Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blake and Hinxman Families - 5

Today I did not accomplish anything on the computer at all other than to read my emails.

I did think about the Blake/Hinxman families and had a note back from a Hinxman researcher in Nova Scotia. She can only trace back to her ancestor who was in the British military and arrived in Nova Scotia in the late 1700s. This is too late for the Hinxman family that I have been researching. The Hinxman family basically disappears from Andover area in the late 1600s early 1700s and is then found in Wiltshire at West Deane (there is one reference to East Dean in the Hampshire Hearth Tax Assessment of 1665 for Edward Hinchman). I wonder if it is the same Hinxman family. I also wonder why they disappeared. Joseph was Lord of the Manor of Foxcott (several Josephs actually (father, son and grandson) from the early 1600s to the early 1700s. I actually have a few documents from the late 1600s into the early 1700s that I need to transcribe that may give me the answer to this question.

William Blake (b 1615) died at Foxcott and I am fairly sure that it is him since he was living there the last twenty years of his life. He is listed by his mother in her will as a Clerk and I put his earlier information from Cambridge on my blog a few days ago. I have not yet found him as a priest at any church though and certainly in the 1660s and 1670s he appeared to be farming the lands that his father left him. It is possible that he did both but I haven't found the Church yet. He and Ann Hillier had a very small family and as I am working on the Andover Parish Registers I hope to find her burial. They appear to have had just the three children (or possibly four) - two sons and two daughters - William (b 1647), John (b 1649 - he appears to have married Elizabeth about 1684), Dorothy (b 1655) and a fourth daughter that I need to investigate.

Tomorrow I hope to get back to the Parish Registers for a bit just to see if I can accomplish the baptisms to the end of the first register and then start on the marriages and burials from that first register.

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