Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Lenten Bible Study

I have taken part in and also led Lenten Bible Studies. This year I receive into my InBox a very special resource sent to me by the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund. It is called "Seeding Health." Every day in Lent I will receive this file and I have to say that it is a perfect Bible Study for me this time. We are talking about the plagues in Egypt when the Pharaoh refused to let the Israelis (Jewish people) return to their home. It is quite beautiful actually and today's prayer especially meaningful:

Creator God,
even though we have seen
the consequences of our actions
in extinctions, extreme weather,
and destroyed ecosystems,
we harden our hearts and there is no health in us. 
Forgive us we pray, and give us the vision
to see a path that leads to the healing of your world.

We must do something about Creation. We owe it the children of today and tomorrow. More than anything else in the world they should grow up in a world that has all of nature like we did. 

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