Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 27 Nov - 2 Dec

Great strides made on transcribing the Protestation Returns for Eskdale Ward in Cumberland. I have completed all of them and will get at the busy task of proofreading them very soon. I also heard back from the Cumbria Journal and they would like to publish Lanercost so I will start preparing that one for submision.

I decided to transcribe the Protestation Returns for Braintree Essex as a number of Ed's families emigrated from Braintree in the 1630 and 1640 time period. I completed that but unfortunately was taken ill on Saturday so have accomplished absolutely nothing since. This is my first day back at the computer. I will need to catch up on all of my emails and other items. I did have my flue shot!

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