Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Interesting how a simple length of 12 feet of common everyday Chain link can be a problem!

So now do I go back to wood and have a very dark backyard at the top (probably not that dark but with all the tree cover it seems dark to me looking out the window I guess it is brighter when you are outside) or do I do the chain link. But actually it isn't my decision to make since it is a shared fence. The black supporting poles  and (this was a surprise as I always thought it was grey chain link mesh until the woman in the office told me it was green (the sales person did take pictures!) )  green mesh might look a little strange one might say. There is 160 feet of chainlink from the back of the wooden fence to the street at the back on both sides of the property (it is difficult to miss that) and great respect for the city is emerging in my mind as they  managed to replace over 100 feet of this same fence at the back with the correct poles and chain link when a driver took it out a couple of years ago!   The price for the chain link was more than half of the cost of the wood fence so that is not a big deal. We will get the new contract tomorrow I assume to look at and then decide. The chain link appeals to me more. The sales person came the day after my cataract surgery so I did not do more than say hello to the person. I was relying on the people involved to read everything since my eyes were out of commission at the time.  So there you go, the difference in cost actually small. It will cost to have the black rods removed I suppose. Everything else had to be done anyway. That is one of the problems of home ownership for old people for sure but in this case it involves a set of people all of whom received copies of the contract. Generally I am such a nitpicker and I am returning to that but definitely surgery does slow one down especially when the eyes are out of commission for a period of time.

Today is the full cleaning day of the two floors and will keep me busy. Yesterday I had my teeth cleaning and descaling. I am trying going every 4.5 months to have my teeth cleaned and then the checkup every nine months instead of the six month cleaning with the checkup mostly by the hygienist at the old dentist. I had three new teeth that needed work when I came to this new dentist so felt I should maybe do a different sort of approach. I can claim the extra cleanings because it is health care after all. The hygienist was mentioning a relative who had strabismus and astigmatism and was legally blind; I was not quite that bad just blind in one eye by motor vehicle standards with no depth of vision. But now I have depth of vision and that other eye is still weak but it works somewhat better I would say. Cataract surgery is definitely a good addition to the medical lists of excellent finds.

No work done yesterday but did do some thinking on the charting book. I need to decide how to display the more modern information in the chart without having too huge a chart. I could do as James Sanders did and have one large chart but he left out a lot of lines and I am trying to bring as many up to census and even up to the early 1900s as I can. 

Latin to do and I am in a tournament apparently. This has been a fun way to learn a language for sure; I highly recommend Duolingo and will soon be picking up my French once again.  

I was reading about the doubling of the national debt. It is the reason that I never voted liberal until I did in 2015. I will not vote liberal again for sure because I do not agree with the effect that the NDP's support for the Liberal party has caused so much random spending. We all have to tighten our belts and pay our own expenses - the government is not a purse for the individual user. The government must spend its money where it is really needed like defense, like climate change. When a new "gift" is given the government must learn how to turn that into something that pays for itself. I did not like the way that PM Harper approached the problem - sacrificing our national history to balance the budget is not the way; trying to hide information on fisheries was not the way; stifling scientists is not the way. Taxes fundamentally are the way to pay for the costs of government - take the GST back up to 7% or even 10%. It will not cripple industry they will groan and accept because their bread and butter is Canada; the Canadian people are the force that purchases and keeps companies in business. We need to pay attention that we are buying Canadian. I have to do that myself as well. I was tempted to go out and measure the diameter of the black poles sticking up in my backyard as they look smaller in diameter than the grey ones that are there. I will not be able to tell where they are made but paying more than half of the cost of a wood fence means that chain link is expensive although I was willing to pay that for a chain link fence - getting things done now a days is not easy.

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