Friday, June 19, 2009

Find My Past

I finally decided to subscribe to Find My Past as their 15% off offer is just too good to pass up especially as there is a 20% off for loyalty next year when I renew! I also subscribe to Ancestry and with the new Canadian records online plus all the material that they have on their system for British records I find it very very handy as well.

No accomplishment on Timberscombe today but I decided that my shoulder acting up probably meant that I was overdoing the typing and should take a couple of days off. Instead I have worked away at a few items plus we had a 14.8 km bike ride. My daughter and I continued to look at apartments and called the companies that were most interesting. One doesn't have anything available but we discovered that the other company has about 8 buildings in the area with 10 vacancies of one bedroom apartments. Good show with that and we can do some earnest looking. Also it will be possible to determine what to sell from her old apartment since she will not need the rugs she had to buy for the last one in the new one.

I am giving my shoulder a rest so that will be all for today. Tomorrow I may go back to a little work on the Timberscombe Bishops Transcripts.

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