Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Bible Readings and Israel

 As always in this time of the Church Year many of the Old Testament Readings refer to Israel which has existed for thousands of years where the Jewish people still live. I do find it unacceptable that Israel is engaged in a life over death battle for their very existence in the Middle East and their rights as a First Peoples being so constantly challenged by what are essentially colonials. As a colonial myself I do understand the desire to be able to put down roots where one lives but one must do so with consideration. In my lifetime I have not seen the Palestinians give consideration to Israel's absolute right to be where they are and to live their lives freely and without merciless murders of their people especially children. The UN can quote the Hamas numbers all they want but the fact remains that if Hamas goes then Israel can go back to farming and industry such as they did before the attack. Israel was kind to the Palestinians; there are triplets in the Tel Aviv hospital at the moment surviving because of Israel - it was on TV all around the world although not one word of thanks by the Palestinian couple for the care that their children are receiving as they were being interviewed (and that is just one example of many many such kindnesses by Israel). When one thinks of the lack of care that the Israeli hostages are receiving it is rather unconscionable that the Palestinians have let Hamas do what they do in their name. That they disturb Christmas shopping in the malls here is indecent. It is a hate crime the way that they do it. If one is asked to choose who is welcomed to come here the answer is pretty obvious.

Yesterday was cleaning day although one day late and today will be the second cleaning day - the basement. Snow is still on the ground but not enough to ski yet but soon enough. Getting ready for Christmas although no decorations particularly; no Christmas Tree just a few china/ceramic pieces telling the story of Jesus and the buildings we generally associate with Christmas-Tide. 

No work on the Siderfin book yesterday. What remains is mostly housekeeping and will start that tomorrow as I want to begin serialization of the book on Saturday in my blog. My blog over the next while will concentrate on the Siderfin Book. Not surprisingly my brain is moving on to the Pincombe and Blake books about a month earlier than thought but then I still have my cataracts so that is to come probably in the spring and I am going to my family doctor to be referred to an ophthalmologist for my future care. 

I had such good luck with the Montfort for my last medical treatment which had to fit into my time schedule of care with my daughters helping me. I did have a callback yesterday/today from the referred ophthalmologist but it is too late now to do a cataract surgery in early January as I do need sufficient time to recover with 100% care. But I think with enough warning time once again it will be possible to schedule the cataract surgery at a time that works into my daughters' schedules without interrupting their students/committees/research or in the other case patients/ER/hospitalist care/duties. I do need 100% care albeit for only a short time but I do not know that amount of time and so I need to have a good time interval following the surgery (one month) to ensure my recovery without needing further care. That is a waste of medical facilities for me to need further care because of my not having sufficient care following the surgery which I have set up with my children. Not everyone requires 100% care but it is my only problem area and I must protect it within my abilities to minimize the use of the health system. 

That is what will let our health care system survive; minimum usage by all of us so that it doesn't become clogged up. We should have a 10% minimum  vacancy rate in our hospital beds so that emergencies and regular care (like birthing, etc) can be managed efficiently. The government should not see vacancy as a way to save money but have it inherent in their thinking that we should have such a vacancy rate so that there is time for emergencies, birthing and training; all such things which must occur in an efficient hospital system. I do blame our current predicament on the NDP (Rae's days in hospitals was suggested although not implemented other than in the clinics which was also a poor choice) and later the downsizing and elimination of small hospitals by the Conservative Government in Ontario (the amalgamation of hospitals was I think a good move in order to build/create the kind of hospitals that large cities need) in the 1990s. I do hope that the current Conservative Government will see that investment in our hospital system is an ongoing need and scaling back not an asset even in the smallest hospitals in Ontario - they are all needed as one can see with the current ER closures in a number of hospitals; Canada is growing and our hospital system must be efficient.

Another beautiful day in God's World and it is cloudy at minus 5 degrees celsius.  We put up a bird feeder (hanging bell of seeds) which has been attended now by a number of birds including a Downy Woodpecker. Seeds in the flat bird feeder are attracting a number of birds mostly chickadees at the moment. On to the day and cleaning. 

Prayers for the First Nations peoples with an opioid crisis at Treaty 6 First Nations (Alberta and Saskatchewan).

Prayers for Israel and Ukraine fighting for their survival after being attacked by Hamas and Russia respectively.

Prayers for those caught up in the earthquake in China and in the volcanic eruption in Iceland.


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