Wednesday, March 27, 2024


For the people of Russia who have suffered such a dreadful happening in their Concert Hall, Prayers for the dead and Prayers for those fighting for their lives in the hospital as they recover from injuries received. Putin has weakened Russia dreadfully and should be replaced as a leader. His first thoughts are not even for the people of Russia but rather how to continue his illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine by trying to blame Ukrainians for the massacre. How sad for Russia to have such a leader.

Holy Week and it is  the day of betrayal; the day that Judas arranged to betray Jesus to the Chief Priests. Just for memory sake one recalls this event of Holy Week. This has been a very thoughtful Lent and the Lenten readings coming into my email every morning have in a way been about the Jewish people living in Israel and their plight through thousands of years.  It never changes for them but perhaps this time peace can be obtained and life become more livable in the Middle East for all. The secret of course is to eliminate Hamas from the picture; they are the cause of all the sadness; all the death and the continuing enslavement of the Jewish hostages. I think their false tongues talking about negotiations and release of the hostages is very hard to hear actually as Hamas broke the last truce by bombing Israel. The only real difference in the murderous rampage directed at Israel on October 7 last compared to my entire life of looking at Israel from my own home in Canada is the ability of Israel to defend itself and why are they punished for being able to defend themselves one might ask? It doesn't mean they shouldn't fight back; they should. I am saddened by the deaths in Gaza especially children but for months I have said that I could see no reason for not bringing the 2 to 8 year olds here to Canada in huge numbers where they can be safe, well fed and kept until Gaza is rebuilt. Personally I do not believe any money should go from Canada to Gaza unless Hamas is gone from Gaza. From a terrorist nomadic organization Hamas has grown rich on the donations of member countries in the United Nations; that should not have happened and all the monies should go to the rebuilding of Gaza. But first Hamas must be gone from Gaza.

I continue to be a strong supporter of the Carbon Tax. Visions of smoke swirling about in the yard last summer tell me that we need to do more to fight climate change and it is a straight forward method that works. Death and Taxes are the way of life for mankind and have existed from the beginning of our recorded time. 

It will be a challenge if an election is called to decide on whom to vote for; that is a certainty. We need a government that is fiscally conservative; stays out of social conservative issues that do not break the laws and supports the rights of the downtrodden and yes I do see the Jewish people as being deserving of our support; they only survive if they fight; Hamas threatens them always as does Hezbollah and the Houthis. 

Teatime and Latin next.


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