Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Post Cataract surgery - Day 4 and Day 22

Interesting watching the two rats/mice running around the neighbours back yard. The grey squirrel certainly inhibited them but hasn't caused them to move on yet but probably because they are likely domesticated and escaped or were let loose. One of these days they will meet their end likely if they do not move on as the squirrels will be back in large numbers to collect the walnuts and will not be kind to them. But probably they will starve because there is no food in the feeders. There will not be in our two feeders. We carefully measure out a reasonable amount so that it is gone each day and does not attract lone rodents like rats. On the other hand they may get brave and come back again and sit on our feeder but as soon as this hot spell is done that feeder is going in the garbage and only swinging feeders that are harder for rodents to get into are hanging in this back yard. I think they are foreign actually probably one of the popular species that are in pet stores. I do not recognize them at all. My days of zoology are long ago now but included dissecting little rodents. If these are mice they are large sized and well fed. They do not behave like rats as there are two together that behave like cabin-mates lying down flat on our board feeder without a care in the world!

As for my eyes, they are amazing really. I did not expect to have depth of vision that was full (probably I had a little it just wasn't effective) although I must admit being able to actually see the labels readily on the screen with their raised look is truly a great idea. I can find anything now without peering at it with my reading glasses. I can no longer use my reading glasses they are too strong. Do I still have astigmatism? I am not sure actually as I can sit and watch television with subtitles and read it all without my glasses. That is truly amazing. When we go out in the car and I try to read the road signs I know that that will be something that I have never been able to do. The first eye still gets 6 drops per day and the new operated eye has 12 drops per day. It takes five minutes to do each drop so a big chunk of the day. Next week when I am four weeks from surgery on the first eye the drops are meant to discontinue and I am debating instead of going cold turkey doing 1 drop once (at two now) a day of the steroid and 2 drops a day of the anti-inflammatory for a week and then one drop a day of the anti-inflammatory for a further week and then the drops will be finished for the first operated eye. The antibiotic is only for one week but the first time on the 8th day I did 2 drops instead of 4 and on the 9th then on the 10th day I did one drop per day for two days and then stopped. It was completely healed when I went in for surgery on the second eye. Truly amazing I must say to now be seeing as well as I am but I believe my father experienced better vision and was no longer wearing his trifocals way back in the early 1980s after the surgery. I understand that now strabismus is operated on when children are around six years of age. It must be fascinating getting them to not rub their eyes as the eyes do feel strange. One wears an eye patch which works well to sleep. It will be good to be able to finish writing my books for sure.

On to breakfast. One of these days back to work but in the meantime I am watching some very interesting shows on NetFlix. I am thinking of cancelling the Cable TV because all I watch is the news and the weather and I am starting to find the news to be too slanted in favour of the latest disaster (all caused by terrorists in order to gain sympathy) and the news is not careful to remain neutral. United Nations seems to have a similar problem these days. They should not be involved with any terrorist group for any reason. The terrorists cause most of the sadness and deaths in this world simply to make more money and possess more territory; they have no interest in the people involved - they are simply there to be collateral damage to support their causes which are evil. 


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