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