Monday, September 2, 2024

Sanctuary Places

 Yesterday's service included a walk in London. I did not really recognize some of the areas but we have not been in London for eight years and change happens for sure. The Curate at St Martins in the Fields talked about Sanctuary Places and it was an interesting discussion. I can remember asking my grandfather why he came to Canada and he said he just wanted to see it and work here for a while; see where an uncle of his had come earlier (this Knight family from Turnworth initially went to Saskatchewan about ten years before Grandpa (and Grandma and my father) came). I actually have corresponded with a descendant of that family.

More sad news about the hostages taken by Hamas and not returned as demanded by the International Court of Justice last mid January. Another six hostages dead and the saddest part of all that is that Hamas (or perhaps one of the other Satanist groups in Gaza) actually murdered the six hostages just before they were found in a tunnel by the Israeli Defense Force. The Satanists did that on purpose trying to goad the Israelis into doing something during this pause in fighting. They are such sick people - Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis all funded by Iran. Such sick people walking the face of the earth. But God does not interfere in the passage of time and the works of mankind. He has not walked or talked with man since Moses. We are on our own to live in this beautiful world and it is too bad that there are such sick people in it. We are with Israel; you can not change that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. You are Satanists. We took down the Satanists Nazis and we could easily take you down but we are decent people who do not wantonly murder innocent hostages and purposefully put children in harm's way. Change your ways Satanists; join the healthy living world not the sick Satanist world Iran pays you to create. 

A beautiful service yesterday full of hymns - many of them my favourites. It will stay with me all week especially the mention of sanctuary places. I do not really understand the need to keep alive, in a way that interferes in the flow of community life, the life of your ancestors except to write it down in books to be honest. I am Canadian and proud to be Canadian although in essence every bit of DNA that I have comes from Britain (England and Scotland back thousands of years). I do not need to change Canada to fit into my lifestyle. There have been thousands of generations of the First Peoples  here who developed a wonderful country which we are now privileged to live in. We need to listen to the Elders of the First Peoples; they have much to tell us and walking together with them loving the land as they do. 

Not too much work yesterday; the eyes needed a day of rest. 

Weightlifting next which now includes rowing on the rowing machine. A really neat apparatus which I have managed to build myself up to doing 120 rows at a time and I think I will push myself gradually towards 210. I can do 120 in four minutes and ideally 210 would take me seven minutes which seems like lots for a nearly 79 year old. Combine that with lifting weights and I have started to vary the number of repeats of the exercises and the number of overall repeats of exercises. Apparently one can get used to doing weightlifting and it becomes meaningless as it doesn't challenge the muscles. I try to make each workout 45 minutes and do three workouts a day. It does seem a bit excessive but it seems to work out okay. When I cannot do it then I wont. I do sit a lot in front of my computer as well writing.

This is a cleaning day - basement first.

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