Thursday, June 6, 2024

D-Day and memories

D-Day was one of those very important memory days of my childhood. The day that the Allies went against Fortress Europe to take Hitler down. It was gruesome. We visited Juno Beach on our French Tour and many many cemeteries. I walked out to the end of the pier (ran actually as time was not long there) and gazing back at that beach from the end of the pier I wanted to see that view I had seen so many times in my childhood of that beach where the Canadians landed 6th of June 1944. Today  Prime Minister Trudeau was there with Prince William, the Prime Minister of France and those living who survived from that day (the oldest 104) and the memory of the many who fell at that time and through the years after. Forever heroes. So many innocent lives were taken on that day and the days following. The French hid in their basements; in the woods to help to save them from the bombing that was needed to take the Nazis down (many of the French died in those opening days and the days that continued of the attack on Fortress Europe to take Hitler down). The Nazis had to be taken out. Their desire for world conquest and domination had to end and the beaches of Normandy were the beginning of that end. Now we can see that Russia was willing to help Hitler in 1940 as they had divided up Poland but we gave them the benefit of the doubt back then when Hitler finally turned on Russia (he considered them to be lesser than himself and Stalin claimed he was just stalling whilst he prepared his war machine to fight Hitler; we did believe Stalin it was necessary). Now Russia too has that sick mind that demands more and more land, wealth and has no care for the Ukrainians that they kill. Ukrainians die daily but no big fuss about that in the news (is it because we are Caucasian and no one cares!). Ukraine did not attack Russia; Russia attacked Ukraine. Like the sick dog Hitler, Russia struck their neighbour for no reason but greed for land and wealth and domination. 

Day Ten after Cataract Surgery and I continue to move forward. I am becoming very comfortable with my actual visual depth of vision after a lifetime of logic, knowledge and repetition of the view of the world in which I live. Is it easier? No idea how you would compare it. A child is capable of overcoming many obstacles - they just need the opportunity and the assistance. My luck was being born fourth in a large family which was very talkative and in particular my brother next older to me seemed to sense my inability to see as well as he did and would often repeat what he was seeing so that I could see it too as he was. I never really realized that until we were in our 70s and met up once again after our busy lives with a mutual interest in our family history from a DNA viewpoint (he would still repeat things to me as if I had not heard it; funny really in retrospect). Edward used to repeat what he saw out of amazement as he had never really gone anywhere as a child.  I think also because he often thought I hadn't heard him so would repeat it several times and then I could also see all that he was seeing. Funny in retrospect because now I see all of that. The birds are very active at the feeders and now I do not miss any of it. Interesting really in my old age. The operated eye is dominant now for the moment as the vision is less clear in the un-operated eye. The ceiling is yellowish I suppose one might say through the un-operated eye but bright white looking through the operated eye - the popcorn ceiling clearly visible in the operated eye. Looking with both eyes now the ceiling is clearly popcorn and white and so the eye that was dominant is taking a back seat for a bit. We will see what life is like after surgery on that eye in a week or two (still not sure of which date is my operation but it doesn't matter as I am ready for either day). 

Latin again today; I am holding my own thus far but still I have not taken any new lessons just review. My brain is just a little tired with my lazy eye finally taking on a work level after all these years. Both eyes had strabismus but more marked in the operated eye perhaps; I do not know. 

Eye drops and breakfast. The day commences.


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