Saturday, December 16, 2023

Back to work today

Lovely rest and now back to work on the eleventh generation. Bright sun today and the snow has melted a little so no skiing yet but soon enough. 

Still some Christmas things to do as we approach the last week of shopping. Part of Christmas is making it a wonderful time for children so that when they are adults they can enjoy their children's Christmas. Children are a wonderful part of life and anything that destroys children is just another satanic happening in our world. God bless the Israeli children now free but their route back to any sort of normalcy is a long path - Hamas insured that by making it as cruel as possible. They are sick. Iran is so proud of funding Hamas as they announce they will never disappear. When so many in a country are satanic what can you expect. They still have not paid for destroying the lives of so many Canadians when they shot down a plane headed for Canada from Tehran by their own military. They are surely a curse on the earth - the evil satans in Iran. 

The question is always in my mind. Should I make goodies for Christmas? Who is going to eat them? So probably not. We used to make about fifty or sixty different kinds of cookies, candies, cakes and puddings for Christmas all frozen  to keep them. Then the girls would go down and prepare trays each day of the different kinds. It was a fun task for  them. It slowed down quite a bit when I went back to work outside of the house. I still made a number of Edward's favourites when we were mostly alone but gradually it was down to just a handful of items - his most favourite since I do not actually have a sweet tooth. 

Teatime now and then back to work. There is a wonder in my Anglicanism; part of it is the ancient traditions that have come forward in time; part of it is just the pure knowledge that God is out there in the winds and bounty of nature around us but mostly I think it is that constant line backwards in time as I read the wills of my ancestors whose last words were directed towards the God they knew all of their lives and with whom they would soon be. It is this essence of belonging that is so important in my Anglicanism; this sense of something eternal that has always been and always will be. It is a wonder to sit and think about the early Celtic Church and its beginnings in the British Isles way back after the glaciers retreated and life came once again to those emerald islands. But listening to the First Peoples here in Canada for them these stories are also true of a God (the Creator) in the Heavens and Mother Earth. I am lucky to be aware of both ancient beliefs. I do thank my grandfather on the one side for that and his belief in the little people and another ancient folklore that both my grandfather and father used to speak. It was that the first peoples in the British Isles were from the lost tribes of Israel. That they came first to the British Isles and were the ancient peoples there. I have no idea if that is a provable statement or just a traditional story passed down word of mouth from the ages past (although I did find a number of articles on line which I must explore sometime; amazing really the thoughts of the past that come to one in their old age). Certainly we do know that the peoples of the Levant moved north into Europe or north east into the Steppes as they moved on from the Middle East where they first arrived from the African continent. We, Homo sapiens, are all one people but in this past hundred plus years the devastation that has been wreaked on this earth is phenomenal and the deaths in the millions and millions. But people have a right to be free of aggression; free of tyranny all conjured up by satanic forces. We all know where God threw satan and his followers - into the deep pit of fire. God has left us to handle the world and so that is where we must send satanic people; it is our inherent duty to protect the world from satanic people.




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