Sunday, February 11, 2024

Working on the Blake family at Andover

 Perhaps ten years ago or more I acquired images of a Blake Pedigree Chart created by the College of Arms for a Blake family line that lived in London at that time. Previously they  had lived in the Andover Hampshire area up until the 1600s. The chart is absolutely beautiful and I would agree with a great deal of it but there is a William (d 1582) that was said to have lived at Eastontown (I think this is East Anton actually) and descended from Roger Blake and Mary (Baynard) Blake and they lived at Lackham, Wiltshire England. Roger was descendant of the Blake family at Calne. On the Visitation of Wiltshire 1623

The Visitation of Wiltshire 1623 begins with Robert Blake married to Avice Wallop and they live at Quemberford and are perhaps the first Blake to live in the Calne area (I have a theory that they were found in Berkshire earlier). Robert's and Mary's son Robert married Margaret Englefield and their son Roger married Mary Baynard. The Visitation above lists their children as Sibil, Joan, Maria, John, Robert and Thomas. Roger Blake in his will only mentions his oldest child (Thomas) and his youngest Mary. 

I have discussed this before because the Pedigree Chart adds in a son William dying in 1582 and living at Eastontown, Hampshire near Andover. 

I do think that part of this is the eldest son of William Blake married Margaret Blake and has her father also as a William Blake. My thought is that this Margaret is actually related to the Calne line and not her husband John. He is descendant of William Blake at Eastontown who is the son of Nicholas which is made quite clear in his will listing his siblings. 

I have decided to now accept this idea as a reasonable genealogical descent for both of these Blake families although figuring out the parents of Margaret might be an added plus. The Blake family at Calne was large and the visitation in particular does not list the descendants of John Blake and his wife Joane (Clarke) although does mention three sons. Sons are sometimes left off of visitations but it is more likely to be the daughters omitted unless they married into a family that resulted in their being listed in that family's visitation. William names his wife as Elizabeth in his will but was she a second wife (the family was very large and there does appear to be a large gap).  He has a daughter Margaret but she is married to (unknown) Jarvis.

I had not actually planned such a long blog post. 

This is Sunday and Church online once again and I wonder which Church in England will be chosen to do the service. 

We are still somewhat in our warming period which is predicted to be much colder in a couple of days more reminiscent of winter. Climate Change is a challenge for certain and all the bombing that is going on in two major conflicts does not help the situation. 

Free the hostages Hamas as the International Court of Justice demanded. Leave Gaza so that the people there can make a life for themselves which doesn't consist of playing the injured for the cameras. It must be terrible to be in Rafah and I sorrow for all the children trapped there. Children are really pawns in the hands of Hamas and their parents; they can not escape. I wish the world would bring them out; they would surely go home again when this is all over. They deserve to grow up in a world without constant war waged by Hamas. They are literally being held by Hamas as victims for Hamas's desire to make money by fleecing the world and the people of Gaza. Save the Children. What do I really think? I wish that Hamas would release the hostages; that Israel would return to their borders and Hamas leave Gaza. Find another place to live; your time in Gaza has destroyed so many lives. But Russia started all of this just two years ago; complete abandonment of the world order that worked very well after the Second World War with the United Nations by invading a sovereign country. But they too are a greedy satanic people who have no consideration for the world but only themselves. Were we at a crossroads?; I do not think so although there was tension but it was more economic tension. Does no one think ahead; destruction of the world with atomic weapons is very final. Get along people. Grow up! Follow the commandments of God. Give the United Nations more power to stop these wars. Most people want peace but if we must fight then we can do that too. God look down on your world and see that peace could have a chance if the satanic Russians and satanic Hamas/Iran disappeared from the face of the earth. They are truly evil. Is all of Russia evil; no but they must discard the evil in their midst?

On to the day. Latin completed. Soon time for Church.

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