Monday, December 15, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 15 Dec 2008

Low accomplishment day for transcribing records yesterday. I need to complete preparations for making Christmas Stollen - I usually make two batches (4 large loaves). I have a feeling that my genealogy work is going to take a back burner for a couple of weeks. We are all decorated for Christmas and the creche (now more than 30 years old) is on the piano awaiting the birth of the Christ child. The weather outside has been most obliging towards Christmastide with lots of snow decorating the trees and rooftops. Today is meant to be a milder day before we crash down into real winter. This is only the prelude to what may well be a long and heavy winter like last year where our snow levels were up to the second story along the front of the house. We decided to buy a snow blower at the beginning of the season last year and my was that lucky as we simply couldn't have picked up the snow and thrown it any higher by mid winter last year but the snow blower obligingly threw it up higher and higher.

Yesterday I added an *.pdf document to my webpage for my one name Siderfin study. This document traces the family line down (10 generations) from the earliest known member that can be traced back to in the early 1500s - John Siderfin. This family is recorded back to the 1100s in legal documents but the period from 1200 to the early 1500s is broken in terms of accurate record keeping. I will continue to push away at the early records but mostly I concentrate on keeping my files up to date for the family lines in the 1800s and 1900s (my cut off for this document is around the 1880s). I do have information on the families coming down further and anyone can write me to check on their family line. This is a very small family usually about 50 members on any census. My 3x great grandmother was Elizabeth Siderfin and she married John Rew at Selworthy Somerset in 1792. Elizabeth signed the marriage registration, unusual for the time, but this was a family that appears to have been well educated and many of the Siderfin descendants were school teachers including my 2x great grandmother.

I have a similar document for the Pincombe family but it still has only four of the 12 charts included in it. With the DNA study showing that the family at Bideford/Barnstaple is likely related to the South Molton/Bishops Nympton family I have put together a link that appears to fit the historical records with one individual accompanying Lord de La Zouch to North Molton in 1485 - this individual would have had at least two sons as per the visitation to Devon of 1540 where the children of Pencombe were listed as John, John, and Thomas. I suspect this is missing one generation where there would have been two sons - one having the son John and a second having the sons John and Thomas (these two families remained in closer association accounting for this thought). There was a Thomas Pencombe at Pencombe Herefordshire in the early 1400s and it is known that the Pincombe family came to Devon in 1485. I will eventually publish this legacy file but would like to add more information first.

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