Thursday, January 25, 2024

Travel to North Molton

Over a few years I have corresponded with Pincombe descendants who are now planning a trip back to Devon specifically to see the North Molton area where the Pyncombe first appeared with John Lord Zouch at the beginning of the reign of King Henry VII according to the Visitation of Devon 1620. They also asked about visiting the National Archives but wondered if it was mostly online. To the best of my knowledge the amount online represents perhaps 5% of the total holdings of the National Archives. When we visited the National Archives at Kew  several times back in 2008, 2010, 2013 I imaged about 200 documents that are solely on the Pincombe family in the times pre-Parish Registers and I did not do all of them for sure. There is far more to view. 

Spent the day working on the early history of North Molton looking at the Norman period, the Roman Period and back into the Celtic period and further back into the Mesolithic and Neolithic. There does appear according to an excellent website on archaeology some residency in the North Molton area way back into the Stone Age.

 I believe that is all the time I will spend on this chapter since the intent was simply to look at the area over a long period of time. Can I understand why unknown Pyncombe accompanied John Lord Zouch to North Molton. Given that land was received by the Pyncombe family at North Molton I suspect that Lord Zouch was accompanied by Pyncombe perhaps at the request of the King to return to his relative's home in North Devon and stay there for a period of time. By 1489 the attainment of Lord Zouch was lifted although the return of some of his lands did not occur until 1495 but likely only because his mother was related to the wife of the King. I will leave it to others to dissuade me of this notion and will continue looking through the Calendar of Patent Rolls for Henry VII.

Although it might be possible to locate the areas where the families were present on the 1524-27 Lay Subsidy it doesn't really aid me in my pursuit of information on the descendancy of the Pincombe family in Devon as they moved out from North Molton which is the aim of this particular book. 

I will move on now to the Pencombe family in Herefordshire and see what I am able to learn. 

It looks like some freezing rain did come down last night so I shall put de-icing on the porch, patio and laneway to help that to melt away. My outdoor project for the day and it is supposed to be environmentally friendly de-icer. I am not much of an outdoor person especially not inclined to be out in the sun a great deal. One of the things to watch for with cataracts is apparently halos around lights - I have always seen halos around lights; perhaps a feature of my strabismus/astigmatism/shape of cornea - no ideas on that for sure. For someone very interested in science I have always had limited interest in the medical definitions of my eyes. So long as I can see out of them I am not that interested in what is wrong with them. I tend to see them as a gift of God and he had his reasons for making them the way that he did and leave it at that. We are what we are but if that isn't following the rules of God the best that we can then we should change but if we follow God's laws then we are doing what He wanted. And the most important of all was to Love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbour as ourself. If everyone did that we would have peace. When I see all the kindness that so many in Israel displayed towards the Palestinians by helping them, employing them and healing them in their hospitals I am and continue to be thoroughly disgusted by the events of the 7th of October last year. Animals behave better; they only kill to exist; they do not commit wanton brutal barbaric murder. 

 Another beautiful day in our winter wonderland where we finally had a goodly amount of snow. The Skating Rink on the Rideau Canal opened and people had fun I am sure going back and forth. When we first moved here we would skate on the Canal Saturday morning and Ski on the trails on Sunday afternoon. Our oldest daughter was on both skis and skates at the age of 18 months and she loved it all; our youngest as well. 

Lots of work for today and lots of exercise. The day has arisen. Praise be to God. 

Time for tea.



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