Friday, December 22, 2023

Index sorted

 The Index gives me a lot of thought this time. I have not indexed every name because James Sanders did put in a number of lists of people for various documents that he transcribed. I just decided not to index them although the actual list is probably of value to researchers looking at names in the same area as Siderfin but this will be a book that few people will look at likely and their interest will be in Siderfin only. Linking all lines back to John Siderfin in 1500 makes it interesting as James Sanders did not do so. More research could definitely be done on all the land documents and perhaps locate the two Siderfin that I did not locate into a family line one at Bristol and one at Minehead. Other than that the book appears complete and I will work away at the addendum through this next year preparing charts to go with it but did not wish to make the actual file of the main book any larger than it is at slightly less than 5 MB it is a suitable download. 

Another lovely walk yesterday and it is getting steadily colder although we may have a warming up for a couple of days; time will tell. There is still a thin layer of snow on the ground and it is minus 12 degrees celsius today. Yesterday the government announced that extended family members from Gaza would be permitted to come but any of the workload was up to the family involved. That seems like a suitable offer and I imagine some will take advantage of it; three years are to be permitted for the family member to stay. One hopes by then that Hamas will have left Gaza and give these people a chance to rebuild their lives without Hamas continuing to fleece them by taking all the money that is donated to Gaza by people around the world. They really are a disgusting group Hamas aside from them being terrorists already supported by Iran. The Hamas raid into Israel on the 7th of October will go down in history for the ignorant barbaric attack that it was. I believe it has set back Islam in the world that is not controlled by Islam by a century. It will take a long time before people will accept that not all Muslims are terrorists; there will always be that doubt in people's minds. Hamas has done a great dis-service to acceptance of people and we will be ever wary for quite a while I suspect (it is just over twenty years since 9/11). The anti-semitism that we are seeing here is totally unacceptable and must be educated out of existence; I do not think that any Palestinian (Canadian citizen or not) should hold a position in this country where they are teaching youth at any level in our public/secondary/university/trades/commercial level schools. I am only hearing that Palestinians here persist in their antagonistic attitude towards Israel and that is unacceptable. Of course application by particular faculties could be made but there must be substantial clearance before  hiring or continuing employment - I do not want our youth to be taught what is a lie that any country other than Israel has a right to the land that they occupy (the United Nations has continually upheld the rights of First Peoples in countries around the world). We must protect the 600,000 Jewish people in our own country as well. That is an absolute necessity. They have done nothing wrong and should be able to go about their life unhindered. 

Tomorrow I begin the serialization of the Siderfin Book. My daughter did have one suggestion that I put each section up as both the text on the blog and with a link to an *.pdf of the content as well. I will think about that as I had planned to just put up the text and then a link to the entire document at the end. 

The sunrise has dissipated and on to the day. Teatime.

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