Monday, August 26, 2024

Bible Readings from the Old Testament

Principally the Bible Readings for the last few days have been talking about the Jewish people in the lands which they occupied for thousands of years; the land which God gave to them according to the Bible. I think there is a need on the part of Homo sapiens to ensure that history not be toyed with by people for their own nefarious purposes like Hamas like the Russians the two main problems at the moment. What is is what is and can not be changed. History must be true and then people will have a much better understanding of what is happening in the world especially the attacks by basically nomads (Hamas funded by Iran as well as Hezbollah and the Houthis) trying to steal by threat and terror what belongs to the Israeli people. 

Yesterday the shed was completely emptied and cleaned in preparation for winter - a yearly happening. My kayak is now in the shed along with the implements of gardening for the most part. This year we got rid of a lot more stuff and everything will fit into the shed with room to spare which is nice to see. Really just the second kayak and the lawn mower left to put in and the second kayak will go in very soon. The shed is in good shape. My husband and daughters did a great job building it over twenty years ago now. 

My job now is to work through all the paperwork and find a home for the original items hopefully the Ontario Archives which will be my first approach for these early Oxford/Brant settlers. I also want to prepare all the material that Edward had for the building of Orleans United Church - he created a lovely picture album but I need to go through it and create a front page for it. We have gone through all the VHS tapes and they are ready to give to them - some of the early services that he taped or were taped. 

Other than that I continue with my projects left hanging by my cataract surgery namely the Companion Charting to the Siderfin Book, then my new books one for Blake and one for Pincombe. I also have some Powerpoint presentations to create from sets of images. Edward's thesis to scan and put up on the website along with other material that we worked on together years and years ago - wild flowers in northern Ontario for one and a couple of other projects. Some of those areas have been burned over through the fifty years since so the images might be interesting. 

Today would usually be a cleaning day but we rushed to do the shed yesterday since the day was better than predicted so will take a couple of days off to rest from all that activity. I am getting older. The bikes are hung in the shed and they never made it onto the street this year. Maybe next year.  House hunting does appear to be rather complicated not having done it for 45 years. As I settle into winter once again I think I will not really look at it until spring comes once again. My cataract surgery left me somewhat vulnerable but now that that recovery is completed and the year of gardening has ended I think perhaps I overdid the whole idea and should look at it again in the spring. There isn't any rush because we have once again downsized items that just seemed to complicate my life. I am still over burdened with written material that I have to sort through but that is organized for me to do so. Time is forever on my side for the moment whilst I am well enough to manage everything. Plus I do have family much closer to me now than was the case a year ago at this time. So patience as there just isn't any rush. This year I shall cut everything down and leave it to rot through the winter into the ground. In the spring I shall just weed. The garden really doesn't work out very well as the trees are blocking all the sun pretty much and the market is close by to obtain fresh vegetables so will settle for that. It will give me more time to work on downsizing the boxes that I still have to go through that was Edwards for the most part. So that is settled in my mind not to think about it until spring. I think a condo is a better idea for sure.  More downsizing until then and I am much better organized with the boxes to be more effective at that.


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