Sunday, January 21, 2024

Small error in the download site at the top of the Blogger page and it is fixed

 I had an extra space in the download URL at the top of the blog page but it is now fixed. 

Yesterday was a good day on the Pencombe book looking at North Molton and what I can find out about the village in the time period of 1480s to the 1500s when the Pencombe family was moving out of North Molton to South Molton and then later to Bishops Nympton (my line), Barnstaple/Bideford.

Sunday and another glorious God's Day. The human race as we know it, Homo sapiens, has predominantly worshiped the same God for thousands of years although we have diverged from a singleton Abrahamic religion with Judaism, Christianity and Islam being the three of which I have knowledge. I do not know the other religions of the world and how they practise their faith and at 78 plus I am probably not going to do that. What is important to me is that God is remembered every minute of the day and night. Our lives should centre around God/Great Spirit and what He has asked of us. The Ten Commandments were clearly set out. We are intelligent enough to follow them; we just need to find the will to follow them and the world will be a better place. Mother Nature deserves our support to help to maintain the world.

Interesting articles on exercise lately. I was thinking back on my own life and exercise has always been important to me. Working at home made it much easier to keep my exercise up with a bike ride or walk around the large block (about 2 km) every day just as a break in the day (the ride when my children were in school and the walk when they were with me until they could ride their bicycles or they rode behind me on the bicycle). But why do I still do 150 minutes of exercise per day? When I was ten our family doctor told me that I should walk a mile every day. He didn't say why and at ten I didn't ask. I preferred the visit to the doctor to be as quick as possible and didn't ask any questions. Later in life when we moved here the family doctor told me that I had a heart murmur. At that point I should probably have been referred for assessment but I didn't say anything because once again I prefer not to spend a lot of time with medical appointments if I can avoid it. I think I was 33 years of age at that time and very physically fit. That has generally been the state of my health through the years except when I wasn't but then I was striving to become physically fit. Why is that? I think perhaps some humans are just made that way. Part of my inspiration for running was my great grandfather used to run from Goodworth Clatford to Upper Clatford every day to visit the graves of his parents and then back again. It is about 1.5 kilometres I think so just a nice run. My grandfather told me that although by then grandpa was here in Canada and was learning that by letters. But I think it inspired him as he used to walk for miles every day where ever he had to go he would walk including visiting the grave of his wife which was a long walk for sure. So I have run for most of my life and continue to run fourty minutes a day and probably walk an hour a day (which probably doesn't get added into that 150 minutes of exercise actually). I have started to use the treadmill for walking as it does let you walk much quicker than just around the house. But the whole point of this paragraph was to stress that people do have to get exercise for all of their life. We owe it to God to take the best care of ourselves; to take care of the peoples of the world and to take expert care of the world itself. 

Another beautiful Sunday and the Bulletin for today is in my Inbox. I shall check to see if the Service is online as usual on Youtube after I eat my breakfast. The five hour delay is nice actually between the service somewhere in England and here. 

And it was amazingly at St Martin in the Fields in London near Trafalgar Square which we visited when we were there. My 2x Buller great grandparents (Henry Christopher Buller and Ann (Welch) Buller) went to that Church when they had their Butcher Shop in Convent Garden back in the 1830s/1840s but they also lived in Birmingham where they had a Butcher Shop as well. The desire to look at the Buller Family is often strong but Blake and Pincombe come first.  But I digress, the service was quite wonderful.

God bless.

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