Saturday, August 3, 2024

Scanning and publishing

 I spent part of yesterday going through my research box (just one actually but it is large although now just 3/4rds full - my aim is for this box to be mostly empty in another six months) and took out the scanning I have been meaning to do for probably the better part of a decade. A 64 page document from a Blake family in Alabama was my aim and it is complete. It will be submitted along with all the rest of my Blake research to the Guild eventually. The Blake descendant has taken a yDNA test and is in the study at FT DNA. I have a number of such items which represent the research of many years on different Blake families around the world. I see my study as a repository to be used by future researchers for Blake or Pincombe which will also have its own batch of scanning to be done. 

We also worked on Edward's publications that were on World Connect but now absorbed into Ancestry. Edward meant for it to be free standing to be of use to researchers around the world and we will return it to the web. The first one is completed (nearly 500 pages) - The Ancestors of Edward Kipp. We still need to do the Three Generations of Isaac Kipp and Hannah Meed Kipp, the Tillsonburg Kipp family and perhaps a couple of others. I still need to review that website to see what was on World Connect. 

I suppose my scanning pile is now just under 10 cm high and will continue with that today. It is something I can do where I do not have to wear glasses. Works perfectly whilst I wait for my new glasses. 

Found a picture I had forgotten about; the picture of my Blake grandparents and my father not long before they left England to come to Canada. It is in pristine condition as it has lain in a drawer for many many years away from the light. It is a miniature of the large picture that was originally created which is a little faded having sat out for many years on a table. 

The Olympics still dominate my mind for TV watching. I do love the Olympics and hope that it will always be part of our culture. More commercialized than when I was a child, still one hopes that it represents the best that a country has to send to a sporting competition. We now have twelve medals; our American neighbours have 44 medals and continue to dominate the Olympics with China having the most golds at 13, France and Australia 11, Great Britain with 10 and the USA with 9 gold. We have 3 gold, 3 silver, and 6 bronze. What I find so inspiring is 54 countries around the world now have at least one medal. That is slightly more than 1/4 of all the countries participating. It is wonderful to see so many countries participating and winning. 

Another beautiful day on God's world although another day of heat warning. I must go out and water the plants once again as they will be thirsty. The fruits have certainly been eaten this year by the birds and mammals that dominate our yard; they must be thirsty. 

On to the day, breakfast first and then Latin. 

The delay in getting the supply ships built for the navy is the cause of this increase - everything is going up in price. Stop delaying the purchase of military equipment is my advice to the current government. It is money well spent and do not cut corners on the military. Find somewhere else to cut corners. Our military being well equipped is very important. A well supplied military in peacetime is a military better prepared for emergencies. 

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