Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Hostage and cease fire Deal

Hamas has agreed to a revised Cease-Fire Deal which they might as well have dictated given the terms (perhaps they did, they are terrorists after all). One  notes that Hamas fired off 12 rockets the other day hitting the gate through which the food trucks pass for Gaza. Rather ignorant of them but not surprising. Why not all the hostages released right up front and unconditionally; that was what the International Court of Justice said? The new pier and dock are in place and food should soon come into Gaza by that method.  I was a little surprised that Egypt and Qatar would make revisions to the deal after Israel had gone home considering that Hamas had fired off 12 rockets at Kerem Shalom Crossing rendering it unusable at that time. I think targeted hits on the area of Rafah that is clear now of Palestinians would help to eliminate the Hamas fighters in Rafah. I am very disappointed that the Palestinians in North America did not bring thousands of those little children here to protect them. No one minds 2 to 8 or even 10 years olds and really with the huge mosques in North America they could have easily housed them and taken care of them, educated them  Or they could bring them into their homes, you can pack like a dozen children into a nice sized bedroom with bunkbeds. We took in children from England during World War II.

 The Palestinian people could move ahead in their lives and work on creating a country. Hamas has no interest in doing so these past twenty years. Hamas just want to commit genocide against the Jewish people according to their actions on the 7th October last and their declaration of why they exist. It is cruel and improper to punish Israel and reward Hamas. It should not be a crime to be able to defend yourself.

I am not in favour of 600 trucks a day being sent to Gaza by the United Nations unless of course they are carrying seeds, plants and gardening tools. We should be done with feeding Gaza. They can grow their own food. That way they can afford to buy their own fuel and other items by selling their food - a lot of people live in the Middle East who would buy from them - Egypt and Turkey and Qatar for sure I would think. 

Hamas is the problem. A reinforced Hamas that gets away with sending 12 rockets at the Kerem Shalom Crossing is not acceptable. It was a slap in the face to give them such a cease fire (changed from the one that Israel saw) after they bombed Kerem Shalom. Hamas have to be prevented from being reinforced hence the 600 trucks should not happen. Just what is absolutely necessary should go in after inspection and the new pier can provide 2 million meals a day just have to get that going. And the seeds will grow quickly this is a warm climate there!

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