Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Back in the tumultous days of 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland

 A decision was made in 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland by France and England and the Commonwealth (mustn't forget ourselves) that that was it. That was the red line and so the peaceful loving peoples of the world said no; no to the desire to take over Poland. But we were too late; not ready enough; not strong enough. That isn't the case now; we are strong enough just not stupid like the Nazis Putin and his adherents. Peace was hard come by in 1945 so we formed the United Nations. Czechoslovakia had been sacrificed and I can understand why the current Czech President might think that a solution lies in suggesting to Ukraine that they come to the peace table and accept the loss of some of their territory. I do not think that any of us are in a position to tell Ukraine what to do. It must be their own decision what happens if peace talks take place where Russia sits at the table. I do not think that Russia will ever sit at the table for peace talks unless they believe that they will receive Ukrainian land at least not at this moment in time. There needs to be a lot more Russian troops sacrificed by Russia as they continue to try and take more Ukrainian land and the Russian people to finally say no; their sons are not going to be sacrificed in a stupid war that Russia started purely for greed and the constant Nazis Putin and his adherents desire to commit genocide against the Ukrainian people. Putin is destroying Russia; destroying any good will that Russia gained by their part in concluding World War II. 

My support for Israel continues but like most sensible people we Canadians do not want to see children killed in all of this. Get the children out; bring them to Canada to save them (all we need is their DNA and children up to ten years of age do not need any other documentation as far as I can tell and they are most welcome just as we brought the children of the British Isles here during World War II). There are millions of Muslims in North America who could care for these children until the adults in the invading country/groups learn how to live in this world. Invading another country is simply wrong particularly in the ignorant savage way that Russia invaded Ukraine and especially when Hamas invaded Israel; bombing another country is wrong and there is a price to pay for those who do it. That was why the United Nations was created; to punish the invaders and that still is Russia in Ukraine and Iran through its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis against Israel (deny Russia its spot in the United Nations Security Council until they get out of Ukraine). That is what the United Nations is about and any support for invaders should not occur as it gives them the idea that they do have support and there is none for Russia and none for Iran through their proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Sympathy yes for those civilians who die or are injured but they let these people exist in their midst; let them bomb Israel and they need to do something about it because the backlash is killing them/injuring them but particularly the children are dying and they do not have to; send them to North America to save them. They can always go back home when the adults have learned to not support terror. Kick Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis out of the countries that they currently inhabit. They are useless people whose only aim is to destroy all the peoples who are not Muslim and the Muslims themselves have to fit into their Muslim ideology of suppression of women and girls. This world has progressed to the point it is now at because men and women worked together through the ages for the good of the world not for greed which is what we see with the Russians and the Iranians through their proxies. 

Completed the Kipp Newsletter yesterday and it was sent out to the members of the group. Today the Pincombe Newsletter and then begin work on the Blake Newsletter. Fingers itching to get on with the Companion Book of Charting for the Siderfin Family and then finally back to the Blake and Pincombe books. Swelling down nicely in my sprained finger as typing keeps it limber. Still a little stiff in the morning but I also have arthritis in all my joints so not particularly surprising!

The basement cleaning today but that is a quick job now a days - about two hours in total. 

Solitaire games, then breakfast and setting up the Robot to vacuum the rug. Then Latin while the Robot works.

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