Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 3 Jan 2009

I worked on the Wedding Registrations once again for the Bishops Nympton Register bringing me up to 1810 (just 12 left to enter to complete to 1812). There were Banns kept from 1754 to 1812 as well (about 360 entries) and they are mostly there for everyone of the marriages in this time period. The priests at this parish used the "new" form for marriages and banns which gives a lot of information and is most helpful with these families. So helpful that my transcription has been slow as I added the details to the Pincombe one name study and to my own personal family tree. Along with the Freeholder book entries, I have been able to completely sort out the Pincombe families that lived in this area. It has shown me that I need to do the same with the records for North and South Molton and probably the other parishes that I purchased this past year - Rose Ash, Merton, Molland and Landkey. I have the Chittlehampton from our time at Salt Lake City and they proved to be quite interesting for the Pincombe family there.

My webpage suddenly disappeared yesterday so I spent a little while discovering what happened there. It is now reinstated with a counter which I might find interesting to look at. Adding in all the details for my family lines back to the 3x great grandparents was an item that I have had on the back burner for awhile. I wanted to check out the details at Salt Lake City before I posted them to my webpage since George Cotterill is the reputed father of Ada Bessie Cotteril Rawlings. I still need to check the Bastardy Orders to see if he was charged as the father. Not one line of this passed down through the family other than my father's comment on his grandfathers - one was a gardener (William Taylor), one was an agricultural labourer (Edward Blake) and one was a bailiff (George Cotterill began as an agricultural labourer but advanced to bailiff of an estate (his grandfather John Sherwood was a bailiff of an estate in Kimpton)). It wasn't until I got into genealogy that his comments sunk in and made sense to me. I had been looking for my grandmother Blake's registration at the time we created their 50th Anniversary Wedding Book (1987-88) and then occasionally I would glance again as records appeared but not with an interest in genealogy but rather personal. Then when the interest in genealogy came to me after our visit to England in 2001, I began to search in earnest. With my course work and discussion on family reconstruction, I began to recreate the half siblings of Bessie (she was known as Edith Bessie Taylor before her marriage) and found their mother Elizabeth Rawlings. That led me to the 1881 census where William Rawlings had a granddaughter Ada living with him (5 years old). My Bessie was also born in 1876 and I then searched on Ada Rawlings in the Free BMD indexes and found Ada Bessie C Rawlings born in the second quarter 1876. Bessie was born 1 April 1876. The birth registration arrived and Elizabeth Rawlings was the mother of this child and I had my grandmother's birth registration at long last.

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