Monday, February 19, 2024

Basement cleaning today and the Pencombe book

The basement to clean today and I will work on the transcription of the Inquisition Postmortem for John de Pencombe of Herefordshire. Yesterday was a lovely day with lots of white snow falling everywhere. We are back to winter! The tour around the countryside of England with the YouTube online service for the Church of England continues to be an amazing happening just at the time when my own Church only has a few services online. Worked out very well. I am enjoying visiting all of these lovely Churches online and being part of their service. One of the tours we ended up at York Minster just at the time that the service was beginning. Our bus was just parked outside and the service was shorter than the planned tour we were taking on foot so I stayed for the Service. My Gray family was from the East Riding of Yorkshire (Holme on the Wolds and Etton) so felt right at home and it was a wonderful happening. One never knows what sorts of opportunities will come your way when you are on a tour. Being able to appreciate the stained glass in this Church was something I could only  have dreamed about doing but there I was doing so. It is definitely a not to be missed if one tours York. As soon as we had the tour schedule we would sit and go through it day by day along with the location of the hotel to see if there was anything we could look at when we arrived back at the hotel each day and before dinner. Generally there was an hour or two spare. We made some great finds in this time period. 

I had an email from a Buller descendant in New Zealand asking if I had figured out my line yet. Actually I know that my 3x great grandfather was Christopher Buller (married to Mary Beard) and that he had s Slop Shop on Tooley Street (he was listed as a sail maker) and imagine my surprise as we passed over London Bridge and found Tooley Street on the other side straight away. We walked the streets of Bermondsey where this family lived (Long Lane amongst other streets). We also visited Bermondsey St Mary Magdalene where the children were all baptized. Christopher though attended St Olave (Church is gone as is the graveyard to make room for the extension to the approaches to London Bridge). But the names of Christopher's parents are still unknown to me but there was another Buller family in Bermondsey at this time. I just haven't had time to look at that. Buller is next after Blake and Pincombe. My great grandfather Edwin was a medic in the First Boer War, injured and sent home in 1882 and that was Birmingham where he was born. 

 Another snowy day in Ottawa. It is Family Day in Ontario. The Bible Reading today is God's promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and that has certainly come to pass. The day moves on and I must get to the cleaning but first teatime and breakfast.


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