Friday, January 2, 2009

Webpage Update and Bishops Nympton PRs

After overhauling my webpage "Table of Contents" the day before, I spent a little time compiling a list of people that I have in each generation back to the 6x great grandparents that I have not yet put on my webpage or that I am missing. I was missing 1 at the great grandparent level, 1 at the 2x great grandparent level, 5 at the 3x great grandparent level, 10 known at the 4x great grandparents level (with nine unknown), 11 known at the 5x great grandparent level (with 47 unknown) and 19 known at the 6x great grandparent level (with 185 unknown). A lot of work to do at the 4x, 5x and 6x great grandparent level even yet (241 people to find although some of these will be included in my Routledge/Knight lines that collapse together). I have 2 Routledge cousins at the 3x great grandparent level and 2 Knight cousins at the 3x great grandparent level (reducing the number of lines as I work my way back) and then a likely Knight line in common at the 6x great grandparent level. It is amazing how quickly your tree collapses when there are first/second/third cousin marriages. I then added the Cotterill, Sherwood, Alderman, Habberfield, Dove, Harborne and Lawley lines to my webpage. That brings me to the 4x great grandparent level which I am now proving. As I prove each line back I will add them to my webpage. I find this an interesting way to display my information plus I can begin adding transcriptions of documents about people for whom I receive requests for information. This has its pros and cons in that people might not then write to me and I would not gain their insight into the family lines.

I continued working on the Bishops Nympton PRs for marriages bringing me up to 1803. I continue to find so many interesting witnesses to these marriages that I am finding my process through this material rather slow. I have quite a number of lines at Bishops Nympton since my families were there from 1599 up to the present. I did correspond with one family member but haven't heard back from her. I believe she is descended from the brother of my 3x great grandfather.

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