Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 10 February 2009

Another day on Landkey Parish Registers and I am complete up to 1747 with bits of 1748 and 1749 done on marriages and baptisms. The new priest's handwriting is quite clear so that is lucky and I am getting used to one page for baptisms, one for marriages and one for burials. One just has to work one's way through it all. There are by the end of 1747 1722 baptisms, 853 marriages and 1583 burials. A number of items have been missed on the IGI and the occasional error creeps in but on the whole the IGI is quite good for Landkey.

We were to have a heavy ice storm today but we were lucky as the storm passed to the north and south of us - that doesn't happen often! However, we will have the rain event tomorrow which will compact the snow ensuring that it will be with us into early May simply because it takes so long to melt when it is so compacted. It is very white and crisp looking outside today but quite dull.

Tomorrow I need to work on my presentation to send my notes in for the brochure. The days pass so quickly but my health has improved quite a bit over the past six months. It will be nice to wind my self-employment business down as well to give me more time to work on my own projects. Richard Pincombe has appeared at Swimbridge and I wonder if he is a son of Hugh Pincombe the younger or a cousin. I shall have to investigate him. There was a Richard Pincombe at Bishops Nympton who would have been a 2nd or 3rd cousin - I shall work away on that.

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