Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Loved the headline - weapons to Ukraine

 I loved the headline - Americans capture  shipment from Iran to the Houthis and shipped it to Ukraine. I wonder how long it will take for our citizens to be avenged that were killed when the Iranian military shot down a civilian aircraft destined for Canada leaving Tehran. Two more Iranian generals are now deceased - I do not cheer that loss of life but do see it as partial atonement for the murder of Canadians. 

The Solar Eclipse makes you so aware of how small and fragile earth really is. The moon passing in front of the sun can change day to night and back again. We have no power over such things; it is the power of Mother Nature that runs our world. 

Cleaning again today and it is the full day of cleaning. Spring cleaning is in my brain for sure but not likely to happen on the ground; I am too old to pull a room apart but I do my best and we have eliminated so many things now that it is much easier to clean each room. More will go this summer. It is a good feeling to know that others are making use of all of these goods through the Salvation Army. 

Perhaps a glance at Blake today as nothing happened with that yesterday. It was a slower cleaning day but I managed to find many things to do. Included was another issue of the Story of Moses on Netflix. Scholars from Judaism and Islam have worked together on this project it appears and one gets the thoughts from both of these religions along with the Christian view; all are pretty much in tandem as Moses like Jacob and Abraham before them are all part of the faith path of these three great religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All of us believe in God as the only God and almost 3/5ths of the world belong to these three great religions (Jews . 0.2%, Christians 31.6%, Muslims 25.8%). There are also: Hindus 15.1%, Buddhists 6.6%, Others and unaffiliated 20.6%. Perhaps in my old age I will learn more about Hindus, Buddhists and others (no ideas on what unaffiliated refers to actually). The percentage of Jewish people in the world has not recovered from the genocide committed against them during the Second World War (and the continuing attempts at genocide since then). 

Although the dollars look good for the military it is not enough and not fast enough. Our military service people need to have better salaries; they are, after all, defending us and helping us whenever we have emergencies here in Canada. It is time to improve their salaries and I did not see a dollar amount for that. Equipment is good, of course, but the actual salary must improve. 

Teatime and Latin next. Ian White's Psalms are playing and another beautiful day on God's earth.

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