Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Into the Blake and Pencombe books

 I am making a good start in each of these two books and the beginning will be slightly different but mostly because the locale for one is Andover, Hampshire and for the second North Molton, Devon but at the moment I am deep in the past looking at the yDNA and when it is first noticed in the research of genetic presence in the British Isles. Absolutely mind-consuming that I find myself not straying away to look at the political situation in the world. I still have my opinions but at 78 my world could perhaps shrink just a little so that I complete these tasks in a timely fashion. 

Canada has been really since the Second World War the place where people emigrate to get away from the hatreds that were in their areas. They are welcomed because we are that kind of a democracy which shows in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms where you can just be you. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982 has become our modus operandii and I do believe in the Preamble and think it is most apt: "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of Law." I think given the kindness of the English language the word God can be interpreted to fit into the beliefs of all peoples and of all faiths. Those without faith or belief do still believe in the Greater Good and if they do not then they can simply accept that the majority does which is how a democracy flows and works and maintains itself from generation to generation. The alternative to democracy/constitutional monarchy is dictatorship and I, for one, do not need to have someone dictate all of my thoughts to me as I am capable of making my own decisions. To me that is the difference; acceptance of dictatorship means that you do not have an opinion; only the opinion of the dictator and humans are very frail and the more power dictators amass the more they exploit, the weaker people become and the world falls into chaos (our last visit was World War II and few want a repeat). Do I believe in a Benevolent  Monarchial State; I think it can exist when you have a person who deeply cares about their country and the peoples in it but there is always a danger that the successor of such a person will not be benevolent! Franco in Spain did not start out as a Benevolent dictator but he became one interestingly enough realizing that the people of Spain loved their Monarch. He did not help the Nazis during World War II because he did not appear to believe in what they were doing; more power to him. But one cannot count on such individuals existing in the real world - perhaps one day people will write more about why Franco chose the route he did or maybe they have but my interest just doesn't reach into that sort of thing in these times of my being 78 going on 79. I need to write my books! I can accept people parading about (personally I think it is a waste of time) so long as they are not lying to our children; at the moment that is the problem as I see it with the Palestinians who protest along with their celebration of the barbaric, satanic, demonic murder of  Jewish and others babies, children, women and men on the 7th of October last). They are unwilling to risk what it takes to create a country and that is elimination of Hamas - they are greedy murderous dictators with  no interest in Gaza except the opportunity to use the Gazan people as their means to attempt to elicit sympathy around the world - they do not care how many are killed; their aim is to murder all the Jewish people in the world. All deaths in Gaza are caused by them; Israel does and always will have a right to defend itself and Hamas has clearly stated they intend to continue such events as the 7th of October last year. Israel has no choices but to eliminate Hamas. Dictators are the scum of the earth and the sooner they are buried in that earth the better off the world will be. 

Petitions are a great idea possibly although I can not say I agree with Canada leaving the United Nations (a Conservative MP has requested the current petition be put forward which I find rather disgusting there are lots of good issues that are constantly not followed by the Conservatives (I would love to vote Conservative once again when the party becomes fiscally conservative once again I am not into social conservatism although I am one personally but will not tell people how to live their lives unless they are breaking the law)). We are one of the founding nations in the UN and in many ways it has done and continues doing a good job for the poor starving people around the world. But I think the United Nations should be non-political and look at the long term rather than what is happening in the here and now. If the United Nations workers are in danger in a country than it will be necessary to find a different way to manage the situation and not become embroiled in the ruthless acts of dictators/satanists. I do think they can ask the assistance of the abused country if they happen to hold control in a situation like Israel but definitely Hamas supported by Iran is responsible for all the deaths in Gaza not Israel. Just because you can defend yourself doesn't mean that you have to let people constantly threaten your very existence with bombs and the holding of hostages. It is one-sided in terms of this battle but that is on purpose to get the United Nations to side with them (meaning Hamas as all those deaths are planned by them carefully to try to collect the greatest sympathy; disgusting really as none of them needed to die). Plus we have 600,000 Jewish people living in Canada and they have the right to live their life unhindered by hate and malevolent damage (which has increased a thousand fold these past few months). That right is guaranteed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - those abusing these rights are obviously not to be welcomed or permitted freedom in Canada.

Cleaning today and the basement has the Robot doing its chore on the rug. I continue writing the books of my parent's ancestors. I did submit the corrected final copy to the Guild of one-name studies library but do not know when the Siderfin book will appear on the site. I will eventually publish the charts from Legacy but it will be summer time before I do that and I welcome any queries, disagreements from any reader so that I can include that in the addendum. There are eight people/groups of Siderfin that I could not assign to family lines mentioned in the book as the last Appendix. I am now up to the 11th generation blogging and the last part of the 11th will be published tomorrow. Then four parts of the 12th Generation to come. The chapter on Autosomal DNA and the Appendices to publish. I will not publish the Index although might reconsider that - time will tell. 

On to the work day.

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