Sunday, September 8, 2024

My grandfather loved to play solitaire

When I was a child I used to watch my grandfather play solitaire. He loved that game and I learned how to play a number of different kinds of solitaire from him but my favourite is Spider. I love Spider and with my one hand more or less out of commission for too much typing, I did devote a little time to my favourite game of solitaire today. I also did the clothes washing as I always do every Saturday morning. I did my exercises except for calisthenics as I do not want to resprain my small finger. It is fairly bruised even onto the second finger beside it but it is a little stiff and so long as I do not press down very much I do not feel it too much today. I will not type too much anyway just to be careful.

Yesterday the jets went over again and I have to admit I would love to have a flight on one of those fighter jets. Swooping through the air up in God's part of the world would be a treat for sure (and of course will not happen; it is a lovely dream). I did have ambition to become an astronaut when the Russians first sent up Yuri Gagarin back in the 50s for the first space trip to do that myself but I am more of a dreamer than a doer often enough although can be a doer if I need to be. 

The military is really our most important facility that we as a country create in order to take care of our three oceans fronts and all this land. There is so much land and I am glad that many of the First Peoples are in the military. They know this country, many of them, and can tell stories of areas that go back thousands of years. Like my grandfather and his part of Hampshire, England. I loved it when he talked about Bury Hill which was an ancient known fortification. 

Sunday once again and Church on YouTube. Although I loved going to my Anglican Church I was willing to go to Edward's United Church and we did go in London, Ontario before we moved here although Edward liked the Anglican Church in Hyde Park where we lived after we bought our house and so we went there. He liked Canon Abraham who was there at that time just before he retired. But when we came to Ottawa he found the Church to be less like his United Church and more like he thought a Catholic Church was. I loved it but I understood and so we checked out a few when we lived in Blossom Park and then when we moved here the United Church was up on the hill. I went to the local Anglican Church which met at the school closeby and had committed myself to helping out with Sunday School and as Church Secretary. Convent Glen United Church started part way through the year so was not really appropriate for me to move at that time which Edward understood so we went the next Fall. Such a long time ago now and even a long time since I was even in the building that was built whilst Edward was Treasurer. Edward went a few times into the 2000s and I went just one time but I didn't want to get back into it though. I had moved on to Christ Church Cathedral (Edward went with me to pay me back for my 17 years at his Church) but even there I avoided any commitments (that was why I chose the Cathedral really) although was asked but I was working full time and that kept me pretty busy. I wonder where the online Church will be today. Must check the YouTube Channel. 

It was at Durham Cathedral partially but mostly as Education Sunday it was all around England. A good bit of emphasis in support of education for girls which is always good to see. The world does best when men and women work together and great achievements are made whether on the basic level of just producing the foods of the earth or more complicated in scientific endeavours. 

Thank you God for our beautiful world. Help us to learn to be the kind of people you want us to be - loving, caring, patient and kind. Rid our world of jealousy, treachery, war and poverty.


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