Monday, December 18, 2023

St Edmunds, Church of England, Oslo, Norway - Lessons and Carols on You Tube

 A wonderful service on You-Tube for the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was celebrated at St Edmunds Anglican Church, Oslo, Norway (one of the Churches in the European Diocese of the Church of England). It is a beautiful Church built in 1884. I am certainly finding many Anglican Services on You-Tube when my own Church is not having an online service. 

I also attended the Nine Lessons and Carols Service in the afternoon on YouTube for the Cathedral. It was also a lovely service. 

Yesterday good accomplishment on the 12th Generation with just 9 pages left to complete that chapter for proofreading and indexing. Will finish that off this morning as I am not cleaning today, will do the basement tomorrow and then the upstairs on Wednesday. I want to work on my projects today and send off a copy to my cousin to have a look at what I am inserting from her. I had meant to send her a draft copy but I am not yet that far advanced although should be by the end of the week if all the plans fall into place. 

Prayers for Israel and Ukraine with satanic forces trying to destroy them. 

Prayers for First Nations peoples here in Canada fighting opioid abuse. 




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