Monday, August 5, 2024

Cleaning day once again

Church yesterday at Grimsby, Lincolnshire was most interesting. Practically no one was over 40 I think in retrospect. That is really nice to see. The music fabulous and I had to concentrate because their accents were stronger than I am used to although I had to listen carefully to my grandmother who had a strong Birmingham accent.  It was wonderful to have the Church of England on my television every Sunday although I continue with my tithe going to Christ Church Cathedral here. I am just a homebody really and enjoying not going out very often. 

We spent yesterday working on VHS tapes (watching them primarily) and set aside a couple for Orleans United Church and once I get the photograph album ready that Edward created for the construction of the Church I will donate all of that to the Church. Edward would have liked that. He loved that Church and did go back a few times after he retired but mostly we went to Christ Church Cathedral - a thank you to me for going to his United Church for 17 years. I had attended the United Church with my maternal Uncle and my grandmother as a child so not a new service for me at all but I do love my Anglican Service. 

Next task is all the video cassettes from the camera and will view them directly on the television as well but they do not fit into the VHS machines that we still have. There are quite a few of them so will catalogue them, give any to Orleans United that were from that time period and keep the ones that are family. There are also a lot of music cassettes from Edward's days in the Orleans United Church Choir. He was a member for at least a dozen years overlapping the time period when he was treasurer (just under ten years as I recall). He sang a number of solos which we will keep. Listening to a VHS tape from the 2nd anniversary service was interesting as we could pick up his tenor voice from the music quite readily as the other male voices were base. Amazing really. 

Today cleaning the upper floor and main floor although it is getting easier. One room is basically empty now and is our viewing room set up with a television and the VHS players along with converters for the other material to look at into the future. It is a small TV but does the trick very nicely. There is also a bookcase that the TV sits on and we can use the setup to view the slides on the slide projector. There are literally thousands of those and we need to thin them down. Edward loved all this material and we will keep it as he created it but need to downsize it somewhat which he was also doing knowing that at some point we would need to be in smaller quarters. 

My exercise level is now back to where it was pre-surgery although have added in the rowing machine which I rather like. It is on the spot where the treadmill was. I did not like the treadmill particularly. It did not have a good safety feature in case you had to make a sudden stop. The newer slim ones do but I actually like to just run around the house and wasn't really using that treadmill anyway. 

The day beckons; sunrise just happening and there is rain coming. A good day to clean for sure. Canada has seventeen medals now with 5 gold, 4 silver and 8 bronze. Our American neighbours have 72 medals (vastly more than anyone else) and their gold is at 19 with China just two ahead at 21 (China has 50 medals). Seventy countries have now achieved at least one medal which is 40% of the participating countries - wonderful to see such energy go into sports worldwide. Amazing people our American neighbours with a population of just over 330 million and 72 medals in total. Our population growing rapidly and now at 41 million. I wonder if by 2050 the United States and Canada will be half of a billion people. Canada has huge unoccupied land spaces but much of it still continues to be polar although climate change may make a huge difference. Time will tell.

Breakfast next and then Latin and then cleaning. 

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