Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Opening a can of paint

 Cleaning all accomplished for the top floor and today is the main floor. I was defeated though by a paint can. Opening it was an impossibility as it turned out although my daughter said I just needed the right tool and checking on line that does appear to be the case. Perhaps today I will find that tool and open the paint can. I just needed a little of that paint to complete that project but not to be I guess unless I do find the little tool to open the paint can or it can wait until my daughter comes. Either way the paint will land on the walls and do the task it was meant to do. 

Edward created a photo album for the building of the Orleans United Church Building proper whilst we were still worshiping at Garneau High School. It was one of the things that he wanted to do; follow in his father's footsteps and be Treasurer at the Church and sing in the Choir. It was important to him and he did it like everything else very well. I decided to create a powerpoint file of the slides and started that yesterday and did offer it to the Church if they would like it for their 50th Anniversary (this church began as Convent Glen United back in January of 1978 although we did not go until the Fall of 1979 as I was busy at my Anglican Church and although I had said I would go to his Church and did go in London, Ontario and we went in the Fall of that year). Edward also suggested we go to Dominion Chalmers downtown instead but I really wanted the girls to grow up like I had going to Church near where they lived (and Edward preferred the idea of helping to create a Church congregation plus he grew up in a small town and large city churches were not exactly something he was used to for sure although we did go to one of the largest United Churches in London, Ontario (Metropolitan United) after we were married for a while). Anyway I am creating the powerpoint presentation for the many slides. It seemed like hundreds but I suspect is less. Every facet of the building was photographed by him. After work he would go over to the building site and take pictures it seemed at the time. Plus some of the work was actually done by the congregation and I can remember Edward and our eldest daughter on the roof working away at that. He was Church Treasurer at that time but there was also a Building Treasurer which I was pleased to see as just being the Church Treasurer was a lot of work (for me as much as Edward as I ended up doing all the banking and I had taught him how to do bookkeeping in the first place as I studied Business Practice as an extra course at High School). I also discovered sets of pictures for the Church Camping Weekends at Lac Bitobi so mentioned those as well if they want them. When I have finished I will offer the photo album to the City Archives probably the Ottawa Branch/BIFHSGO section as all the rest of Edward's material is there. 

I did not do any work on the Siderfin Charting Book yesterday but will today. My eyes needed a rest from the close work. I also spent some of the day listening to memorials remembering the people who lost their lives and who are still hostages from the 7th October attack against Israel by Hamas and beginning the very next day by Hezbollah bombing Israel as well. The tragedy for all those families who lost loved ones or whose loved ones are still held as hostages a year later was clearly visible during the interviews. Comments made by Palestinians were also listened to by me respectfully but I fail to see any connection between people attacking Israeli peoples and being put into jail for that (and throwing stones at Israelis is unacceptable and a crime) and the hostages barbarically torn from their homes and subjected to inhumane treatment for the last year. I do see in the Palestinians a people that celebrate in the streets when the Twin Towers were attacked back in 2001 and when Hamas attacked Israel on the 7 Oct last year and many other times in between. Their lack of empathy for the Israeli people is palpable and unacceptable as was their lack of empathy for the people who lost their lives in those towers and were from more than 80 different countries of the world. The Palestinians ask for our empathy and one does try especially for the children who do not ask to live in a war zone but it is difficult to feel empathy for a people who do nothing for themselves and constantly have their hands out for help from the United Nations when so many others are in need but do not use those same hands to till the soil and grow their own food. There was even a comment that nearly 200,000 Palestinians lost their jobs in Israel following the events of the 7 October last.  The Rohingya peoples are an example of a threatened and cast away people who just want to have their own land, till the soil and take care of themselves. For them I do have a great deal of empathy. 

The day begins. Solitaire games to do and then breakfast and then Latin and then cleaning. The path is laid out for the day.

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