Monday, November 27, 2023

When God is your best friend

 One of my most favourite parts of the Feast of Christ the King are the hymns. Yesterday we once again sang many of the great hymns of the Church which have been around for all of my life and much longer. It was on YouTube which was also very nice. When I booted up YouTube at the top of the items was a Christ the King service in England where I have been going to this service when my Church isn't on YouTube. They have been marvelous and a lot of the time is spent singing hymns by various choirs - no organ but the music of the choirs is quite lovely. I think having Church on You-Tube is a great idea and is part of what Jesus asked us to do; take the message He was bringing to us to all the world.

What a relief to see that four year old Abigail Edan has finally been released from captivity by Hamas. I was glad that they didn't show that turnover because I would have been insulted for the child if they had tried to hug her goodbye. They murdered her mother and her father right in front of her and then took her hostage and is  one of the most despicable acts ever committed by man for sure. That along with the rape and murder of all those Jewish women and girls, all the murders committed that day; it continues to disgust me that people who have committed such crimes are still alive on the face of the earth.

Yesterday I mostly just walked about and did my exercises. I did a little work on the computer but I gave my eyes a good rest. I will work this afternoon after the basement is cleaned and perhaps get through another ten pages. Instead I organized the matches that I will look at for the write up on autosomal DNA for the Siderfin Family (more eye work!). I do not want the DNA section to be longer than a couple of pages. As it turns out three of my siblings have quite strong matches with our Siderfin 3rd cousins as our 2x great grandmothers were twin sisters. The other matches are also quite good for three of the five siblings for whom I have test results. 

Truly when God is your best friend you may still feel betrayal by people or have flashbacks on episodes that frighten you but you are never disappointed because God is always with you. He watches His world although no longer talks or walks with man. We are on our own in that way and have now lived past what was likely to have been Armageddon - World War II. At least that is my opinion. How long we manage this world is really up to our ingenuity and ability to convince the peoples of the world to live in peace and protect the planet that we are lucky enough to have to live on. So long as there is hatred, greed and coveting land that is not yours by birthright though we will be in trouble; so long as there is waste and destruction of the environment we are in trouble; that uplifted plain of peace keeps moving away from our grasp although we constantly get glimpses of what it could be like. The United Nations has proven to be outspoken on issues that are ongoing and that is good to see. As an accepted and unified world government they can do much to bring a better life to all the world.

Another beautiful day in God's world although ice and snow is promised. Time will tell. Car in the garage and lots to do; it is cleaning the basement day. God bless.

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