Saturday, February 24, 2024

Woke up today with a new thought - Whiteaphobia

 The world (just some of course) suffers from Whiteaphobia - Caucasiaphobia. I need to find the right word. But it is real and we are under the microscope 24/7. It never really lets up and it produces events that make us look bad because of this hatred directed at white people (we can feel it you know even when you smile). As a child I never actually saw anyone who did not look like me except in books. So I did know there were different races in the world; I just lived in a restricted world. At some point in that period between eight and ten years of age I saw my first person that was Native American; the first person that was Chinese and the first person that was African (it was a while before I realized that not all Africans were Black). I thought it was like picture books coming to life and it was wondrous actually. I always knew from a young age that Jesus was not white like me; he was more likely Arab just as the wisemen were more likely black or olive skinned. The Anglican Church I went to was quite specific about that; at least Archdeacon Abraham was. 

So why do I think that some of the world suffers from Whiteaphobia? One, some of the world has made us a scapegoat and we have been chosen for that at the moment. Two, we were involved in enslaving people as the latest group at least some people say that but we continue to see Africans enslaving Africans as they have for many centuries (some white Caucasian people simply took advantage of that ability to their shame actually). Three, we are prosperous overall but that is not entirely true other "races" of people are quite wealthy. Four, we are an easy target because we have acquired this tendency to accept the blame for the misdeeds of our ancestors. The world must rid itself of whiteaphobia just like it needs to get rid of anti-semitism and Islamaphobia and a few other phobias. Including what characterizes a male and what characterizes a female. We are just people (all Homo sapiens) and I imagine that most of animalia has peopleaphobia for a good reason we are killing them off just by our daily habits of living. 

My great thought for the day and whiteaphobia will become my new term for dealing with people who attack us for being prosperous, forgiving and generous but absolutely immoveable with regard to the protection of the State of Israel. The United Nations has declared in favour of "ancient" populations almost from the start of its existence particularly cramming it down the throats of the Caucasians who ventured around the world and made all sorts of land claims (the "white" people in North America and in truth Canada did not do well after becoming the Dominion of Canada but we are trying very hard to do better). What is more ancient than the Jewish peoples of Israel - they have been hounded for thousands of years; forced off their lands many times and finally in the last century six million of them were murdered just for being Jewish. The United Nations must also declare the Jewish people to be an "ancient" peoples and clarify the lands that technically belong to them. Like the other "ancient" peoples their lands have been occupied by many peoples through the centuries and one doesn't see them causing conflict like Hamas has created purely for the benefit of trying to legitimize terrorism but rather the Jewish people accepted Israel and moved on with it.  Colonial rights and squatter rights do not come before "ancient" land rights; that has been made clear by the populations of the world represented in the United Nations. 

I think everyone should be in the United Nations including the North Koreans although they like Hamas are just greedy and threatening peoples with no regard for the rule of law. We must get along. 

Ipperwash (Ontario, Canada) is a good example of land returned to the First Nations finally by 2020 because it was specific to their history and culture and had never been ceded and they asked politely for it back.  That took much too long and cost a life (Anthony "Dudley" George, Ojibwa (Anishinaabeg)) and we need to do better and as the First Peoples continue to walk with us and us with them down this path of Canadian history that we share I applaud their dedication to making Canada the best place it can be. 

Colonials do bring good to a country; the gene pool is greatly expanded and is healthier for all cultures. New methodologies can improve the lives of people and give them opportunities not there before. But we need to always walk together aiming to make this world a better place. 

Thank you God for the gift of the Polar Bear to our world and may they survive this huge change in their lives caused by Climate Change. 

Another thought as I was running. Certainly the attitude of the world towards the war Russia is inflicting on Ukraine might be an example. Ukraine could definitely be thought of as a "white" sovereign state and probably a lot of people see Russia as a "white"sovereign state as both lie in Eastern Europe where Europe is generally regarded as Caucasian although I am sure one finds many different races. But the donation of lethal support for Ukraine worldwide is concentrated coming from Canada, Europe, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom and the United States (primarily NATO). That may well say it all in terms of Whiteaphobia/ Caucasiaphobia (those who are not do not see that they are involved in the war that Russia is waging against Ukraine and just continue as they were because they do not care what happens to white people perhaps). I also think Canada is coming closer and closer to our NATO goal of 2% with all these donations to the war effort in Ukraine. We also need to get the NORAD installations modernized and where are our new ships for the north?

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